""Have all of Tony Stark's things been delivered?" Lu Yi asked Yuriko.

It was already three days after the expo that caused a lot of turmoil, and Tony Stark had sent the reward once again.

Tony Stark was indeed a generous man, and every time he sent something, no matter how much, it would not take more than three days, and this time was no exception. Yuriko finally checked all the things,"They have all been delivered, nothing is missing! Full weight and quantity!"

"That's good, just sort the things according to the order I put them, and put them away!" Lu Yi smiled with satisfaction and said to Tony Stark.

It's good to do business with Tony Stark, you can make a lot of money every time, and you don't have to worry about him cheating, it's really generous

"What? Anything else?"

"A guy claiming to be an agent of SHIELD wants to see you!"

"Agents of SHIELD? Where is he now?"

"He's already entered, but I asked him to stay at the door!"

"Really? Please classify the things here, I'll go take a look!"

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he appeared at the door of the room with a teleportation, and just happened to see the man who claimed to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Nick Fury asked you to come?" Looking at the person who came, Lu Yi asked


"What's the matter?"

Lu Yi has always believed in one thing, that is Nick" Fury is definitely a typical example of someone who would not come to the temple for no reason. He must have some purpose in calling people here.

"The Darkhold has been found, but when Natasha and Coulson wanted to bring it, there was a small problem!"

If Lu Yi was happy after hearing the first half of the sentence, he was angry after hearing the second half.


He subconsciously thought that someone was interfering, maybe someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. or someone from Hydra.

"What little problem?" Lu Yi asked, suppressing his anger.

"A demon suddenly appeared and snatched the Darkhold Book. Although Natasha and Coulson had the magic equipment you gave them, they were still defeated by the other party!"The visitor said somewhat helplessly.

The visitor's expression did not seem to be false, but Lu Yi did not believe the other party's expression at all. He directly read his mind and explored everything from his memory.

A faint light flashed in Lu Yi's eyes, and his thoughts probed into the visitor's memory, and began to explore everything from his memory. What made Lu Yi helpless was that according to his memory, the Dark Book seemed to have been taken away by a demon, and Lu Yi did not find any problems from his memory.

Now there are two possibilities. First, his superior, Director Nick Fury, deceived him, because he himself did not really see the demon take away the Dark Book.

This means that everything is fake, and for the sake of truth, Nick Fury did not tell anyone.

Second, Nick Fury did not lie to him, that is, all this is true.

In his memory, Lu Yi also found an unexpected point, that is, the demon who took away the Dark Book was not someone else, but the blood demon Insk that Lu Yi summoned before.

The appearance of the demon who took away the Dark Book described by Nick Fury is surprisingly similar to Insk

"Did I shoot myself in the foot, or was this all Nick Fury's conspiracy?" Lu Yi couldn't help but ponder.

Everything that happened seemed perfect, but there was a loophole, and that was that Nick Fury didn't come in person.

The Darkhold was of great importance, and the fewer people who knew about it, the better. Before, only Nick Fury, Coulson, and Natasha knew about it. Now a fourth person suddenly appeared. Even if this fourth person was Hawkeye, there was a problem.

Nick Fury should have come in person!

"I understand. Go back and tell Nick Fury. I will handle it myself from now on!"


Hawkeye, the fourth person who knew about the Dark Book, answered and chose to leave.

After Hawkeye left, Lu Yi pondered for a while, and finally left a message to Yuriko, and disappeared in his house using the teleportation function.

Now he is going to verify it!

Because Insk was summoned by him, Lu Yi can sense where Insk is.

If it was really Insk who stole the Dark Book, then he must be able to get the Dark Book from him. If not, then don't blame Lu Yi. The Dark Book is of great importance. No matter whether it is SHIELD or Hydra, if they dare to take it, they must die.

Lu Yi appeared in a In the bar, an astonishing murderous intent was released from his eyes. The crazy people in the bar were stimulated by this murderous intent, and they all felt bad. They stopped swaying their bodies and looked at Lu Yi's pure black figure under the light with fear.

Under Lu Yi's murderous intent, the world seemed to have turned black and white. As the center of the murderous intent, Lu Yi turned into pure black.

It seemed that Lu Yi was a human-shaped black hole, and all colors were absorbed by Lu Yi.

No one knew who started it, but the people in the bar ran towards the door frantically. In just a few seconds, there were only two figures left in the whole bar.

One was Lu Yi, and the other was a strong and sturdy middle-aged man.

"Insk, do you think I won't recognize you if you change your skin?" Lu Yi said to the middle-aged man, who was Insk in disguise.

"Of course I know you know me! But what do you want from me?" Insk looked calm, without any fear of Lu Yi!

"You took my things!" Lu Yi said lightly after taking a look at the package that Insk had placed beside him.

Now Lu Yi could finally confirm a fact, that is, he really shot himself in the foot, the Dark Book was really in Insk's hands.

It was really a coincidence, who could have gotten it but him.

But Lu Yi also had to thank him, if it weren't for him, maybe the Dark Book would have fallen into his hands someday.

The moment Lu Yi saw Insk, he started soul reading, and from his memory, Lu Yi discovered some things that were beyond his expectations.

Through these things, if you really count them, it is not really shooting yourself in the foot, it should be said that there are mistakes at the right time.

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