Through Insk's memory, Lu Yi found that the part about Insk snatching the Dark Book was completely a coincidence.

At that time, Insk was wandering around, intending to find some fallen people and turn their souls into his own power.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a very evil power.

This power was extremely powerful, but not particularly docile. At that time, he could almost conclude that it was ownerless.

The power had an owner, and he dared not move. If he moved, he would die, and he had no power to resist.

But if it was ownerless, there would be no such scruples. The desire of demons and devils for power was endless.

So he went to find this power and wanted to get it.

Then, he saw two groups of ordinary people attacking each other in an abandoned place. They were holding modern weapons and were fighting fiercely.

Seeing this, he immediately thanked the great lords of hell.

Not everyone is Lu Yi. These people seem to be fighting fiercely, but they are not to him. They are just children playing house. This is an opportunity given to him by God.

He quickly locked onto the source of the power, the Dark Book being read by a man in black and wearing a hood, and then started to snatch it without hesitation.

The group holding the Dark Book did not realize that a demon had come back to snatch their things. When they came to their senses, it was too late. The Dark Book had already fallen into Insk's hands.

They hurriedly wanted to take back the Dark Book, especially the one who was reading it. Through what he had just done, he discovered some of the Dark Book's effects and wanted to take the Dark Book for himself.

However, ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Before they could hide the Dark Book, they almost died. That is, the person who read the Dark Book before turned into a black mist and disappeared at the last moment and escaped.

Originally, Insk thought that this was the end.

But what he didn't expect was that the trouble had just begun. Coulson and Natasha, who were sniped, saw Inks beat back the other party, and they were not too afraid. They took out the magic equipment that Lu Yi prepared for them from behind and started a contest with Inks.

Modern equipment failed to break Inks' skin, allowing Inks to kill a lot, but the magic equipment of the two of them could. He was not careful for a while and was cut open on his chest, which has just recovered.

At that time, he realized that the magic equipment in the hands of these two people was not simple. He thought that the two of them were the biggest obstacles to the demon hunters after entering the material world.

He did not dare to entangle with them for too long. He cleverly used the blood of the corpses on the ground to escape. Later, he was worried and changed his skin again, pretending to be an ordinary person, hoping to escape the pursuit of the two.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, he was always worried that the demon hunters would come to his door, but the final result was still very good.

On the way to escape, he flipped through the Dark Book of God and gained unimaginable power from it, various spells, and various abilities. These made him feel that he was about to be invincible, and his self-confidence was seriously inflated.

He was a demon, and even if the Dark Book of God could affect a person, it was just a drizzle for him. He learned a lot of things. He even learned a spell against Lu Yi, and from then on Lu Yi could no longer beat him back to hell in a thought.

Coupled with his many abilities, he finally had the confidence to face Lu Yi.

Well, that's what he thought!

"You came just in time, I was just thinking of looking for you!" Inske's face was full of indifference, and he looked at Lu Yi as if he was looking at a stink bug, which did not cause any waves in his heart.

Lu Yi just laughed at this!

It can be seen that Inske is the kind of person who only remembers to eat and not to be beaten. How does the saying go?

Yes, villains become rampant when they succeed. This is really a true portrayal of Inske.

"It's not that easy for you to kill me!" Lu Yi shook his head and looked at Inske with pity in his eyes. He didn't even understand the difference in strength. He was a fool who was blinded by his sudden improvement in strength.

Inske didn't know that Lu Yi had labeled him a fool. He only knew that Lu Yi's eyes made him very disgusted.

And such eyes reminded him of the time when he was beaten up before. The indifference disappeared directly, and was replaced by an unconcealable anger.

That could be said to be the shame of his life. He actually surrendered to a human bug. He wanted revenge. He wanted to wash away his shame with Lu Yi's blood.

And now is such a good time.

"You won't know whether it's easy or not until you try it!"

Insk showed a weird smile on his face, and his empty hand suddenly turned over and lifted up.

Lu Yi only felt a hidden magical fluctuation appearing under his feet, and then there were some unusual movements in the floor under his feet.

The floor suddenly showed ripples like on the water surface. Before Lu Yi felt anything, he felt like he was stepping on the water surface, and then he wanted to sink.

Lu Yi directly let his body float up, and did not really sink, but the layer under his feet still touched the floor.

Suspended in the air and looking at the floor again, the floor had turned into something like a swamp. This thing seemed to be very sticky, and the place where Lu Yi's feet touched the floor stuck together.

Insk also happened to see this scene, and laughed:"Hahaha, you're done, you're dead, this thing is called a death trap, it's okay if you don't touch it, but once you touch it, don't think about getting out!"

Inks's voice had just fallen when the thing he called the Death Trap suddenly exploded. Liquid marble like silk moved up along Lu Yi's feet little by little, as if it wanted to swallow Lu Yi up.

"See? This is a death trap. I know you are very powerful, but what's the use? Let me tell you, this death trap is aimed at people with great power. You are dead! Hahahaha……"

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