Natasha was sitting on a tree outside the manor, watching everything that happened in the living room of the manor through a telescope.

Because of her vision, Natasha could easily see everything that happened in the living room, and she also saw the scene when the man sucked two people.

"Coulson, how are you doing over there?" Natasha asked Coulson through the encrypted radio network

"I know very well that all the people are gathered in one room. If we throw a grenade in now, it will probably kill half of them!" Coulson said to Natasha.

"Why would they arrange it this way?"Natasha asked in confusion.

Even if this group of people were not as professional as the previous group, they should not be much different.

They did not encounter any obstacles along the way, which was not consistent with their professionalism at all. Natasha must have had this doubt.

"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with that person. That person doesn't seem to treat other people as human beings at all.���Treated as animals to be slaughtered and eaten!"

Coulson's words made Natasha feel like she had found a kindred spirit, and she had the same feeling.

After all, if this was really the case, everything could be explained.

Because they were treated as animals to be slaughtered, in order to prevent the animals from running away, these people were imprisoned, and they did not need to patrol the surroundings, they only needed to keep themselves fat and white, so he occupied the living room openly and drove a group of people into a room. The fact that the man sucked a person dry before fully proved this point, otherwise he would not do this

"If this is true, then it would save a lot of trouble. Coulson, prepare the grenades. Didn't you just say that one grenade could kill most of them? Perfect, let's test it!"


"When the time comes, you will throw the grenade when I give the order. It will definitely attract that person's attention. I will try to kill him!"

"Yes, but you have to be careful. After I make sure they are all dead, I will help you. If you can't kill him, you must hold on until I get here!"

"Don't worry about this, I know what to do!"

"Then let's get started!"

After saying that, Natasha began to approach the window of the manor's living room, and Coulson also began to try to approach the window of the already crowded room.

Because of that person, they could not sneak into or force their way into the living room, and could only do the next thing through the window.

The two slowly approached the window, and through the window, they could almost hear their conversation in the room.

Success or failure depends on this!

""Do it!"

Natasha made a barely audible sound.

Coulson, who had the headset in his ear, could just hear it.

Hearing this, Coulson did not hesitate at all. He smashed the glass with his elbow, threw the grenade that had been prepared long ago, and then ran away quickly and lay on the ground.

Boom! Boom!

Two consecutive roars sounded, and a ball of fire accompanied by the shock wave smashed the glass of the window. The glass fragments fell on Coulson's back with a clang, clearing Coulson's dizzy head.

Then he quickly got up and Go check on those people.

At the same time, the man in the living room also woke up after being dizzy, turned into a black mist, and rushed to the room where the explosion occurred.

However, before he could really get close to the room, Natasha's figure suddenly broke the glass window and rushed in, raised a dagger and quickly stabbed the black mist.

The dagger pierced into the black mist!


Strangely enough, the black mist should have been an illusory existence, but when the dagger pierced into the black mist, it actually made a sound of a sharp weapon piercing into flesh, and blood spurted out.

"It's you again!"

One end of Black Mist suddenly turned and made a sound.

Black Mist's voice did not make Natasha show any strange expression. She put her other hand on the handle of the dagger and pressed it down hard.


The dagger pierced into the wooden floor with Black Mist, pinning Black Mist to the ground. Black Mist's blood flowed even faster!


A scream followed.

Did Natasha control this man so easily?

Of course it was not that simple. It was all because of the dagger in Natasha's hand, which naturally restrained evil creatures. It just so happened that this man could be called an evil creature, so he was restrained.

Natasha had met Coulson once before, and she had injured him with this dagger and Coulson's sword at that time.

Now he was injured again!

But this time, she couldn't help but feel troubled!

This was already considered as barely catching him, but what to do next? Should she call for help or kill him?

Calling for help is simple, but it is very likely that he will struggle out during this period of time, which will be very troublesome at that time. This is also the most entangled point for her.

However, soon, she was no longer entangled!

The black mist nailed to the ground by the dagger suddenly rolled up a chair with the black mist and smashed it on the dagger, and the dagger was directly smashed crooked.

Natasha had no doubt that if she could smash it a few more times The dagger will definitely be smashed off, and then he will be able to escape.

He still has to be killed!

Thinking this in her heart, Natasha had no way to kill him for the time being. The dagger was stuck in the ground, and she had no weapon.

If she approached rashly, she would end up like the previous person, being sucked dry. Now she could only hide outside the black fog.

She only hoped that Coulson could come as soon as possible, only in this way could she take this opportunity to kill him.

Otherwise, once he broke free from the restraints of the dagger, he would be able to move freely, and then he could disappear and appear at will, and then it would be over.

Fortunately, Coulson did not let Natasha wait any longer.

Seeing that the dagger nailed to the ground was about to be smashed off, Coulson finally appeared, and as soon as he appeared, he slashed his long sword at the black fog on the ground.

The black fog also knew that Coulson's long sword and Natasha's dagger were made of the same material and had the same function, so he did not dare to waste it and threw the rolled-up chair directly at Coulson.

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