
The chair thrown by the black fog was smashed by Coulson's long sword. Coulson's long sword was blocked for a moment, and this time it failed to cut the black fog.

""Coulson, don't stop, keep going, now is the best chance!" Natasha said hurriedly when she saw Coulson being stopped.

Coulson was not stupid and naturally understood this. He waved the sword in his hand without any hesitation and then rushed towards the black fog.

If it was before, the black fog was not particularly afraid of Coulson. Although the sword in Coulson's hand was powerful, he could change his form at will.

It was difficult for Coulson and Natasha to hurt him!

But it was different now. He was tied to the ground and couldn't break free. This was the best opportunity.


Coulson raised his sword, split the black fog and smashed it towards another chair of his, and then quickly approached the black fog.

The black fog didn't dare to let Coulson get close to him, and saw The chair was ineffective, so he rolled up the gun on one side and was ready to shoot.

As a man of the new era, even if his will was affected for a while, his brain was still there, and if his brain was still there, he would naturally use weapons, so he planned to shoot Coulson.

Coulson was only strong in his sword, and he was just an ordinary person. If he had to deal with ordinary people, he could only deal with five or six at most, which was still within the scope of ordinary people. Coulson would still die if he was shot.

He had this idea and raised his gun. Natasha and Coulson also realized it immediately. Coulson was even ready to dodge.

But before he could really dodge, a gunshot rang out.

""Huh? Why doesn't it hurt?"

Coulson subconsciously stopped and looked at his body. The expected bullet hole did not appear. He was intact, which made him stunned!

""What are you standing there for? Hurry up and do it?" Natasha's voice exploded in Coulson's ears.

Coulson turned around subconsciously, and saw Natasha holding a pistol with smoke coming out of it, pointing the muzzle at the black fog.

Coulson turned his head to look at the black fog again, and saw that the pistol that was rolled up by the black fog had fallen to the ground.

Seeing this, how could Coulson not understand that the previous shot was fired by Natasha, and the target was the gun rolled up by the black fog.

The black fog is illusory, and ordinary weapons including guns can't hurt it at all, but it can hit things rolled up by the black fog. Natasha... The bullet from the gun hit the gun held up by the black fog, and the explosive force of the bullet just knocked the gun down.

After figuring out everything, Coulson no longer hesitated, and with one step, he quickly came to the side of the black fog and slashed at the black fog in front of him with a sword.

The black fog did not dare to face the long sword, and bent 180 degrees to avoid Coulson's attack. The black fog's form is illusory, unlike humans, and it does not need to be bound by the body. It can change into hundreds of tricks. This is why he is not afraid of Natasha and Coulson.

Various changes can avoid all their attacks!

""Don't just chop randomly, chop the part where I stuck him in the ground!" Natasha reminded Coulson.

Hearing this, Coulson turned his head and looked at the dagger on the ground. Without thinking, he swung his sword and chopped at the black mist on the ground that was bound by the dagger.

The black mist didn't dare to let Coulson chop it down. The other part of the black mist split into two, rolled up the table, rolled up the chair, and directly blocked the long sword.


The long sword chopped on the edge of the table, making a muffled sound, and the long sword was stuck in the table. Coulson tried but failed to pull it out.

At this time, the black fog laughed, and another chair was rolled up by the black fog and smashed towards Coulson.

Coulson looked at the chair approaching but didn't dare to give up the long sword in his hand. This long sword was their last reliance and they couldn't give up. If he gave up, he would die sooner or later, and his death would be even more miserable, so he had to fight hard.

Coulson had already prepared himself to be hit, and was secretly preparing to pull out the long sword with the help of the power of the black mist shadow. But before the chair hit him, Coulson heard a gunshot, and Natasha fired again.

But this time, Natasha did not hit the chair thrown by the black mist, but the edge of the table.

This seemingly unrelated and useless attack made Coulson couldn't help but be happy, and Natasha's shot just broke the place where the long sword was stuck.

Coulson pulled hard, and the long sword was pulled out instantly, and at this time the chair was still an arm's length away from him.

Coulson He took a half step back, narrowly avoiding the chair, and turned the blade of the long sword in his hand, slashing upwards.

He heard a scream, and saw the long sword slashing the black mist, and the part of the black mist that rolled up the chair was cut off.

The black mist fell to the ground and turned into an arm, which fell to the ground with hot blood on the arm.

After a successful attack, Coulson did not stop there. He rolled on the ground and stabbed the black mist in front of him with the sword in his hand.

Although the black mist had just had an arm cut off, it was very painful, but he had not completely lost his mind due to the pain. He twisted his body to avoid Coulson's attack.

Coulson's attack fell into the air, and the long sword was about to hit the ground. Coulson suddenly With one hand on the ground, the long sword suddenly changed direction and stabbed at Black Mist again.

Black Mist was furious. He was very annoyed by being provoked many times, and then he wanted to kill Coulson.

Such anger made Black Mist dodge Coulson's long sword first, and then struggled hard.

The dagger that was stuck in Black Mist had already loosened, and this struggle made it looser. Although it was painful, Black Mist saw hope and struggled more violently.

Coulson saw it and was anxious in his heart. His hands moved more swiftly, and the long sword broke through the air and slashed at Black Mist again and again.

Black Mist's body suddenly retreated, and the dagger finally loosened completely and was taken away by Black Mist. Black Mist still gained freedom.

"Hahaha, I'm finally free, and you're dead too!"

Black Mist laughed wildly, and then rushed towards Natasha who had no weapons. Coulson planned to stay behind and kill Natasha first.

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