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Chapter 35 Mr. Destiny Hawking

"Actually, I have an ability that no one knows about. Seeing that you can chat with Sister Natasha so well, I made an exception and secretly told you."

After chatting for a while, Hawking suddenly looked mysterious.

"What ability?"

Black Widow's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that her chat for a moment had relaxed the vigilance of the kid Hawking.

Hawking pretended to be proud and said:

“Actually, this is not a natural ability, but a very advanced skill that I have learned since I was a child.

I can roughly judge the fate of a person's life through the palm of his hand, which is commonly known as fortune telling in our country. "

"real or fake?"

Black Widow was doubtful. She instinctively felt that this ability was a bit ridiculous.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, I'll show it to you."

Hawking took Black Widow's hand, took off its gloves, put it in front of his eyes and pretended to observe it for a while, then sighed, frowned and shook his head:

"Sister Natasha, this is the fate of the evil star!"

"What is the Lonely Star of Heavenly Evil?"

Black Widow looked confused.

Although she can speak Chinese, it doesn't mean she knows some of the culture there.

"This evil star means that you are born with a bad fate. You will have a hard time during your youth, and you will not have a happy ending in the future. There is a high probability that you will be alone for the rest of your life, without marriage and without children."

Hawking said plausibly.

Of course he doesn't know how to tell fortunes, and he can't predict the future. What he loaded is Harry Potter, not Grindelwald, but he doesn't have a natural eye that can predict the future.

It's just that Black Widow always wants to get information from him and tease her.

Although what he said is indeed partly true.

Sure enough, after hearing Hawking's words, Black Widow suddenly froze and fell into a somewhat emo state.

She was born an abandoned baby in the Soviet Union in 1984.

Later, he was adopted and trained by a government agency. Following the Soviet captain Alexei, Iron Lady Melina and Yelena, who was also an orphan, they disguised themselves as a family of four and went to Ohio to perform a spy mission.

After failing the mission, he was sent to the Red Room and received more cruel training under Mrs. B.

During the process, her body was injected with enhanced genes, and she was forced to undergo a tube ligation surgery, permanently losing her fertility.

During those years, as the best Black Widow, she was sent to various places to perform espionage and assassination missions, and her hands were stained with the blood of many innocent people, even children.

Until two years ago, SHIELD's Hawkeye Barton was ordered to get rid of her, but she accidentally realized her wrong life, and decided to join SHIELD to atone for her past mistakes.

So looking at it this way, what Hawking said seems to be quite correct.

"Am I going to be like this all my life?"

Black Widow feels a little sad inside.

Compared to the Black Widow who was sixteen or seventeen years old at this time and who had experienced various Snake and Shield missions ten years later, her psychological quality was still worse.

Hawkeye obviously saw something was wrong with Black Widow. He didn't believe that Hawking had any so-called ability to predict fate, so he stretched out his hand and said:

"It's so awesome, can you help me see it too?"

He wanted to use facts to make Black Widow understand that what Hawking said was just a coincidence.

Hawking naturally did not refuse:

"Oh, you are quite good at this. You are destined to have many children and grandchildren."

Glancing at the palm of Hawkeye's raised hand, he deceived him again:

"I can tell from the palm of your hand that you didn't seem to have had a good life when you were young. It must have something to do with your family, but your future is very good. You will marry one of your colleagues and they will be together." Have at least three children.”

Barton, who had just picked up the water and was about to take a sip while watching Hawking's performance, was stunned.

He did have a bad life when he was young, because he and his mother were robbed in a convenience store and killed the robber, resulting in his mother being imprisoned.

Now in his thirties, he is in a relationship with a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Mockingbird, and plans to get married in the next two years.

"Could it be that this mutant kid named Hawking really has the ability to see through fate?

Then I really would have three kids! "

At this moment, he not only hoped that Hawking's ability was fake, because it meant that his good friend Natasha would also be happy in the future, but also hoped that Hawking's ability was real, because then his future would be very happy.

"Okay, eh. Natasha, Barton, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open by Hill, but when she saw the expressions of Black Widow and Hawkeye, there was a look of confusion on her face.

Why are the two generals of S.H.I.E.L.D. one looking disappointed and the other looking confused?

"Oh, have they reached an agreement? Then we can go.

Sister Natasha, Barton, it’s been a pleasure chatting with you. I’ll chat with you again when I have the opportunity. "

Hawking immediately stood up, waved to Black Widow and Hawkeye, and then followed Hill out of the lounge with Mystique.

"Um. Do you really know how to read people's fate?"

On the way to the director's office, Mystique asked Hawking in a low voice.

Although she closed her eyes and fell asleep, she did not forget every word that the three of them chatted in the lounge.

There is a black market mutant businessman, Caliban, who can occasionally see fragments of the future, so it does not seem impossible for Hawking to be able to see through people's fates.

"you guess?"

Hawking showed a meaningful smile.

If you believe that I can see through fate, then you must take what I say in the future to heart. If the future changes and something I say is wrong, then I have not admitted that I can really see through fate. It is not, it is just your wishful thinking.

Mystique reached out and pinched Hawking's face quickly:

"You little naughty boy, I think you should be nicknamed Destiny Boy."

"Wrong, it's Mr. Destiny!"

Hawking shrugged.

Mystique looks like she is in her twenties or thirties, but her actual age is about the same as Professor

The two of them chatted and soon returned to the door of the office, and what caught their eyes were Nick Fury and the three of them, who seemed to be having a good conversation.

"I still hope we can cooperate more in the future."

Nick Fury had a rare smile on his face.

Professor X is easier to talk to than he thought. As long as the bottom line of mutant safety is not touched, many things are very easy to talk about.

Although Magneto is more extreme and full of hostility to humans, he can still control the opponent.

Therefore, the results of the current exchanges can be considered acceptable to all three parties for the time being.

"Professor, I'm hungry. It's time to have lunch now."

Hawking took a step forward, talking to Professor X, but looked up at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury is also a good person and immediately said:

"Since it's noon, let's have a meal together. I happen to know a top-notch French restaurant that just opened."

Since the communication went smoothly, it would not be a bad idea to have a meal by the way to deepen our relationship.

When Hawking heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised. He did it on purpose.

In about an hour, the pure water in Stryker's body will turn into poison. By then, if they and Nick Fury work together, they can get rid of all suspicion.

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