Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 36 Three-Party Constraints

Two cars, one red and one blue, drove towards the city from the entrance of the Three-winged Building.

The red retro sports car in front is Coulson's favorite car Lara, which has the ability to levitate and fly. Nick Fury, Captain Marvel, Black Widow and Hawkeye are sitting in it.

Following behind is the X-Chariot driven by Mystique, which has jet super acceleration and invisibility capabilities. Sitting inside are Hawking, Magneto and Professor X.

"What's wrong with you two?"

In the co-pilot of the antique sports car Laura, Nick Fury keenly noticed through the reflector that Black Widow and Hawkeye sitting in the back seemed a little uneasy at this time.

"The kid named Hawking seems to have the ability to see through a person's destiny."

Hawkeye did not hide anything and reported everything that happened in the lounge to Nick Fury in detail.

Nick Fury pondered for a moment after hearing this, and then shook his head:

"You were deceived by him. This kid is young but has a very mature mind.

Whether it's his performance in the previous battle or Natasha's failure to extract any useful information from him today, you can tell. "

"What about what he said?"

There was some hesitation in Natasha's eyes.

Nick Fury pointed to the brainwave jammer around his neck and explained:

"When Magneto broke our jammer, Professor

Natasha and Barton are both top agents and would not be fooled so easily under normal circumstances.

The main reason was that Hawking's identity as a mutant and his ability to exaggerate before were very convincing. What he said happened to be related to themselves, so they were deceived.

However, this also made Nick Fury look at Hawking with admiration. Even at such a young age, despite being so terrifying because of his mutant identity, he could actually use the information in his hands to successfully deceive two top agents.

With such strength and brains, when he grows up, he may be more terrifying than Professor X and Magneto.

"That's it. It's a pity for my three children."

Hearing Nick Fury's analysis, Black Widow and Hawkeye immediately reacted, but Hawkeye was obviously a little regretful.

In the blue car behind them, Hawking also roughly learned the contents of their negotiations with Nick Fury during the conversation between Professor X and Magneto.

Basically, SHIELD has given up on registering and monitoring mutants, especially mutant schools, and will try its best to promote the establishment of the Department of Mutant Affairs so that mutants and humans can coexist peacefully.

The corresponding condition is that when SHIELD needs help from mutants with special abilities, Professor X must send X-Men to SHIELD as much as possible to provide friendly support.

As for Magneto, he definitely doesn't agree with letting people from the Brotherhood of Mutants help S.H.I.E.L.D.

The condition given by Nick Fury is that the government will remove the wanted order against the entire Brotherhood of Mutants, but the premise is that Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants can no longer carry out terrorist attacks.

If it is discovered that Magneto leads the Brotherhood of Mutants to carry out terrorist attacks again, then SHIELD and Professor X will join forces to deal with the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Hawking was not too surprised by this result.

SHIELD is connected to the World Security Council, and the members of the World Security Council are important leaders of various countries around the world. Professor X simply cannot refuse the conditions offered by Nick Fury.

And originally in the timeline of Days of Future Past, Professor X had a plan to make humans accept mutants by developing the X-Men into superheroes, and it was actually implemented later.

As for Magneto, he now has to agree to this condition.

Unlike in the past, it doesn't matter even if he is wanted by the government, because his individual strength is so strong that he and the members of the Brotherhood of Mutants can break through the government's encirclement and suppression at any time.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. is much more powerful than those in the government, whether it’s technology or agents, or Captain Marvel, who is so powerful.

If he does not cooperate with Professor

So currently Professor X, Magneto, and Nick Fury are in a state of mutual restraint.


Nick Fury and Magneto once again put Professor

It’s just that currently Professor

This state of three-party restraint cannot continue forever. Once one party finds an opportunity and becomes strong enough to easily deal with the other two parties, the balance will inevitably be broken.

And if a fourth or fifth party intervenes, the balance will also be broken.

But for Hawking, it's already very good. As long as the three parties can maintain it for a few years and allow him to improve his strength, it doesn't matter.

Now everyone thinks he is a mutant powerful enough to fight Captain Marvel.

But in fact, only he knows that if it weren't for a full moon night, if he didn't load the protagonist template for that hour, he would just be a scumbag who could be dealt with with a pistol.

"It looks great!"

After getting off the car, Hawking looked at the high-end French restaurant in front of him and couldn't help but lick his lips.

It's rare to be able to kill a big player, so he's going to be very full today!

The food in the mutant canteen is indeed good, but how can it compare with this high-end restaurant, and because his appetite is too big, Chef Yuge has changed the food he eats to a large-volume type.

You can feel full every time you eat it, but the taste is just average.

"Waiter, please give me twenty of these apple-black blood sausages and fried sole."

As soon as he sat down in the private room, Hawking quickly picked up the menu and ordered the meal from the waiter next to him.

Opposite him, Nick Fury laughed and said:

"Little Hawking, you don't have to order for us, just order what you like."

"Mr. Fury, these are what I ordered. I usually eat better. If you think I ordered too much, I can order less."

Hawking immediately looked embarrassed.

When Professor X, Magneto and Mystique heard this, they all had weird smiles on their faces, but they didn't say anything.

After spending two days with Hawking, they knew how good he was.

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