"Hahaha, don't worry, you can eat as much as you want, even if you order ten more portions, it doesn't matter!"

Nick Fury waved his hand when he heard this.

Nowadays, SHIELD is developing and expanding at a rapid speed, and there are too many places to spend money. The funds in his hands are currently relatively tight, but he does not have to save even on meals.

"Really? Mr. Fury, you are such a good person. The waiter, just brought me a hundred copies of those two things to start my appetite."

A bright smile instantly appeared on Hawking's face.

An hour later, Nick Fury couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye when he looked at Hawking, who had not slowed down at all.

It’s so edible. It’s so edible. Even pigs can’t eat it that well!

This is a high-end French restaurant, which specializes in exquisite dishes with high prices and such an atmosphere. With Hawking's way of eating, he will really have to bleed a lot today.

It's not that he can't afford the money, it's just that the money spent on this meal is enough to arm a team of elite agents.

But he couldn't say anything yet. He was embarrassed at first, so he ordered twenty pieces of apple black blood sausage and fried sole. He opened his mouth and let the other person eat freely.

Now that I think about it, I must have been fooled by this guy.

There is no way, even if they know that Hawking's mental maturity is not that of an ordinary child, his childlike appearance still has a natural camouflage effect, which is difficult for people to be wary of.

The most important thing is that he really didn't expect Hawking to be able to eat to this extent.

"Didi didi didi."

Just when everyone focused their attention on Hawking who was devouring food, the communicator on Nick Fury's waist suddenly rang.

"It's Hill."

Seeing the call note, Nick Fury pressed the connect button.

Just a moment later, his expression suddenly changed and he suddenly stood up from his seat.

"What? You said Colonel Stryker was poisoned!"

And his words also made everyone present look surprised.

It's just the same surprise, but the object of surprise is different.

Everyone else was surprised by Stryker's death, but Magneto and Mystique were surprised that Hawking actually completed this poisonous killing without leaving any trace.

If they hadn't known in advance that Hawking was responsible, they would have never been able to associate Stryker's death with Hawking.

However, the two of them were also old men. They were surprised, but they did not look towards Hawking to let the agents in front of them notice anything strange.

"Sorry, I still have something to deal with, so I'm going back first. I'll let Coulson pay after I finish eating."

After communicating with a frown, Nick Fury turned off the communicator.

According to Agent Hill's report, Stryker was suddenly poisoned and died suddenly while being interrogated by agents.

Because when they received Stryker, they conducted a comprehensive examination of his body and ruled out the possibility of being poisoned in advance by Professor X, Magneto and others.

In addition, these people are still eating with him.

Therefore, Hill suspected that one of the several SHIELD agents who later came into contact with Stryker took the opportunity to poison Stryker.

Not sure who they were, Hill arrested them all and interrogated them, but unexpectedly discovered that one of the agents who had just graduated from the SHIELD Academy seemed to be a spy planted by a secret organization into SHIELD.

Therefore, the current situation is more serious than Stryker's death. There is a problem within SHIELD, and he needs to go back and deal with it as soon as possible.

"It's okay. Director Fury and everyone else can go ahead and get busy if they have something to do. We can just settle the bill ourselves later."

Professor X replied with a smile.

To him, the money Hawking spent on eating was really nothing. There was no need to deceive Nick Fury, who had just established a good relationship with him, over this trivial matter.

"How can I make the guests pay? Colson stays and the others follow me back to the headquarters."

Nick Fury's face stiffened, and he did not agree to Professor X's proposal. As the director of SHIELD, he could not afford to lose that person.

At the same time, he had to sigh that the Xavier family, which had been run for generations, was really rich.

While Nick Fury led Captain Marvel and others to rush out of the restaurant, Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Office of the Security Council Minister in the Tri-Wing Building, also had a headache at this time.

"Sitwell, are you saying that Hill is interrogating a newly converted agent?"

"Minister, this was an accident, but fortunately the agent didn't know that we were Hydra. We only did it because of money."

Sitwell, a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., quickly reported all the situations.

As the main recruiter of Hydra, he organizes his subordinates every year to recruit and convert a group of suitable agents to join Hydra from among the agents who graduated from SHIELD Academy.

However, in order to maintain confidentiality, these most junior Hydra spies did not know that their organization was Hydra.

The agent captured by Hill was one of his Hydras who had just been transformed this year.

I just didn't expect that due to bad luck, being involved in Stryker's poisoning and murder incident, and not being able to withstand the torture, this embarrassing situation would occur.

"Nick Fury is a very shrewd and cautious person. He quickly dealt with your man before he came back, cut off this line, and then turned the clues to some of the terrorist organizations we pretended to be.

There is also a period during which all activities, including those targeting mutants, will be stopped. "

Pierce paced the office for a moment and then issued a rapid series of orders.

He handed over the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to Nick Fury instead of his own Hydra members, mainly because he felt that Nick Fury was too good and capable.

Although it is not Hydra, some of its ideas and behavior coincide with Hydra.

This is also true. In just a few years, the scale of SHIELD has expanded several times compared to when it was in his hands.

This also caused the Hydra that was parasitic within SHIELD to grow significantly.

But at the same time, he must also be careful not to let Nick Fury discover the existence of Hydra, so now everything must be focused on appeasing Nick Fury, and other things can be left alone.

At present, Nick Fury is the most valuable existence to them.

It's just that this incident is really about people sitting at home and the pot coming from the sky.

Why did he send people to kill Stryker?

He was also waiting for Nick Fury to interrogate the mutant intelligence and experimental data from Stryker.

Anyway, he can take a copy of whatever Nick Fury tortured out and give it to Hydra for research.

It's a pity that he has to bear the blame if he doesn't want to, and he must not make the matter a big deal and let Nick Fury discover that there is a problem within SHIELD.

It would be best to direct Stryker's death to those fictional terrorist organizations that are hostile to SHIELD.

Even he is still confused now, who poisoned Colonel Stryker?

Hawking, who was busy cooking at this time, didn't know that he used the transformation spell to poison Stryker this time, and almost detonated the thunder of Hydra in advance.

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