Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 47 The golden-armored war god Hawking appears

"Start working!"

Jumping on the roof of a building that is generally not very high, Hawking began to look for criminal incidents that fit his identity.

The first time you appear, you can't just deal with some petty theft like just now, that would be too much.

As a slum area in New York, the Bronx is naturally not filled with high-rise buildings like Manhattan. Instead, it is generally small buildings with five or six floors. This also allows Hawking to see everything happening below more clearly.

Fights, brawls, thefts, and even murders are not uncommon in the Bronx. In the hour that Hawking was searching, he saw no fewer than eight cases.

It's just that he didn't take action even once because none of them met his requirements.

He knows very well that he is not a true messenger of justice, and he also knows what he wants.

There are too many crimes happening in this world. It is impossible for him to take care of every one of them, nor can he blame himself for the crime just because he did not take action. Otherwise, sooner or later, he will have a mental breakdown.

The principle he has always adhered to is that if he sees something bad happening and goes to help, it must be voluntary.

Maybe it's sympathy and compassion, maybe it's the need for profit, but it's definitely not forced.

There is no need to feel guilty if you don't help.

Because it was the perpetrator who caused the consequences, not him, the bystander.

Respect the fate of others, let go of the complex of helping others, and avoid being moved by yourself.

This sentence sometimes sounds a bit cruel, but it is not necessarily protecting yourself. Otherwise, not only will you be harmed, but the people who truly care and love you will also be harmed.

Especially now in a dangerous world like Marvel and in a high-risk area like New York.

Similarly, if he himself is in danger and someone comes to help him, he will be grateful. If no one helps, he will not resent other people. What he should resent is the person who caused danger to him.

"Found it, the bank robbery that I love to hear about!"

After an hour of wandering, he finally found a crime that met his requirements on a street in the South Bronx.

In the speeding van, four gangsters armed with submachine guns were arrogantly firing towards the police car chasing after them.

Facing the police who could only fight back with pistols, they showed no fear at all.

One gangster even opened the sunroof of the van and got out with an RPG.


As the robber pressed the launch button, the police car that was chasing him the most immediately turned into a ball of sparks.

"With that little salary for a month, what are you trying to do with your life?"

The gangster laughed arrogantly and got back in again.

Maybe it was because they were afraid of the powerful firepower of the gangsters, or maybe because several police cars were blown up in a row, and the police cars behind obviously didn't dare to pursue them so closely.

If the van escapes sight, it will be almost impossible to find them and recover the money robbed from the bank in the chaotic South Bronx.

It's 2003, and this is not the bustling Manhattan area. There are not so many surveillance cameras on the streets.

"Get rid of this group of policemen and drive to the planned transfer point. Then we will change to another car and go back to share the money."

The boss of the robbers put down the RPG, opened the five large bags in the car, looked at the wads of US dollars inside, laughed and gave instructions to the driver.

When the other robbers heard this, they immediately seemed to be in a state of excitement. The submachine guns in their hands fired wildly, causing the police car behind them to pursue even slower.

However, just when they thought they could completely get rid of the police car and successfully end the robbery, a golden figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly in front of them.


The driver subconsciously stepped on the brakes, and the robber boss behind him immediately roared:

"Kill him!"

Now is the time of life and death with the police. Once you stop, it will be troublesome.

As for the van used for robbery, he found someone to modify it in advance. It is much stronger than a normal van. It can easily knock someone over without worrying about problems with the car.


Facing the van that was speeding towards him at full speed, Hawking was not surprised at all. With all his luck, he just stretched out a hand and easily forced the van to stop.

And after forcing the van to stop, he lifted it up, causing the van filled with six gangsters to spin two and a half times in the air.

In fact, if you want to quickly deal with these robbers, you don't need to go to such trouble. Just standing on the roof of the building and firing an air bomb from a distance can blow the van into pieces.

But that was not the result Hawking wanted. People couldn't see him at all and thought someone had shot another rocket.

Sure enough, the scene of him falling from the sky wearing golden armor and flipping off the robber's van instantly attracted the frightened citizens on the street, and the bold ones started to pick up their mobile phones to record the scene.

"Damn it, monster!"

The overturned van obviously did not make all the robbers lose their fighting ability. The robber boss, whose face was full of glass shards, opened the door with another robber, and fired wildly at Hawking with a submachine gun.

"That's it?"

A sneer appeared on Hawking's face, and his hands suddenly turned into afterimages, catching the bullets fired at him one by one.

Hexianren with 120 combat power can catch the bullet shot by Lan Qi with his bare hands. With his current combat power of more than 140, it will naturally be easier to catch it.

"How can this be?"

The two robbers who had finished firing the bullets were so frightened that they froze in place as they watched Hawking open his hands and a particle bullet fall on the ground.

The boss wanted to go to the van to get the RPG, but before he could turn around, he felt a pain in his back and fainted to the ground.

It was Hawking who knocked out the two robbers.

As a righteous superhero, of course he cannot appear too cruel, he can just knock him out, and he must kill when no one is nearby.

The police who were about to be thrown away on the other side finally drove over. When they got out of the car and saw the overturned van and the knocked out robber, they were stunned for a moment, and then they immediately pulled out their pistols and pointed them at Hawking.

"Don't move, raise your hands! Who are you?"


Deliberately using amplification spell to leave a thunderous self-introduction, Hawking instantly loaded the Wukong template and shouted into the air:

"Somersault cloud!"

Under the stunned eyes of the police and citizens watching the excitement on the street, he jumped up onto the somersault cloud and disappeared into the sky while stepping on the somersault cloud.

Of course you have to have a name and slogan, and it's best to say it yourself in advance, otherwise if you wait for the public to pick it up for you, you don't know what will happen.

Although when he just said that sentence, he was filled with shame, but in order to achieve the best effect, he still gritted his teeth and pretended to say it, still using a very solemn and god-like tone. Tone.

There is no way, most ordinary people in this world just do this.

Moreover, they can understand the name "God of War", similar to Ares, the God of War, who is also one of the gods in the Western mythology system.

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