Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 48 Judgment of Justice

"We still need to research the Wu Kong Technique as soon as possible."

After a successful appearance, Hawking stepped on somersault clouds and quickly hid in a deserted park, waiting for the Wukong template to finish loading.

Although the Wukong template greatly improves combat effectiveness, it also comes with an extremely fast flying tool called Somersault Cloud.

However, due to the interference of Wukong's character, it is not suitable for him to continue to fight criminals to earn justice points. Maybe the newly established image of a noble and noble person will instantly collapse into a bad image.

Therefore, Wu Kongshu, the ability to use Qi to fly, is very important.

If he could do the air dance just now, the effect of pretending might be even better.

It's just that Wu Kong Jutsu is a move of the Crane Senryu style. The thirteen-year-old Wukong has not yet encountered Tianjin rice and dumplings, and has never seen Wu Kong Jutsu, so naturally he doesn't know how to practice it.

This is different from Qi Yuan Slash and Qi Control Bomb. Qi Yuan Slash is the compression and rotation of Qi at a glance. Qi Control Bomb is the control of Qi Bomb by the mind. If you study more based on the principles, you can figure it out. Not too difficult.

But Wu Kong Jutsu can make people fly. Human beings can still use external tools to accomplish this ability, and those air principles cannot be applied to the study of Wu Kong Technique at all.

However, after three years of gradually becoming more proficient in qi, he also had some vague ideas. He believed that given a little more time, it would not be impossible to figure it out.

Mainly because he had previously focused all his energy on improving his combat effectiveness, especially the research on Qi Yuan Slash.

Krillin, who has a combat power of 75,000, used the move Kiyuan Slash to cut off Frieza's tail in his second form, which had a combat power of 1 million.

If Frieza hadn't dodged in time, he might have been able to dismember Frieza on the spot.

In other words, with the power of Qiyuan Slash, if it hits, it can kill enemies that are at least ten times stronger than itself.

Even Captain Marvel would probably be hit by his current Qi Yuan Slash.

He definitely needs to spend more time on this BUG move.

"It's such a waste of money!"

At the same time, he thought about the large amount of dollar bills that had been spilled out of the van after it overturned.

If he had been faster just now, he would have had a chance to use the Transformation Spell to take those dollar bills away, but to be on the safe side and to better shape his own image, he gave up in the end.

Anyway, he felt that there would be many opportunities in the future.

"about there."

When the Wukong template time was over, Hawking jumped up and continued tonight's action.

But this time he didn't pick any more, but solved one as soon as he found one.

It's just that he always walked away after solving the problem, without even having a chance to thank the other party, nor did he give his name again.

It's enough to shout the slogan once, but if you shout it too many times, it will seem to be a loss of status.

In this way, it lasted until five o'clock in the morning, and he solved nearly twenty incidents, ranging from theft to murder.

"The efficiency is still not high enough!"

Standing on the roof of the building on the street, Hawking looked at the progress bar on his panel and frowned.

The South Bronx is indeed chaotic, and there are many chaotic incidents, but they are all distributed in various parts of the city, and many of them do not happen outside.

Incidents such as homicides, home invasions, and gang fights mostly occur inside buildings, abandoned factories, and basements.

He jumped on the roof to look for these, but it was really not that easy to find.

In order to improve efficiency, he tried to borrow a police calling machine.

However, it was later discovered that many incidents were over by the time the police call machine rang. In the past, the police mostly ended the incidents and were not as efficient as searching for them on their own.

Crucially, he also discovered something very important.

That is, the justice value and income of everything he does are different, and the gap is not small.

Among them, the incident that gives the most justice value is the kind of life-saving incident.

It's like he caught a thief who broke into a house. Even if the thief stole 100 million, he would only be given a little justice if he stopped it.

And if the thief was about to kill someone with a knife but was stopped by him, then there would be a hundred points of justice.

In other words, petty theft, and even many things that are very bad in the eyes of the public, if they do not involve killing, will give very little justice value.

Even in the bank robbery incident in which he appeared, if the robbers did not intend to kill anyone from the beginning to the end, and just robbed and ran away, the justice value of catching them is not much different from catching a guy on the side of the road grabbing a lollipop.

There is another thing, and that is the panel’s determination of justice.

As long as it is something he thinks is justice, then it is justice. This fact makes him happy, but it also gives him restrictions.

That is, he cannot deliberately create events to increase the justice value.

For example, if you push a person into the water, rescue him when he is about to suffocate, then push him into the water again, rescue him again, push him into the water again, and repeat this, there is no justice at all.

Because when he had this idea in his mind, he had already judged in his heart that this was not a just thing, but a bad thing done for the sake of justice, so naturally there was no justice.

So in the next period of time, he has two things to do.

First, improve the efficiency of finding events, not only outdoors, but also indoors.

Secondly, he can't take action when he encounters an incident. Since it wastes time and earns less Justice Points, petty theft and the like can be ignored directly. The focus is on events that are helpful to his image and have more Justice Points.

"Perhaps, we can go to Queens to look for Peter Parker sometime."

If he remembered correctly, Spider-Man has a spider sense. In addition to being able to sense danger, he can also be sensitive to events happening within a certain range around him.

This also causes Spider-Man to be often late on his way to work, school, and appointments, because his moral standards prevent him from turning a blind eye to those events.

Of course, Spider-Man in different universes have different abilities in this regard.

But it doesn't matter, it's definitely more efficient than him looking for it alone. If it's a small incident, let Spider-Man solve it by himself. If it's a bigger incident, let Spider-Man notify him to solve it.

And if he wants to establish an international superhero company in the future, Spider-Man is also one of the people he plans to invite.

It is certainly impossible for a superhero like Tony Stark who has the advantage of money to join his company, but for a civilian superhero like Spider-Man who is short of money, there is still a lot of hope for early contact.

"It's almost time, go back and have breakfast and go to bed!"

After rubbing his belly, Hawking jumped and disappeared, heading towards the abandoned park in the North Bronx where he first came.

Dawn arrives and darkness recedes. Even the chaotic South Bronx becomes quiet at this time. It is a waste of time to stay here any longer. It is better to go back and have breakfast to fill your stomach and go to bed.

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