Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 474 Life Court (Update 1)

"It doesn't work anymore!"

In the dimensional universe, Hawking looked at the thousands of Ego stars scattered around and swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree in his hand.

After a moment, he couldn't help but sigh.

During this period of time, he traveled through the multiverse thousands of times, found more than a thousand Ego stars, and planted and ate thousands of sacred tree fruits.

Until now, the fruit of the sacred tree has finally ceased to have any effect as he predicted.

However, after eating a thousand sacred tree fruits, his body did improve a lot, and Wushang's power became more rounded.

If the dimensional universe was initially taking shape before, but it was still a bit obscure in all aspects, now it has basically reached a perfect form under the nourishment of the fruits of the divine tree.

From now on, the only way is to break through and enter the next stage, the almighty universe level.

And the most important point is that after traveling through the multiverse so many times, he has made great progress in space. With his current strength, he has some hope of breaking through Marvel's barriers.

Floating in his own dimensional universe, mobilizing the laws of the entire universe, and concentrating all his power on the laws of space, Hawking began to sense the spatial imprints he left in various small worlds.

Continuously extending and breaking through layers of barriers, it took him seven days and seven nights to finally find the first spatial mark, which was the mark he left in the world of Harry Potter.

If there is one, there are two. As the first mark is sensed, other marks appear one after another, but these marks are also very far apart.

"Give it a try!"

Sensing space is only the first step. What is more important is that the body breaks through the barriers, leaves the Marvel world, and then enters other worlds.

"Break it for me!"

The supreme power of the entire dimensional universe exploded. Hawking's figure penetrated many obstacles like a sharp arrow, followed the mark he sensed, crossed space, and came to another world.

"Fortunately, my physical body is strong enough after being enhanced by the fruit of the sacred tree, otherwise I wouldn't be able to endure such a long distance teleportation."

Looking at the night view of London and Harry below who was instructing his children to learn magic, Hawking let out a long sigh of relief, and then a somewhat excited look appeared on his face.

How could he not be excited?

This time, he did not use the panel as a transit. He left the Marvel world and came to the Harry Potter world entirely on his own strength.

what does that mean?

This means that he no longer has to be limited by the one-hour protagonist template and can stay in these worlds for as long as he wants.

He can even stay in a safe world forever and there will be no problem if he doesn't return to Marvel.

In the past, he regarded these other worlds as a retreat, but in fact they were only retreats for family and friends. Due to the one-hour loading limit, he would eventually return to the Marvel world.

But things are different now. If you can't survive in the Marvel world in the future, you can directly bring the earth and even the entire galaxy into your own dimensional universe, escape from the Marvel world and continue to survive.

And since he can break through Marvel's barriers and come to these already positioned worlds, he can rely on himself to find other worlds without being unable to enter new worlds because of the disappearance of the value of justice.

His supreme power is the power of fusion. The more different types of power he incorporates, the more powerful he becomes. If he wants to break through the almighty universe level in the future and reach the level of OAA, there will be an exception.

It is necessary to constantly add new forces, not only the forces that exist in the Marvel world, but also the forces from other worlds.

"Now I should be able to learn the ultimate self-control skill."

Closing his eyes, Hawking once again concentrated all his power on space teleportation and returned to the Marvel world.

He had never gone to the Dragon Ball world to learn Zhizijigong from an angel before. On the one hand, he was worried about safety issues, and on the other hand, because the time was too short.

Now that he can enter the Dragon Ball world entirely by his own abilities, he doesn't have to worry about the length of stay.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to enter the world of Dragon Ball immediately.

However, at this moment, a powerful force suddenly enveloped him, and then he found that he was forcibly taken away from the existing universe and appeared in a special space.

This space was surrounded by countless shining stars, and in the middle of these stars stood a huge golden figure.

The huge here is not huge in the broad sense.

In terms of bigness, with Hawking's current strength, he can become as big as he wants, even so big that he can hold the universe and the galaxy in his hands.

But now when he looks at the golden giant, he still feels big in his heart.

This kind of bigness means that no matter how big he becomes, this golden giant will get bigger as he gets bigger. He will always be in the form of a giant in his eyes and will always be taller than him.

Maybe this is the difference between the peak of the omniverse level and the multiverse level.

Yes, at this time, he has obviously recognized the identity of this golden giant. This golden giant is the Supreme Judge, the Life Tribunal, who manages all Marvel universes on behalf of OAA.

The golden giant has no neck, a huge head suspended above the body, and a face with four sides, three of which represent justice, need and revenge.

The last side is blank, which means that while looking at others, you should also look at yourself.

"Ahem. This great god, what do you want from me?"

Seeing that the Life Tribunal did not speak, Hawking took the initiative to ask.

The opponent was indeed very strong, but he was not a pushover either. He would definitely not be able to defeat him if they really fought, but there was still a high chance that he could escape.

The key point was that if they really fought, even if they lost, the noise would definitely not be small. At least the space here would definitely be broken, and dozens of single universes would be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

He thought that the Life Tribunal would not be so impulsive.

And he did not think that he had done anything that would have a bad impact on the Marvel world.

Collecting Ego Star before would only have a positive impact on the universe. If there was a problem, Eternity would have come forward to stop him without the Life Tribunal.

So it was probably related to his behavior of breaking through the Marvel world barrier and going to other worlds.

But he thought it was no big deal.

Marvel also has the Transcendent Clan. It is okay to lead the Marvel Universe from the Transcendent Realm.

Of course, it is better to ask about this kind of thing.

The Life Tribunal looked down at Hawking, and the solemn voice sounded directly in Hawking's heart.

"Hawking, I know you, and I also know that you are strong enough to leave this world.

So I give you two choices.

Either you stay in this world forever, and as long as you don't do anything that is detrimental to the multiverse, you can live freely.

Or you leave this world and go to other worlds outside, and you can never come back to this world."

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