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Chapter 475 Transaction (2nd update)

"Can I ask why?"

For the multiple-choice question given by the Life Tribunal, Hawking did not give the answer immediately, but asked it back.

He had to know the reason before he could make a choice.

The Life Tribunal did not hide it and directly told the reason.

"There are countless worlds outside, and our world is not the strongest one.

Your behavior may cause unnecessary trouble and bring unnecessary crisis.

So according to the rules, you must make a choice."

"I'll think about it."

After listening to the answer given by the Life Tribunal, Hawking did not ask what would happen if he did not choose. It was obvious that if he did not choose, he would definitely be beaten. Even if he ran away, he would hide like Sithorn in the future.

And what the Life Tribunal said made sense.

Since there are worlds like Harry Potter, Naruto, and Death, there must be more worlds outside. The Marvel world is very strong, but it cannot be regarded as the strongest.

For example, those prehistoric mythological worlds are not weaker than Marvel.

There are also the existences that made the panel to send him to the Marvel world, which must not be weaker than OAA.

If some evil existences in those worlds discovered the existence of the Marvel world because of him, it would be difficult not to have some crooked thoughts.

Just like Marvel's Sithorn, if he accidentally discovered Harry Potter's world, he would definitely swallow it up to improve his strength.

"If I choose to leave, can I take the Milky Way with me, or can I take the Earth with me?"

After thinking for a while, Hawking asked.

If he really had to choose between the two, he would definitely not choose to stay in Marvel. After all, there are many people in this world who are stronger than him, and there is no other world that is safer.

If he stays here, if OAA wants to deal with him one day, he will have no chance to resist.

But the premise is that he must not leave alone. He still has a wife and children, relatives and friends in this world, and he cannot give up these.

Unfortunately, the Life Tribunal refused without hesitation.

"No, you can't take anything away from this world, that will leave hidden dangers for this world.

To leave, you can only leave this world alone."

"Is that so."

Hawking took a deep breath, and then said:

"How about we make a deal?"

If he can't take anything away, then he can only choose to stay in this world, and then continue to use the panel as a transit to smuggle into other worlds.

Obviously, when using the panel to smuggle, the Life Tribunal cannot detect it, otherwise it should have appeared long ago.

When his strength breaks through to the omnipotent universe level, he will directly take the entire earth or the entire galaxy away from this world.

However, this plan cannot be completed in a short time. He is not sure whether he can break through to the omnipotent universe level. Moreover, he will definitely be watched by the Life Tribunal after today, and it is not easy to sneak through the panel.

So, he thought of another way.

"What deal?"

The Life Tribunal asked.

Hawking slowly said:

"I will help you get rid of Xisong, and you will give me the 838 universe and take it away. I will never come back."

Hearing Hawking's answer, the Life Tribunal paused obviously, and then shook his strange head.

"Xisong is not so easy to kill, this deal may disappoint you."

Seeing that the Life Tribunal did not directly refuse, Hawking knew that there was a chance. Obviously, a universe is not as big as the impact caused by Xisong.

Xisong, the Marvel termite, has directly and indirectly destroyed countless universes.

"I can probably guess some of your difficulties. It's not that you can't kill Xisong, but you are afraid that his dying counterattack will cause a large number of universes to be destroyed, thus affecting the balance of the entire multiverse."

At this strength, Hawking knows the destructive power of his full-strength burst, so he has his own guess about why Xisong can always be at large.

Sure enough, he guessed right.

"You are right, I have always known where he is hiding, but the cost of destroying him is too high, so we can't complete this deal."

"It's not impossible, please look here!"

Hawking raised his head and opened the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan, revealing his own dimensional universe.

The Life Court glanced at him, and his emotions fluctuated for the first time.

"You actually merged the dimensional world with yourself?"

"Yes, so as long as Xisong is taken into my dimensional world, even if he counterattacks before his death, he can no longer cause damage to the multiverse."

Hawking explained with a smile.

The dimensional worlds of other dimensional demons are fixed, and Xisong is not stupid, so how could he go in to fight, but Hawking is different. The dimensional world has been merged with the body, and even the Life Court cannot detect it if it is not used.

The reason for proposing this deal was partly due to the obvious reasons, but secretly he also coveted Xisong's energy.

If he could absorb Xisong's energy, then his chances of entering the omnipotent universe level would be much greater.

The Life Tribunal was silent for a full minute, and finally agreed to the deal.

"Okay, if you can really deal with Xisong, then I can let you take the universe you are in."

As the steward of the multiverse, he values ​​the safety and stability of the entire multiverse. Xisong relied on the Dark Book to seduce everywhere, taking the opportunity to destroy and devour the universe, which was the biggest provocation to him.

If Sithoen can be eliminated, on the one hand, more universes can be prevented from being swallowed by Sithoen, and on the other hand, those dimensional demons of the same level as Sithoen can be deterred.

These dimensional demons want to strengthen themselves by swallowing the multiverse, so as to replace OAA as the real ruler of this world, which he will never allow.

So in comparison, the transaction conditions proposed by Hawking are not so important.

"Before that, I have to go out a few more times, what do you think?"

Seeing that the Life Tribunal agreed, Hawking breathed a sigh of relief, and then made another request.

There is no way, Sithoen is not so easy to kill. Only by learning the Ultra Instinct and absorbing the energy of the Anti-Spirals can he have a greater chance.

If he can reach the omnipotent universe level in advance, it will basically be foolproof.

So he must go to the Dragon Ball World and the Tengen Breakthrough World several times.

"Okay, but you have to come to my side every time you go in and out. I will help you hide your breath to prevent you from bringing danger to this world."

This time, the Life Tribunal was very straightforward.

In fact, the situation is not as serious as he said. There are really few worlds outside that are stronger than this world, so even if it happens a few times, even hundreds of millions of times, it may not cause any trouble.

It’s just that you can’t say that, and under normal circumstances, this rule must be followed.

Besides, if you don’t say that, how can you let Hawking, the new peak of the multiverse, join their camp instead of becoming a new trouble like Sithorn.

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