Hawking thought of the 838 universe because he remembered that in the crazy multiverse, in the 838 universe where Wanda went, Captain America Steve became Captain Carter of the United Kingdom.

And it just so happens that there are mutants in that universe.

Mutants exist, this was already told to Oleg and Elena when they adopted him.

Wanda can control some things to levitate with her mind, Pietro can run much faster than a normal child, and Hawking has shown the ability before and now has a tail.

In the eyes of the Ogles, they are complete mutants.

However, most ordinary people are currently very afraid of and discriminate against the existence of mutants.

Sokovia is even better, because all the energy is spent on the internal war, and everyone's hatred of mutants is not that strong.

I heard that in New York, the locals' hatred of mutants is much more serious. If the police encounter a mutant and something goes wrong, they will most likely shoot directly. Especially if they are black mutants, they may immediately empty their magazines.

Some officials have even been proposing to re-pass the previously repealed Mutant Registration Act to record all mutants for easier management and prevention.

Because they were worried about the danger of their three children's mutant identities being exposed, the couple had always warned them not to use their abilities in front of outsiders.

In particular, Hawking had to hide his tail well when he went out. If it was exposed, he would pretend it was an ornament.

"If it's Universe 838, then Little Wanda is in some danger."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but rub his head.

If this is really Universe 838, it means that shortly after Thanos' invasion, Wanda of the main universe will occupy Wanda's body in this universe through the method of dream walking, and then kill the entire Illuminati.

"Forget it, I can't say whether it's the 838 universe or not. It's still early anyway. If the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, there will always be a way."

It's useless to think so much now. With his current strength, he can't stop it at all. It's better to wait until more protagonist templates are unlocked in the future and then try to solve it.

Shaking his head to shake away his worries, Hawking prepared to take a shower and make some noodles.

More than three weeks later, Hawking got up at five o'clock as usual.

After going out for a ten-kilometer run and finishing with 300 push-ups, 500 squats and 1,000 sit-ups in the basement, I started to prepare a hearty breakfast.

Sandwiches, milk, noodles, grilled sausages, and fried eggs filled the table.

Anyway, Wanda and the others couldn't finish the food, so he could collect it all, and absolutely nothing would be wasted.

Olig and Elena got up and saw a table of breakfast. They once again lamented that Hawking was so sensible and proficient in cooking at such a young age, and he would definitely become an excellent chef in the future.

On the other hand, I silently made up my mind to make money, otherwise I would be a little stressed about eating.

In the eyes of the couple, Hawking, who was sensible, obedient and precocious like a little adult, must have had a very unfortunate childhood.

The children of the poor should become parents early. This is true in any country in the world.

They are already living in poverty, but their two children, Wanda and Pietro, are still relatively happy. At least they will not be asked to learn to cook and do housework at this age, and will try to give them a happy childhood.

But they can understand it.

Because both children are mutants, they often follow news reports related to mutants.

After awakening, many mutants will be unable to control their abilities and harm their families, and some will have their appearance changed drastically, making them look very scary.

So when they find out that their children are mutants, not all parents can accept it. They will even be extremely disgusted and afraid of their children, viewing them as monsters.

Perhaps Hawking's family was like this before, and he was so precocious.

Thinking about it, they feel even more sorry for Little Hawking.

"Wanda, Pietro, it's time to get up and have breakfast!"

Following Elena's shout, the brother and sister Wanda and Pietro rushed down from the second floor, fighting.

Today is Sunday. The family is sitting on the sofa in the living room after breakfast. Oleg starts to put in the disc and plays the twenty-third episode of the second season of "The Dick Van Dyke Show".

When Sokovia was in chaos, Oleg lost his job and relied on selling CDs to support his family's livelihood.

Although I have a formal job now, I still have a lot of discs at home.

Hawking was also sitting among the family. He was not very interested in these discs, but he liked and cherished the current atmosphere because he had never had such an experience in his previous life.

"Ding dong!"

Just as the family was laughing at the sitcom, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"I'll open the door."

Hawking stood up on his own initiative.

Opening the door, a bald old man in a wheelchair and a young man wearing strange sunglasses appeared in front of him.

"Good morning, kid!"

The bald old man greeted Hawking with a gentle look.

Just after saying hello, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Strange, this is the first time this has happened."

As a top level 4 mutant with telepathy and mind control abilities, apart from his old friend Magneto who wears a helmet and the White Queen who was once the Black King's side, there are really few people who can isolate his telepathy.

Two days ago, through the brainwave enhancement machine, he discovered a mutant of the right age here in Sokovia. This time he came here to recruit him to his mutant school.

I just didn't expect that as soon as I opened the door, I met a mutant who could isolate his telepathy. It seemed that this family had not one mutant, but two.

This second one was not discovered by him because of his ability to isolate telepathy.

"External spiritual energy has invaded the host's brain. To ensure that the system's existence is not discovered, automatic shielding is turned on."

Looking at the text prompts on the panel that suddenly popped up, and looking at the shapes of the two people in front of him, Hawking didn't know that the famous Professor X and Cyclops were coming to the door.

Fortunately, the panel automatically intercepted Professor X's telepathic energy, otherwise all the secrets about him would be gone.

"Good morning, gentlemen, what can I do?"

Hawking smiled slightly, without any special expression on his face.

Since the other party cannot telepathize with him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

According to his understanding, Professor

What he was thinking about now was what was the purpose of Professor X's sudden visit.

It shouldn't have anything to do with him anyway, he's not a mutant.

Is it because of Wanda and Quicksilver?

But he remembered that Wanda was not a mutant in the main universe, and that her power came from Sithorne's chaos magic. Quicksilver seemed to have obtained superpowers because of his ability to modify reality, and was later further developed by the Mind Scepter.

But this is the 838 universe, and many settings may be different.

So he planned to remain calm and observe first before talking.

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