"I'm Professor Charles from Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters in New York, and I'd like to speak with your parents."

Professor X showed a gentle smile again.

At this time, the voice of his father Oleg asking came from the living room:

"Hawking, who is it?"

"Two strange gentlemen, they say they are professors from a New York school."

Hawking shouted back.

When Oleg and Elena heard this, they immediately paused the TV and walked over together.

The moment he saw Oleg and Elena, Professor X activated his telepathy and began to read their memories.

Every time he comes to recruit students, he will check the parents' memories immediately.

If you are the kind of parent who is more afraid and hostile towards mutants, and doesn't know that your child is a mutant.

He would not tell the other party that he was the principal of a mutant school, and would only enroll students in the name of a normal school in New York.

For example, a few years ago in Boston, a student who could release cold energy was recruited. After telepathically sensing the attitudes of two parents, he did not tell the other parent the truth at that time.

If it is the kind of parent who already knows that his child is a mutant, or who is not hostile to mutants, then he will choose to tell the other party the truth.

"It's actually three, no, I can't be completely sure."

After reading the memories of Oleg and Elena, Professor X showed surprise again.

I originally thought there was only one mutant child here, but I didn't expect there to be three, two of which were in rather special circumstances.

The little Pietro who could be completely confirmed was the one he sensed through the brainwave enhancement machine.

The second Pietro's sister, Little Wanda, did not have the brainwaves unique to mutants under his induction, but she also has the ability to control thoughts, so it is not certain whether she is a mutant or not.

The third is Little Hawking, the adopted son adopted by the couple more than two months ago.

But it is also not completely confirmed that they are mutants.

But in his heart, he prefers that the other person is a mutant, because it fits the characteristics of a mutant.

First, a tail grew out of the back of the little guy's butt. Many mutants have some animal characteristics.

Secondly, the little guy is physically stronger than ordinary children under normal circumstances. After an explosion, he can actually intercept missiles and launch powerful energy attacks.

This is also very mutant. Some mutants with great potential have this characteristic before they fully master their abilities.

Finally, and the most important evidence is that the little guy can passively shield his psychic perception, so it is very reasonable that he cannot sense the other party's brain waves.

Little Wanda is very strange in this regard. He can see Little Wanda's memory. Logically speaking, if he is a mutant, he should emit special brain waves belonging to mutants, but in fact he does not.

To say that she is not a mutant, Little Wanda's memory does not contain modifications, experiments, or other special experiences. It is the control of her naturally awakened thoughts.

Regardless of whether they were mutants or not, he decided to enroll the three children into his school.

Especially little Hawking, who has many abilities and is very suitable for fighting. His mind is also precocious and he will be well-guided in the future. He is very suitable to join his X-Men.

If he went astray and was abducted by Magneto in the future, it would be another headache for him.

"That's the thing, we are a school dedicated to protecting and guiding mutant children."

In the living room, Professor X explained the general situation of his school and the purpose of his trip.

After hearing this, Oleg and Elena also hesitated.

According to Professor Charles, his mutant school is indeed the most suitable place for three children to go to school.

They have been worried that their three children will be in danger if their mutant identities are exposed in the future when they go to school in Sokovia.

And Professor Charles did give many similar examples.

They didn't feel that Professor Charles would deceive them. The reason was that they felt an inexplicable sense of trust when they saw this professor.

What really makes them hesitate is that the school is in New York, which is a completely different country. It is too far to go to school there. They can't see each other several times a year, and they really can't bear to leave.

"Professor Charles, we."

After some consideration, the safety of their children outweighed their reluctance, and they finally decided to let their three children go to school in New York.

But as soon as they opened their mouths, they were interrupted by Hawking, who had been listening to both sides:

"Mom, Dad, can you let me talk to Professor Charles alone?"

"No problem at all."

Oleg and Elena were stunned for a moment and nodded at the same time.

Because Hawking usually behaves very maturely, and because he saved their family by intercepting missiles before, the couple's attitude towards Hawking is different from Pietro and Wanda, and they truly treat him as a big child.

If there is any relevant matter, I will also respect some of his own opinions.


The old one and the young one just moved from the living room to the basement.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Professor, you should know that the country of Sokovia is very unsafe. Even if the war is over and there is a short period of peace, no one knows when the next war will break out.

I am very worried that my father and mother will be in danger when my brothers and sisters and I go to your school.

So I hope the professor can help them with immigration and find them a suitable job in New York. "

Hawking said to Charles seriously.

Going to a mutant school is a good choice for him now.

It is safe to grow in Sokovia, but it is too slow for his strength, and it is not really safe. War, Hydra and the destruction of the entire Sokovia in the future.

Of course, the mutant school is not completely safe, but at least the X-Men are there to support it. He doesn't really agree with Professor

But such a person is not bad as a teammate, at least he will not sacrifice himself for profit.

Professor X also likes pua people, but is he the kind of person who will be pua?

If it's beneficial to him, just go with the flow. If it's not beneficial or harmful, then find a reason to reject it. Professor X can't read his mind anyway.

It's better than Magneto. From the perspective of mutants as a whole, Magneto is right. He is completely on the side of mutants and can even be ruthless enough to kill all non-mutants.

But if you are Magneto's teammate, he might sacrifice you for the benefit of mutants as a whole.

Mystique is so loyal and has such a good relationship, she doesn't show mercy at all when it's time to kill.

Not to mention Hawking, he is not a mutant. Ogle, Elena and Little Wanda are not mutants. Only Little Pietro is a mutant. He and Professor X are in the same position.

Neither the mutants nor the humans want to be completely wiped out.

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