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Chapter 72 Venom’s Weakness

"Oh God, what the hell are you!"

Eddie watched as his arms were covered by an unknown black creature, and he was controlling the motorcycle to speed through the street without his control, followed by more than a dozen cars and dozens of drones chasing after him.

From time to time, I can still feel bullets passing by my body, and shells exploding directly next to me.

His heart was also extremely broken.

As the head reporter of the Daily Bugle, he became famous for his coverage of the Golden God of War. Later, because of the relationship brought by his boss’s boss, he was able to enter the League of Legends International Company and conduct exclusive interviews with three superheroes.

Since then, he has been regarded as a prominent presence in the entire New York reporter circle.

A few days ago, a female doctor suddenly came to him and said that the famous Biological Foundation was secretly arresting homeless people and conducting cruel human experiments, hoping that he could expose their evil deeds.

For a reporter, how could he miss such big news?

So he followed the female doctor with excitement and sneaked into the laboratory at the headquarters of the Biological Foundation, hoping to take some evidence and then expose it to get a big news that would shock the entire New York.

Everything went smoothly at first, but just before the end, he was accidentally parasitized by an alien creature that looked like black paste in the laboratory.

This also led to his infiltration operation being completely exposed, and he was frantically pursued by the Life Foundation.

Even after he had fled to the streets of the city, this group of people would not let him go, and they were still so bold in pursuing him.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die!"

At some point, a Life Foundation car had detoured and stopped in front of him, and a bald man in the car window took out an RPG and pointed it at him with a sarcastic face.


The entire motorcycle was directly blasted by rockets.

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you die!"

The voice of the alien creature came to Eddie's mind again, and then his entire body was wrapped and turned into a humanoid monster nearly three meters tall, covered with black muscles and sharp fangs.

At this time, the alien creature took over full control of his body.

The alien creature controlled Eddie and jumped four to five meters high before the motorcycle exploded. He grabbed the street lamp with both hands and swung into the alley next to him.

The drones and pursuit personnel of the Life Foundation also followed closely.

"These cute little snacks of yours are just enough to fill my venomous belly."

After entering the alley, Venom stopped running away. Instead, he turned around, stretched out his long tongue and fangs, and roared loudly.

Cars stopped one after another, and people from the Life Foundation inside got out of their cars, took out their weapons and shot at Venom wildly.

But when those bullets hit Venom, they only stirred up black water splashes, and then they all fell to the ground, unable to break through the defense at all.

"Backdated weapons!"

Venom stretched out his hands, and his black arms were stretched like rubber. He grabbed the two people standing at the front one by one and pulled them in front of him like he was grabbing two little chickens.

"The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and internal organs all look good, but I still like to eat the head the most!"

One bite at a time, the heads of the two people in his hands were instantly eaten by him.

"Oh, hell, this is delicious."

"Go to hell, monster, da da da da da"

Seeing the venom eating the heads of the two companions, the people from the Life Foundation immediately started to retreat in panic while outputting wildly.

At this moment, suddenly a stream of spider threads shot out from above the alley, shooting all the people and venom from the Life Foundation below to the wall and sticking them together. It was Spider-Man Peter who took action after reporting to Hawking.

"Spider-Man of the League of Legends, please stop your current behavior immediately and do not make any other attacks!"

Peter shouted a warning as he rolled over and fell from the air.

Rule 1 of the Superhero Code: After discovering a crime, do not imitate the police and report an identity warning before taking action. You must first remove the threat before the other party is paying attention, and then perform the above actions.


With Venom's hands stuck to the wall, he pulled hard and tore Peter's sticky spider silk apart and fell down.

"Interesting, this guy's body seems to be very good, and his brain should be better than others!"

"What the hell are you?"

Seeing the venom that easily tore apart his own webs, Peter's face instantly became serious.

During this time in the company, he did see a lot of strange-looking mutants who came for interviews, but this was the first time he had seen such a strange guy like Venom, he looked like a monster.

"I'm not a thing, I'm venom!"

Venom punched Peter, and Peter quickly raised his arms forward.

However, Peter, who had a strength of more than ten tons, actually lost to the Venom in front of him in terms of pure strength. He was knocked away directly on the spot. He still relied on his strong reflexes to shoot spider silk in mid-air and wrap it around the wall. The unloading force bounced back.

"What a terrifying power!"

Peter, who landed on the wall of the alley, looked at Venom below in shock. Apart from Hawking, he had never seen anyone with such great power.

Seeing that Peter was not injured, Venom immediately jumped up and continued to attack.

But at this moment, Eddie, who was wrapped in Lima, began to resist:

"Don't hurt him, he's a good man."

"Okay, let's get out of here first!"

Feeling that the host's consciousness was resisting, Venom didn't force himself. He turned around and was about to eat two more heads to replenish his strength and leave.


But just as he turned around, a huge sound suddenly came from above, which made him dizzy and exhausted, and he had to shrink back into the body of his host Eddie.

Seeing the venom disappear, Hawking, who was floating in the sky, stopped yelling downwards.

It turned out that after receiving Peter's notice, he rushed over as soon as possible. Then when he saw the venom below, he immediately used an amplifying spell to amplify his voice and roared below.

Venom, an alien symbiote life, is almost immune to most physical and energy attacks, and its strength can reach a terrifying 200 tons when developed to its limit.

But it also has several very fatal weaknesses. It cannot survive alone without the host, and it is very afraid of sound and fire.

In most cases, their character and thoughts will be affected by the host they possessed for the first time.

So after Hawking saw the venom, he immediately used sound magic to give him a showdown.

It's just that he originally thought that Venom would come to the earth a few years later when Peter had already started working, but he didn't expect that it would come so far in advance. Moreover, he didn't find Peter at the beginning, but directly found Eddie.

It seems that many things in this universe are not exactly the same as the plots he knows. It can only be said that they are generally similar.

"You and Jessica hand these guys over to the police. I'll take Eddie back to the company to find out what's going on."

After explaining to Peter, Hawking went down, picked up Eddie, and quickly flew to his company.

Whenever venom tried to emerge on the road, Hawking would roar it back.

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