Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 73 Opportunities to unlock new templates

The underground training room of League of Legends International Corporation.

Hawking took off his armor and put Eddie, who was half-frightened to death, on a chair.

"Eddie, tell me, what's going on?"

"This is what happened, old boss?"

Eddie, who had just recovered a little, was about to tell the whole story to his most admired and grateful idol, when he suddenly saw Hawking's original face after removing the armor, and was stunned on the spot.

He never expected that the famous superhero, God of War, Armored Man, and Golden Flash, who had helped him save Ju, was actually his boss's boss, Hawking, who had been controlling the news content of the Daily Bugle.

"Don't be surprised, it's me. Let's talk about it."

Hawking reminded aloud.

If Eddie is just an ordinary newspaper reporter, then he is naturally not qualified to know his true identity.

But now Eddie is parasitized by venom, and there is a high probability that he will be recruited into his company in the future. This must be another story.

"Yes, boss, I... a few days ago."

After coming back to his senses, Eddie immediately told Hawking everything that happened at the Life Foundation.

Hawking's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"It turned out to be that company."

When he watched the Venom independent movie, he learned that a company had discovered symbiotes in outer space and brought them to Earth for research, hoping to solve various terminal diseases by combining symbiotes with humans.

To this end, they secretly lured all the unnoticed homeless people on the street into the laboratory for cruel human experiments, but they all ended in failure.

Because the symbiont cannot perfectly combine with any living thing. If the conditions are not met, the parasitized creature will be unable to persist within a few hours.

It’s just that when I watched the movie, I mainly watched the storyline, and I really didn’t pay attention to the name of the company.

However, what really makes him happy is not that he can get some justice by solving the inhumane company called Life Foundation.

But the plot development direction of this incident is very close to that of Venom's independent movie.

If true, it means that there is still a symbiote named "Riot" surviving on the earth. That symbiote plans to summon countless similar symbiotes to invade the earth.

what does that mean?

This means that if he can stop the riot, although it does not mean that he has helped the earth fight off countless symbionts, it will definitely save many lives on the earth in the future, and a large amount of justice value will definitely be recorded.

He felt that it was possible to unlock a new protagonist template with this batch of justice points, coupled with the justice points he had worked so hard to accumulate in the past.

"It's better to check with the main body first."

After coming back to his senses, Hawking immediately smiled and ordered Eddie:

"Let the alien called Venom come out of you."

Maybe these are just his wishful thinking. There is no such thing as an army of symbiotes invading the earth. For example, Venom in the third Spider-Man came to the earth alone.

The development of many things in this universe is very chaotic, and you cannot just rely on your own imagination.

So it would be more appropriate to call out the Venom body and ask.

"The boss, he doesn't want to come out and says you always yell at him."

After a moment, Eddie looked up at Hawking awkwardly.

Venom had always wanted to come out along the way, but he was shaken back by Hawking's voice directly enhanced by the amplifying spell. Venom was now shaken out of his psychological shadow, but he did not dare to come out.

Hawking was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said in a very gentle and charitable voice:

"Mr. Venom, what happened just now is a special situation. Although we humans will have some scum like the one you just ate, there are also many good people, just like me. The most important thing is friendship and peace.

So as long as you don't attack at will after you come out, then I promise not to yell at you. "

He remembered that this Venom seemed to be a relatively unsuccessful existence on his own planet. Compared to the ferocity of his kind, Venom's character was much more timid.

And there seems to be some middle-class, some naive and some naive ones.

Of course, if it's the one from the Spider-Man series, it's purely evil.

"Let me tell you first, I'm not afraid of you, it's just that our symbiote is very sensitive to sound and fire. If it is too strong, it will kill us."

After hearing Hawking's words, a human head made of black slime grew out of Eddie's shoulder.

It seems that he is more inclined to the former. He exposed his two fatal points as soon as he opened his mouth, and it was like no one else.

The smile on Hawking's face became even kinder after hearing this.

"I know, I know. Mr. Venom is not a timid person at first glance. He must be a famous presence among your tribe. He has a majestic appearance and an extremely kind heart. He is loved by everyone.

I just don’t know what the purpose of Mr. Venom’s sudden visit to our earth is? "

“You’re absolutely right, Eddie, I like this guy.

In fact, not all symbionts are as kind as me. This time we come to Earth."

Hearing Hawking praise himself so much, Venom's vanity immediately exploded, and he began to introduce his race and their purpose of coming to Earth.

It turns out that the symbiote family lives on a planet who knows how many light-years away from the earth. After leaving their own planet, they need to parasitize other organisms to exert their power.

As for why they come to Earth, it’s because they need food, food like Earth’s humans.

So it wasn't the Life Foundation's exploration spacecraft that found them, but their team of symbionts who went out to find food for the planet found the Earth, a big granary.

"But don't worry, I like you two very much. When my tribe comes, I will protect you two and won't let you become food."

At the end of the sentence, Venom promised with pride.

Eddie was shocked when he heard Venom's words. He didn't expect that such a terrifying alien creature was not just one, but a planet. If it really hit the earth, then humanity would be doomed.

Then he immediately turned to look at Hawking, only to find that there was no worry on Hawking's face. Instead, he was filled with happiness?

"Very good, it seems that it is indeed the setting in the Venom movie, so it will be easy to handle."

In Hawking's view, even if symbionts really invade the earth, it is actually not terrible, not to mention that the water on the earth is very deep, and there is no telling how much power is hidden. Even humans alone can fight as long as they are prepared.

The symbiote's weakness in fear of sound and fire makes it too easy to be targeted by technology.

"Mr. Venom, have you ever thought that if your people invaded here, the beautiful earth would be turned into ruins, and you would actually gain nothing.

But if you give up conveying the news of the earth to your people, then you can become a superhero that humans like and be worshiped by many, many people like me.

They'll also give you a resounding title, like Venom - the deadly guardian! "

Hawking started the trick of deception in response to Venom's character.

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