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Chapter 86 Creating a world with Hawking (third update)

"Hawking, Hawking, we're going!"

As soon as the shadow clone left, Wanda's "dong dong dong" knocking sound came from outside the door.

"Let's go, you impatient little brat."

After using the transformation spell to change into clothes, Hawking opened the door and pinched Wanda's round little face, while Wanda hugged Hawking's arm, pulled him and ran out the door.

"They're not ready yet, let's go outside and build a snowman first."

Pietro, who had just put on a scarf over there, saw this and couldn't help but complain:

"I'm a brother too, why don't I get this treatment?"

If he dared to pinch Wanda's face, Wanda would knock out all his teeth. The title of the eldest sister of the mutant school was no joke.

"Who told you to always snatch my sister's snacks before?"

Elena heard Pietro's complaints from the side and came over to straighten her clothes and smiled.

Pietro shrugged:

"Forget it, if she really did that to me, I would get goosebumps. You don't know how savage she is at school. I really sympathize with her future boyfriend."

"You brat, has anyone said that about my sister?"

Oleg, who had just come downstairs, heard this and stepped forward to give Pietro a blow on the back of his head.

Pietro rubbed the back of his head:

"I'm just telling the truth, and I will get beaten even if I tell the truth. I think she might as well marry Hawking in the future. Only Hawking can control her!"

After saying that, Oleg raised his hand again and immediately ran out with a "swipe".

His ability is an active skill, which means it is only useful when it is actively activated. If not activated, he is no different from an ordinary person.

So he didn't dodge when Oleg hit him at first, because he didn't notice it at the time, and naturally he didn't have the ability to take the initiative.

Now that he had seen that Oleg was going to hit him again, he immediately activated his abilities, and it was impossible for Oleg to hit him.

"What this kid said makes sense."

Seeing this, Elena on the side shook her head helplessly, and then couldn't help but nodded.

If Hawking and Wanda are together in the future, it will of course be a great thing.

Wanda is a mutant. If she marries an ordinary person in the future, she will inevitably have grudges. Even if the other person does not have grudges, it is impossible that the other person's parents and family will not all have grudges.

Hawking is different. He is a mutant and a family member. He is only two years older than Wanda. He is mature, stable, and able to take care of others. The key is that Wanda also sticks to him.

If he really could become Wanda's husband in the future, she would die laughing.

However, I am afraid that my daughter will not be so lucky. I heard Pietro said that if the school likes Hawking's little girl, then it doesn't cost too much.

"No matter what you think about, you are still a child."

Seeing his wife in a trance, Oleg, who knew her very well, had no choice but to shake her awake.

Wanda 14 and Hawking 16 are not yet adults yet, so their wives have a lot to think about.

"You are still a child now, but you will grow up in the blink of an eye. Of course, you must plan in advance, otherwise it will be too late when you grow up.

Looks like I have to help our little Wanda out! "

Elena replied thoughtfully.

The corner of Oleg's mouth twitched, and he stopped persuading and pulled his wife out.

Outside the door, Wanda and Hawking, who had absolutely no talent for building snowmen at this time, had worked together to build a huge, ugly little snowman, which made Pietro hold his stomach and laugh.

But soon he was hit by a snowball from Wanda, and snowballs flew all over the yard for an instant, and they didn't stop until Oleg and Elena came out.

The family drove to the lively city, playing music and laughing, to start their pre-Christmas shopping.

Decorating the house with lights, balloons, stickers, mini Christmas trees, and various ingredients, I went shopping from morning until 1 p.m. before I could buy everything.

So we chose a restaurant in the city for lunch.

"Wanda, you are too clingy to Hawking. What will you do if Hawking is gone one day?"

Looking at Wanda, who had to sit next to Hawking when eating, Pietro couldn't help but joke.

And Wanda snorted:

"Then I will create a world with Hawking!"


Hawking, who had just taken a sip of water, almost couldn't help but spit it out when he heard these words.

Are you going to evolve into Uchiha Wanda?

"Wanda, even if your brother is gone in the future, you must live a happy and happy life. There are many beautiful things in the world waiting for you to experience. Don't go to extremes in your thoughts."

No one has died since ancient times, and he is not sure that he will be immortal in the future, nor is he sure that he will be able to survive major events.

If he really died, he didn't want the people he loved to go to extremes because of his death.

Especially Wanda, although the more extreme her thoughts are, the more powerful she is, it also means that she is easier to be controlled by Sithorn and will eventually become a puppet.

After all, he is actually still in the category of a normal person. Sometimes he is a little cruel in his actions, but he also has his own bottom line.

He is not like Magneto who can exterminate the entire human race for the sake of mutants, nor is he as restrained as Professor X, nor is he as extreme as Wanda.

If possible, he hoped that the world would always maintain peace, and that he and Wanda's family would live a plain and happy life without having to worry about money.

"I'm just kidding, Hawking, you are so awesome, you will definitely stay with us forever."

Wanda blinked and smiled.

"Yes, I will become more and more powerful, so powerful that no one can take me away from you."

Hawking also had a smile on his face.

As long as he is strong enough, no one can destroy everything now.

After lunch, the family returned home with a full load. Hawking took Wanda and Pietro to decorate the entire house, while Oleg and Elena packed up the various ingredients they bought.

When it was almost time to eat dinner, Hawking suddenly felt a tremor in his body and some more memories appeared in his mind.

It was the shadow clone that sneaked into the SHIELD building to complete the mission, lifted the ninjutsu, and sent the information back.

"There is indeed something wrong with this old guy Magneto."

In one day, the shadow clone had roughly figured out the matter through various magic and ninjutsu such as transformation, lock-picking and soul-stealing spells.

Indeed, as Magneto said, S.H.I.E.L.D. has developed potions and weapons against mutants. But there are no plans to attack the mutants after Christmas, at least not any time soon.

"Are you just trying to take the opportunity to trick me into killing SHIELD and drag me into trouble, or do you have other intentions?"

After thinking for a moment, he formed another seal and sent a shadow clone, letting it fly to the mutant school.

In this situation, he thought it would be better to tell Professor

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