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Chapter 87 Magneto’s conspiracy (fourth update)

An hour later, the mutant school principal's office.

Professor X looked at Hawking with a surprised look on his face.

"Hawking, you went home for the holidays, why did you suddenly come back?"

"Professor, I have something important to tell you."

Hawking said seriously.

After hearing this, Professor

"you say."

"Magneto came to me last night. He asked me to cooperate with him to destroy SHIELD because he found out."

Hawking told Professor

He didn't plan to tell anyone about the shadow clone ninjutsu unless necessary.

Because as long as no one knows this ninjutsu, he can use the shadow clone to assume various identities and do things that are inconvenient for him in his current identity.

For example, if one day he wants to kill the president, Hawking, the chairman of League of Legends, superhero Hawking, and X-men Hawking will not be able to do it, but his shadow clone can change his appearance at will and do it. .

Even if he is exposed, his death will turn into a puff of smoke, making it impossible to trace him.

After listening to Hawking's account, Professor X couldn't help but sigh:

"My old friend is really restless, but Hawking, you don't need to worry about SHIELD's potions and weapons."


Hawking found that Professor

Professor X smiled and explained:

"Actually, Nick Fury talked to me a few days ago and told me about their development of potions and weapons. He has no hostility towards us and promised that as long as we don't take the initiative to cause trouble, he will never use them. Those ones.

He mainly did it to prevent Eric, because Eric's movements had become more and more frequent in the past few years, which made him feel very uneasy.

Of course, I know that I can't trust everything he says, but some of his words can still be trusted. "

He knew what kind of person Nick Fury was, and what Nick Fury said was just a hope that if Magneto launched a war, he and Hawking would side with SHIELD, or at least remain neutral.

In fact, if Nick Fury really had enough power, he probably wouldn't mind doing what Eric said. He knew all of this.

But so what, he just hopes to continue to maintain this situation. As long as Hawking's League of Legends plan is completed, the public will become more and more recognized for mutants.

In the future, even Nick Fury will not be able to deal with them openly.

"Nick Fury, this old fox, seems to have made a good plan."

After hearing Professor X's explanation, Hawking also raised his eyebrows. He naturally thought of what Professor X thought of.

To be able to become the director of SHIELD and to develop SHIELD into the world's largest organization, Nick Fury not only has arrogance and desire for control, but also has extraordinary abilities and calculations.

"Yeah, so as long as we stay still, it won't be so easy for the two of them to fight.

I have warned Nick Fury that if he takes the initiative to attack the Brotherhood of Mutants, then we will fall to the Brotherhood of Mutants.

You should also reply to Eric tomorrow. If he takes the initiative to attack SHIELD, then we will fall to SHIELD. "

Professor X said to Hawking.

"Okay, I understand."

Hawking nodded, this is indeed good, at least it can continue to be stable for a while.

The next day, it was still the same coffee shop.

"Hawking, have you thought about it?

I don’t think you want to be caught by SHIELD one day, put on a leash like a dog, and then stay in the laboratory every day, becoming a guinea pig in their experiments, or being manipulated into becoming their executioner.

Even if you think you are strong enough, don't forget that you have a sister and a brother, and they are not as strong as you.

Join me and we'll destroy S.H.I.E.L.D., and when the time comes, it's a done deal and Charles won't say anything more about you. "

When they met again, Magneto stopped procrastinating and started to bewitch him.

But Hawking just drank coffee calmly and replied unhurriedly:

"A week ago, Nick Fury had gone to the professor alone and told him about the potions and weapons. They had no intention of starting a war with mutants.

So, I'm sorry, Mr. Eric, I can't agree to your request.

Also, the professor asked me to tell you that if you take the initiative to start a war, then he will have to side with SHIELD. "

"He actually took the initiative to find Charles, so... very good!"

Hearing Hawking's answer, Magneto was stunned for a moment, and then an ugly smile appeared on his face.

At this time Hawking added:

"However, that is just the professor's point of view. I think, Mr. Eric, if you have any powerful trump card, at least let me think it is enough to deal with SHIELD and the professor's X-Men.

Then it's not impossible for me to consider cooperating with you to completely make SHIELD disappear from this world.

I don't like to take risks, nor do I like to fight uncertain battles. "

He didn't want Magneto to think that he was completely on the professor's side, so that if Magneto had any conspiracy, he might get the news in advance and not be caught off guard.

Magneto looked at Hawking, was silent for about five seconds, and finally smiled:

"I know. If that day comes, I will be the first to come to you for cooperation."

After saying that, he took Mystique and left the cafe.

Looking at Magneto and Mystique leaving, Hawking murmured:

"I always feel like this old guy is up to something."

His intuition told him that Magneto would not just let it go.

But after thinking about it carefully, it actually doesn't matter. He doesn't want the current peace to be broken, but if it is really broken, then he will take the opportunity to knock on the mountain and Zhenhu, show off his strength, and let all the forces know that he, Hawking, is not someone to be trifled with.

At the same time, we can take the opportunity to take Little Spider and the others to once again launch the banner of League of Legends International Company.

If you're lucky and the incident spreads over a large area, you may be able to collect a wave of justice points, which is not a loss after all.

So after thinking about it, he didn't intend to delve into it further.

On the other side, Mystique drove her car and asked Magneto next to her:

"Why didn't you just reveal some of our plans to him? Maybe we could really win him over to our side."

"Don't be fooled by this little fox. What he just said may not be true, or he may just want to get information.

We can't risk telling him the plan. Since he is unwilling to join us, don't blame me for being ruthless then. "

The murderous look flashed in Magneto's eyes.

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