Marvel Movie Destruction

Chapter 51 Battleship

"Jack, if I want to recruit people, where do you think I should go?" After thinking for a while, Li Qingyuan asked Jack Sparrow.

The two system tasks this time are very troublesome, no matter whether it is to be the Pirate Emperor or to kill the British Royal Fleet, neither can be done by one person!

After all, his current physical quality is slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, let alone five or five, even the hippie and smiling Captain Jack in front of him may not be able to win the opponent.

You must know that as the protagonist of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Jack Sparrow is also quite good in addition to his self-confidence and master-level negotiating skills.

At least, when it comes to sword fighting and close combat, Li Qingyuan feels that he will be directly abused by the opponent to become scum!

During this time, he mainly practiced the design skills of firearms. With his extraordinary physique and agility, he has been able to fix the target within 50 meters.

Possessing twice the physique and agility of ordinary people, plus firepower far exceeding the times for hundreds of years, if this is not enough to defeat one hundred, then just wash and sleep, and what else do you do in time travel.

"Recruiting? What are you going to do, buddy?" Jack Sparrow felt that he didn't match the brain circuit of the guy in front of him. Isn't the question now how to escape from this deserted island?

"I think the pirate life you just mentioned is quite interesting. I'm going to recruit people to form a pirate group!" Li Qingyuan said while rubbing his chin.

Regardless of whether to kill the British Royal Fleet or become a pirate emperor, the primary condition is that you must become a pirate.

From the chat with Jack Sparrow just now, he had learned that the new King George II of England had just succeeded to the throne. According to the world line, it should be 1728 AD.

It's just that the world line of this world seems very strange. It is reasonable to say that China should be in the middle stage of the so-called "Kangqian Prosperity", but in Jack's mouth, the far east is said to be ruled by the Ming Dynasty.

But that kind of news is not important, because his current location is the Caribbean Sea, which is separated from the Central Plains by half the world. At the current navigation speed, it will take half a year to return to China at the earliest.

Counting the back and forth time, if he is stubborn enough to go back and bring a group of Chinese to serve as his subordinates, it would be a blessing to Sanqing to complete this matter in one year!

"Pirate group? Do you have a boat, mate?" Jack asked curiously.

Because of the great development of the Americas these days, countless European squatters and desperadoes have fled to the New World, plus the trafficked black slaves, Indians and Mayans who have not yet died, it can be said that the entire Atlantic coast is everywhere. Can recruit people.

As long as you have a boat, plus a starting salary that you can pay, you can assemble a bunch of desperate guys anytime, anywhere.

A ship that can cross the Atlantic Ocean is a valuable treasure even for the kings of European countries.

The simplest reason is that because the UK now has nearly 200 warships, it is temporarily ahead of other European countries, while Spain, the original maritime hegemon, was defeated by half of the fleet because of the two wars, leaving only the country's warships left. One hundred and forty ships have become the second largest in Europe.

In the whole "Pirates of the Caribbean", the reason why Jack Sparrow has such a deep obsession with the Black Pearl is not only because the ship carries his dreams and life, but also because the ship is very real. is too expensive!

The Black Pearl was a three-masted schooner, not even a battleship in terms of ship class, but nonetheless cost as much as £20,000.

One more word!

Even the famous Captain Jack Sparrow had his head worth only £10,000 at its peak.

"I think, I should have a boat." Li Qingyuan nodded and said after trying to recall the plot in his mind.

"Uh, man, you're not talking about sampans, are you?" Jack Sparrow looked around and found no sign of a ship, so he asked teasingly.

"I think it should be a second-level battleship!" Li Qingyuan said uncertainly as he turned around with his hands outstretched.

According to the records in the movie, the Dreadnought in Port Royal is definitely a battleship, but whether it is a third-class battleship or a second-class battleship, because he is not a professional sailing enthusiast, he cannot tell at all.

"Second-level battleship? Are you kidding me?" Miss Swan was not very interested in the so-called ships, so she didn't react, but Jack Sparrow jumped up from the ground as if he had been electrocuted.

By the way, how did he manage to sit up and jump up?

"What, is there a problem?" Looking at Jack Sparrow's panicked expression, Li Qingyuan asked with a smile.

"Second-level battleship, do you know what you're talking about?" Jack Sparrow regained his composure and said word by word.

At present, there are indeed many pirates in the world, but whether it is Jack Sparrow or the so-called nine pirate kings, their ships are basically transformed from merchant ships.

Because the battleship is simply impossible to buy.

All battleships are in the hands of the royal families. No matter from the quality of the ships or from the quantity of artillery, the battleships and the transformed merchant ships are not products of the same level.

In a one-on-one situation, captains and sailors may rely on experience, morale and other messy bonuses to pose a threat to battleships, but once more than three battleships form a fleet, even if they face ten pirate ships, then It is also easy to win.

This is also why in the third part of "Pirates of the Caribbean", after seeing dozens of battleships appearing in the fog, even the nine pirate kings directly lost their fighting courage.

Then there is no need to fight at all. After a round of artillery fire, everyone here can only sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!

"I said yes, of course there is!" Dragging his chin and thinking for a while, Li Qingyuan felt that his plan was still very feasible.

As long as the beacon is lit according to the original plot, the Governor of Port Royal Swan and Brigadier General Norrington, who are looking for Miss Swan, will soon arrive.

And as long as he gets on the boat, it shouldn't be a problem for him to clean up those people on the boat.

Although there are more than 200 British soldiers on the Dreadnought, as long as he kills Norrington with thunder, and then kills 20 or 30 people, the rest of the people should not go all the way to the black and follow him. Carry it to the death.

But then, he looked up at Elizabeth Swan who was licking her fingers.

I guess there is no way to have any possibility of peaceful coexistence with her!

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