Marvel Movie Destruction

Chapter 52 Good man

"Dude, where is your ship?" Jack Sparrow asked in heartache, looking at the burning rum barrel.

This deserted island is not actually a deserted island. Although it is far away from the waterway, it is a storage point for a group of smugglers. I think he got into the other party's boat when the group of smugglers came to the island to store supplies. This is how he escaped from the desert island.

After all, the legend of a man cutting down trees on a desert island to make a raft to escape is not a story. If someone was going to do that, then he would definitely be sick!

Not to mention how low the survival rate of small rafts is in the sea, it is basically an impossible task for one person to cut down palm trees to make rafts.

"My ship is coming soon, just wait for the ship to be accepted, first officer!" Li Qingyuan patted Jack Sparrow on the shoulder, and Li Qingyuan said to be calm.

He is completely a noob when it comes to sailing. If he doesn't find a stronger guy to control the ship, let alone become a pirate emperor, even in this sea area, he will never be able to go out.

So he won over the famous Mr. Jack Sparrow with the position of the new ship's first mate.

Of course, with Jack Sparrow as a person, it is absolutely impossible for him to work for others, but the Black Pearl is still in the hands of Barbossa, and Li Qingyuan swears that it is a second-class battleship, so Jack Sparrow expressed his willingness to accept the position temporarily.

However, once the Black Pearl is recaptured, the opponent will immediately pat his butt and run away if he wants to come!

"Captain, the battleship you're talking about isn't—?"

Looking at the white battleship that appeared on the sea level, Jack Sparrow even changed the tone of his speech.

Just like in the plot, the disappearance of Elizabeth Swan has attracted the attention of the entire Port Royal. You must know that she is not only the daughter of the Governor of Port Royal, but also the head of the armed forces of Port Royal, the fiancee of Brigadier General Norrington.

Now the entire British military forces in the Caribbean region have been mobilized, and they have to look around like flies without a head, so when the beacon smoke ignited on this deserted island, it was quickly responded.

"That's right, Royal Intrepid, I think that ship should be very good to be my first ship!" Li Qingyuan smiled at Jack Sparrow.

Compared with the ragged merchant ships used by pirates, the Royal Intrepid is much stronger in terms of comfort and practicality.

"This, I said you were joking!" Looking at the Royal Dreadnought, which was coming at full speed, Jack Sparrow felt that he must have encountered an idiot.

That is an authentic second-class battleship. Generally speaking, it will be equipped with at least 400 soldiers. No matter how vicious pirates encounter this ship, they will run away, let alone attack it.

"I'm here!" Compared to Jack Sparrow's nervousness and Li Qingyuan's casualness, Elizabeth Swan was inexplicably excited, she immediately stood up and shouted to the beach.

Although it is absolutely impossible for the people on the ship so far to hear her cry, but only doing so can calm her down.

Even if there is indeed a heart in her chest that is dissatisfied with the status quo and wants to jump, but she is only an eighteen-year-old girl after all, and she is still a young lady who has never experienced any hardships since she was a child!

What happened in the past few days has exceeded her psychological expectations. She was kidnapped, hijacked, and even almost killed as a sacrifice. That is to say, Miss Swan's psychological endurance is super strong. If it were another woman, she said Frightened to death sooner or later.

"Don't talk nonsense, wait until we get on the boat!" Li Qingyuan whispered to Jack Sparrow taking two steps back.

"Are you serious?" Jack Sparrow's eyes were bigger than cows. He always felt that he was daring, but compared to the oriental man he just met in front of him, he was simply a good baby!

Are you sure you're not joking about two people robbing a heavily armed second class battleship?

"If you are afraid, forget it, but you think clearly, whether I succeed or not, you will be directly sent to the gallows, and your first mate will continue to be his captain, and people will recall this history a few years later. In time, he will become the most legendary presence in the entire Caribbean."

Li Qingyuan looked at Jack Sparrow and said bewitchingly.

"As for you, at most, you are the clown in the story, and you don't even have a name!"

Jack Sparrow, if you want to say that he is a bad person, it is absolutely impossible, but if you want to say that he is a pure good person, it is absolutely impossible.

He yearned for freedom all his life, and he was a man like the sea.

The biggest wish of such a person in this life is to become a part of history like those great ancient sages.

So when Li Qingyuan said this, Jack Sparrow immediately understood.

He is a pirate, and the opposite is the navy, and the two are inherently hostile.

Having been a pirate for so many years, Jack Sparrow probably wouldn't be able to deal with women and children, but he would never be soft on the navy.

After all, even that surnamed Monkey would beat people, let alone the surnamed Sparrow!

Soon, the battleship Dreadnought approached the desert island, a small boat was let down, and Commodore Norrington and Governor Swan rushed towards the desert island accompanied by dozens of soldiers.


Before the boat docked, Governor Swan jumped down from it, and it could not be seen that the Governor was in good hands.

"Daddy!" Miss Swan also rushed towards Governor Swan, and the father and daughter cried together on the beach.

Not in the mood to pay attention to the bitter scenes next to him, Brigadier General Norrington surrounded Jack Sparrow and Li Qingyuan with the remaining dozen soldiers.

"who are you?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of an Oriental, Brigadier General Norrington asked strangely.

According to his information, it seems that there are no Orientals in the Caribbean Sea!

"I am a tourist from the East, and I fell on this desert island because of a shipwreck." Li Qingyuan said with his suitcase.

Of course, with his strength and Jack Sparrow's skill, if he suddenly attacked, he would definitely leave Norrington and all his soldiers behind, but the battleship would fly away!

"Li is a businessman from the eastern country. He has a lot of magical eastern goods!" At this time, the benefits of feeding Miss Swan were reflected. Hearing the noise here, Elizabeth Swan hurriedly stood up to give He proved it.

"Your Excellency can take our ship back to Port Royal together. At this time next year, there should be a Spanish ship heading east." Facing Miss Swan, Brigadier General Norrington's IQ dropped instantly, and he no longer pursued it. Li Qingyuan's identity.

"Thank you very much!" Since the other party invited him so warmly, of course Li Qingyuan would not object.

Brigadier General Norrington is really a good man!

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