Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 139 The Rapids On The Earth Are Raging!

As a result, the several regiments and strong men under his command have not really experienced large-scale battles. Compared with the confrontation between the two armies, the usual ones are just fights at best.

Only such passionate battles can enhance the true strength of the legion. Blood and killing can hone an army that will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

Secondly, when the Chitauri army actually arrives on Earth, it will cause huge amounts of impact on this marginal planet, completely overturning society's original conventional thinking.

What Thrall wants, besides victory, is to become famous in one battle!

He is not a philanthropist. Only the Virgin Bitch will do things that are not beneficial.

If it's just for the Infinite Gems, Thrall can kill Loki in a minute at most. Why go through so many twists and turns after snatching the Mind Gem and Space gem?

Everything that happened in the S.H.I.E.L.D research base was similar to what Thrall remembered.

The first thing the ambitious Loki did after coming to Earth was to snatch the Tesseract.

To this end, he also conveniently used the scepter given to him by Thanos to control Hawkeye and several S.H.I.E.L.D researchers who studied the Rubik's Cube, including Dr. Selvig, who had had a relationship with Thrall before.

Then, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D base became extremely chaotic due to the lack of follow-up energy injection from the space portal, and huge amounts of explosions occurred.

Such an explosion was tantamount to dropping a powerful missile of huge amounts at the core of the base. Under the explosion, the entire base was completely destroyed. Many S.H.I.E.L.D agents who had no time to escape were killed as a result, and countless others were injured.

This is a disaster, but also a signal, a signal for the battle to begin.

After Loki left, Thrall also regained his mental perception.

With his current soul strength, as long as the Tesseract is not blocked by strange magic, he can lock the Tesseract's location at any time and not worry about Loki escaping with his things.

After causing such a big mess and attracting aliens, as SHIELD Director, Nick Fury also endured huge amounts of pressure and was held accountable by a group of supervisory bosses.

Under pressure, Nick Fury had to tell the truth, which made all the senior executives look solemn.

"Commander Fury, do you mean that God's Domain is going to declare war on us?"

Among the several screens in front of Nick Fury, a gloomy-faced cabinet member asked.

"It's not God's Domain, it's Loki. In this battle, I need good soldiers!"

Nick Fury's one eye was shining with a frightening luster. It was obvious that this incident had made him very determined.

In the end, the parliamentary committee responsible for supervising S.H.I.E.L.D. passed Fury's resolution.

However, this extremely secretive news quickly reached Sal.

"Master, S.H.I.E.L.D has activated the Avengers Project, hoping to use it to fight threats from beyond the earth and get back the Rubik's Cube with unlimited energy source."

A high-ranking congressman who once appeared on Nick Fury's screen stood respectfully in front of Sal soon after and told Sal all the information he knew.

I'm afraid Nick․ Fury never dreamed that the information he thought was extremely confidential would be like open rice to Sal.

The cabinet member, who had already become a high-level member of the Hellfire Club, was exuding Mutant's unique aura of fluctuation and looked at Thrall with awe in his eyes.

"Mr. Congressman, what you said is very meaningful. If you don't mind, could you share this interesting information?"

After thinking for a moment, the smile on Sal's face gradually widened.

……Please give me flowers…………

If the matter could be conveyed to all countries in the world through the highly respected members of the United States cabinet, the sensation caused would definitely not be small.

"Mr. Congressman, this is...

Soon, the congressman quietly left the Hellfire Club, and under Thrall's instructions, he "very accidentally" disclosed the alien forces' declaration of war on the earth to the intelligence agencies of other countries.

The morning sun rises as usual, but under the calm surface of this world illuminated by the morning sun, huge amounts of undercurrents have been set off.


The information obtained from the mouths of senior cabinet members of the United States seemed to have grown wings and was delivered to the leaders of any country in the world in less than a day.

Alien invasion! Declaration of war on Earth!

Such news is absolutely subversive for any country and government!

"Notify all those in charge of major generals and above in the military department to convene an emergency meeting immediately!"

"Go ahead and put all troops on first-level alert!"

"Attention, block all messages and don't cause any commotion!"

After receiving the news, high-level officials from various countries around the world made similar major decisions in almost no particular order.

Even the most chaotic and war-torn countries in the Middle East announced their support for war almost at the same time, and all troops were urgently withdrawn.

Although no news has been revealed about all these abnormal actions in various countries around the world, among the people, as long as people with a certain degree of sensitivity have noticed something fishy.

Coupled with the "bold" speculations made by "freelance reporters" in the news media who like to use chicken feathers as arrows, a global panic soon began.


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