Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 140 Panic Strikes!

When panic strikes, the already fragile and vulnerable social order is also shaken to its core.

The earth is about to usher in the invasion of other powerful civilizations in the universe. It is impossible to compete with the technology on the earth. All human beings will become vassals and slaves except for death.

Such a statement has been widely circulated among the people, but no one pays attention to its source, and no one really cares about the authenticity of the matter.

For a time, many people had a feeling that the sky was falling. Strikes, demonstrations, and even soaring crime rates due to "doomsday theories" put governments around the world in a difficult predicament.

Perhaps, the only places on earth that have not been affected by panic are Kamar-Taj, the magical holy land that has been passed down for a long time, and Wakanda, which is completely controlled by Salcher's "430".

The gaffe got so bad that even the originally calm Ancient One became a little uneasy and even left Kamar-Taj to meet Sen alone.

"Everything will come to an end soon."

The calmness and confidence in Sal's words made the Ancient One calm down a little.

In the turbulent situation that is impacted by the 'doomsday theory', S.H.I.E.L.D, as the initiator, has withstood almost all the pressure.

By this time, no one cared about why the story spread so widely, pointing the finger at S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, the "Avengers Project" that had been suspended before must be restarted. Fury also arranged for his best agents to gather the "superheroes".

The Black Widow who was trained by the agent agency of the former Soviet Union, the Iron Man who was born with a golden key and a talented scientist, and the captain of the United States who had been frozen for nearly half a century since World War II, all agreed after learning the truth of the matter. Be willing to stand up and make sacrifices to save this catastrophe.

These people are considered the strongest trump card in Fury's hand. If they can solve the potential huge threat caused by Loki, everything will naturally settle.

Originally, there should be another powerful warrior in Fury's plan, Dr. Bruce Banner.

However, Bruce Banner, who had been secretly monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D, lost his trace not long ago. S.H.I.E.L.D's large number of agents spent a lot of time tracking but failed to obtain the exact trace, so they gave up.

On the S.H.I.E.L.D side, the prototype of Avengers has just been established, and there is already a lot of commotion in the roadbed.

Hawkeye and Selvig, who were controlled by him, were both civil and military, and they could all be used.

After receiving some of the ancient knowledge related to the Tesseract taught by Loki, Selvig already knew how to release the boundless energy in the Tesseract and open a passage that would allow the Chitauri Legion to come directly to the earth.

Hawkeye is a very important piece in Loki's plan.

Hawkeye, who was originally the core agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, knew too much key information about S.H.I.E.L.D. It would be a good idea to use him to severely damage S.H.I.E.L.D so that S.H.I.E.L.D would not affect Loki's plan.

Ever since, the God of Conspiracy staged a bitter trick.

Loki deliberately showed up to lure Iron Man and the captain of the United States. After a simple resistance, Loki showed an invincible attitude and was captured.

On the other side, Selvig, who was completely controlled, took the opportunity to secretly carry out Loki's plan, creating an instrument that could extract Tesseract energy and open the transmission channel.

Everything went according to Loki's plot, but he ignored that there is a god in Asgard who has the ability to peer into the nine realms.

Also, Thrall, an ally that God King Odin treats with caution, is also on Earth.

Everything Loki did was not only discovered by Heimdall, the God of Dawn, but also fell into Thrall's control.

Thrall was not in a hurry, but God's Domain was not so calm.

"Thor, bring your useless brother back with the Tesseract through Bifrost immediately!"

After receiving Heimdall's report, Odin was furious and ordered Thor to go to Earth and recapture Loki...

Not long after Loki was captured by Iron Man and the captain of the United States, Bifrost's powerful spatial fluctuations made Thrall's eyes shine with a glint.

In the original plot, Bruce Banner was a very important part. Now that Bruce is far away in Wakanda, it may be difficult for Loki to severely damage S.H.I.E.L.D.

Thrall, on the other hand, has been setting up a trap for too long and cannot be disturbed by the sudden arrival of Thor.

Immediately, Thrall also disappeared into the Hellfire Club.

Thor, who came to Earth with a mission, saw Thrall with a faint smile at first sight when the nine-colored light on his body just dissipated.

"Lord Sal, is that you?"

Thor was a little surprised to see Thrall as soon as he landed on Earth.

"If I'm not wrong, you came to Earth for your brother's sake, right?"

Sal asked directly without any nonsense.

"Yes! Lord Thrall, on the order of the God King, I will send Loki to the God's Realm to receive sanctions!"

When it comes to Loki, Thor's tone is full of anger.

This unsatisfactory brother has gone further and further down the wrong path.

As an older brother, he couldn't just watch Loki make a mistake and go down to 3.4 step by step!

"I have an alliance agreement with God's Domain. This matter involves the interests of God's Domain. As an ally, I will not ignore it."

"How about this, you come with me first, I will take you to my power on earth to sit down, and I will discuss Loki's matter with you slowly."

Sal put away his smile and spoke seriously.

"Okay! If Sir Sal is willing to take action, that would be the best!"

Thor was overjoyed to hear Thrall's words.

"Let's go."

Thrall opened the teleportation portal casually, turned around and stepped in.

The upright Thor didn't see a faint smile flashing in Thrall's eyes.

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