Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 142 Chitauri Invasion!

Although Thor was Rage, he still had some scruples when it came to his brother and did not show his full strength.

Loki is different.

Before the uncertainty of Thrall, Loki just wanted to escape as soon as possible, leaving everything to the Chitauri Legion behind him to solve, as for what happened next.

Behind him was Thanos, the lawless killing demon. Even though Thrall had a special status, he did not take action against him. If Thanos supported him, he might not be afraid of Thrall.

Thinking of this, Loki's body surged with divine power, his strength reached its limit, and his attacks became fierce.


Taking advantage of Thor's opening, a powerful energy from the scepter in Loki's hand turned into a laser, which hit Thor's chest hard and bounced him away.

"Your Excellency Sal, this is a matter between our brothers. You won't interfere, right?"

After knocking Thor away, Loki spoke in a low voice, staring at Thrall.

"Your Excellency Sal, you don't need to do anything, I will do it!"

Thor, who was knocked away, returned again, knocked Loki away hard, and said.

Thrall's eyes moved slightly, watching the brawl between the two brothers Loki and Thor with great interest. His eyes only stayed briefly on the scepter in Loki's hand.

Still such a reckless man, Thrall was still a little disappointed with Thor's performance.

But since Thor had told him not to interfere, he was happy and at ease.

Among the huge amounts of chaos, there was only one person not involved in the fighting, and that was Thrall standing at the top of the Stark Building.

Sal's face was dull. Standing at the highest position, overlooking the prosperous city that had been plunged into great panic and chaos, he felt a little emotional for a moment.

A civilization continues to evolve, and after centuries of accumulation, this prosperous city has emerged. However, under the war, it will be destroyed soon, and even civilization will become a thing of the past.

Only power, the supreme power, can ensure that all good things can stay and create all the good things you want.

At this moment, Thrall's heart became more and more eager for more powerful power.


In the brief moment when Sal was slightly distracted, the battle between Luji and Thor had already decided the winner.

In the end, the upright Thor was tricked by Loki, and a small sharp dagger pierced his armor.

Loki, on the other hand, took this perfect opportunity to roll over and jump off the Stark Building, landing right on top of a small Chitauri fighter plane. He twisted around and quickly lost his trace.


Thor, who was so furious that he pulled out the dagger stuck in his waist, let out a roar of rage.

Having cheated on his brother twice in a row, he was extremely disappointed and at the same time, Thor was extremely frustrated.

"Thor, although it is important to carry out your father's orders at the moment, I am afraid that these invading aliens need to be dealt with first. Otherwise, it will be difficult to resist them with the technological means on earth."

At the moment of Thor's Rage, Thrall spoke calmly and said to Thor.

Thrall's words were like a basin of cold water, instantly making Thor sober up.

Thor's eyes were bloodshot as he saw the Chitauri army plundering the streets below.

Midgard Earth is also one of the nine realms under the rule of Asgard, and these war-torn people are his people!

"Lord Thrall, please take action!"

At this time, Thor also realized that it was a joke to face the endless Chitauri army with his strength.

Only the indifferent young man in front of him possessed this kind of energy.

"You go help the residents evacuate. I will handle the Chitauri army. I can also help you with Loki so that you can successfully complete King Odin's Oracle. But afterwards, you can take Loki away and the Tesseract belongs to me.

Facing Thor's 'hot' gaze, Thrall smiled slightly, agreed, and at the same time put forward his own conditions.

Tesseract? No problem! I'll explain it to my father. "

In desperation, Thor agreed decisively without thinking at all.

Originally Odin's order was for him to return to God's Realm with Loki and the Tesseract. Now the situation is special. Only Thrall can take action to solve everything. This is the most important thing.

"Okay, go ahead and delay as much as possible so that the Chitauri invaders don't spread too thin."

Sal smiled slightly and nodded.

With Mjolnir shaking, Thor disappeared before Thrall.

A smile slowly spread on Thrall's face, and with a movement of his hand, the scepter that Loki dropped on the ground when he fled in a hurry was held in his hand.

Feeling the surging energy hidden in the gem at the top of the scepter, the nebula particles in Sal's body surged fiercely, revealing incomparable excitement and desire.

"Okay, it's time to let this battle really begin..."

Slightly suppressing the huge waves in his heart, Sal's eyes were bright and he murmured to himself.

Immediately, the space magic array at the fingertips of Thrall's left hand burst out with shining light, suddenly softening towards the sky.


A sound that shook the sky sounded, and a space portal opened rapidly.

This space portal is similar to the space channel that the Tesseract energy penetrates, but its expansion range is much larger than the channel impacted by the Tesseract.

The other end of the huge passage is connected to another fiery world.

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