Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 143 Two Flame Corps!

Through the passage of the space portal, a rich flame power is about to come out.

Behind the portal, there was a faint roar of beasts, and the roar was full of suppressed excitement and bloodlust.

The roar of this beast made New York, already shrouded in fear, fall even more into despair.

The streets that had been devastated by the Chitauri war were shrouded in gloom amid the inexplicable roars of the bloodthirsty beasts.

The Avengers who were fighting fiercely all noticed the strange phenomenon in the sky, and couldn't help but have a tragic look in their eyes.

Facing the endless Chitauri army, their strength is already very weak. Now they have to fight desperately to delay the invasion of the Chitauri army.

However, there is another passage next to the space passage of the Chitauri army.

Just by hearing the roars of countless beasts, one can be sure that there are many beings on the other side of the passage.

How long can they hold on?

"Stark, is there a way to seal the passage?"

Black Widow, who was rolling to avoid while firing 363 to repel several ferocious Chitauri soldiers, asked into the headset with blood on her forehead.

"That's not possible for the time being. The Chitauri army's channel only needs to find a way to block the Tesseract's energy. I haven't analyzed the energy source of this channel yet!"

Tony Stark, wrapped in a Mark VI steel battle suit, is not doing well either.

Although he is protected by powerful armor, in the end he is just an ordinary person. Such a fierce battle is difficult for him to last.

"No matter what, we must persevere. There is still a strong man in God's Domain. He has joined our camp. He can contain a large number of Chitauri soldiers alone."

The captain of the United States looked a little embarrassed, and the shield in his hand could no longer remember how many attacks he had endured.

During the battle, he saw Thor, who was causing the thunder to attack continuously. Speaking of it now, it would somewhat improve everyone's morale.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that there was help from a powerful person from the God Realm.

At least, they are not alone!

However, just when everyone was desperate regardless of their safety, in the space channel connected by the Tesseract, a huge amount of figure let out a weird howl, slowly passed through the space channel, and gradually revealed its body that covered the sky and the sun.

This is a giant beast, its whole body covered in armor, and it also has a pair of weird-looking pitch-black bone wings.

After the giant beast appeared, its huge body turned and had no intention of avoiding the buildings on the ground. It hit and crushed them all the way.

These huge buildings, hundreds of meters high, were like paper in front of this giant war beast. They shattered and collapsed in the face of its terrifying impact.

In the building, many citizens who had no time to escape were unable to resist the collapse of the building and could only bury themselves under the rubble in despair.

As soon as the war beast appeared, the casualties of citizens suddenly increased sharply, which made the Avengers' eyes become bloodshot.

What made them even more desperate was that on the other side of the space channel connected by the Tesseract, the same howls were coming one after another. It was obvious that many war beasts were about to come.

"Is humanity really facing destruction?"

Such thoughts flashed through the hearts of everyone fighting.

Their judgment was correct. After the first war beast appeared, huge and ferocious war beasts continued to appear in the space passage. They quickly dispersed (cfbi) and plundered at will on different streets in New York.

At the moment, the Avengers and Thor have been completely separated, and everyone is dealing with a giant war beast, desperately launching attacks.

Only if they desperately restrained the war beast, the regiment could minimize its losses.

However, the number of war beasts is much greater than their number.

The battle on the streets of New York was transmitted in real time through various channels such as satellite, affecting the hearts of countless people.

Governments around the world, who had received the news in advance, are now paying close attention to the war situation.

Even if they did not fight in person, when they saw the huge and ferocious war beasts, the top leaders of various countries could not help but feel despair in their hearts.

Intruders are coming continuously in the space channel connected by Tesseract. This is the source of their despair.

Beside the source of their despair, there is another fiery red passage, inside which lies the unknown.

However, everyone understands that the fiery red channel where no monster has appeared so far is definitely not a decoration.

Among countless nervous gazes, a change finally appeared in the fiery red passage.

The first flame creature passed through the space portal, and its whole body seemed to be wrapped in cooling molten magma. It was bright and dark at times, and there was a burning flame lingering in its chest and abdomen.

After passing through the space passage, the flaming creature fell straight down and hit the top of a building, causing many cracks on the hard floor at the top of the building.

Immediately, the second head, the third head...

Densely packed flame creatures descended from the space passage, turning into streaks of fire and falling down, like a meteor shower.

These flame creatures that appeared were all humanoid, and they were the first legion of flames formed by Thrall.

Accompanied by a strong roar of flame creatures, all humanoid flame creatures quickly gathered. They did not attack the panicked citizens, but gathered together in an orderly manner.

Wait quietly.

Following closely behind the humanoid flame creature were densely packed beast-shaped flame creatures, led by a nearly ten-story-high lion flame creature. After passing through the space portal, a pair of huge amounts of flame wings spread out, flying like this, spreading out Exudes a strong breath of fire.


The flaming lion roared loudly, and the sound waves reverberated.

What responded to it was the countless roars of beasts on the other side of the teleportation portal, and flaming beasts of different shapes appeared quickly.

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