Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 13: Alien Monsters, Within Seconds!

With the behemoth of the starry sky taking his place, Thrall would have a lot of peace of mind.

Moreover, the starry sky beast was originally born in the starry sky, and is more suitable for long-distance travel than Thrall. Whether it is speed or endurance, although it is not as good as Thrall, it is still quite good, which makes Thrall very satisfied.

"Little guy, since you are following Uncle Sal, how can you not have a cool name? From now on, I will call you Starry Sky Dragon... Xiaolong!"

Obtaining the starry sky beast put Thrall in a good mood along the way, and he communicated with the starry sky beast at every turn.

The starry sky beast has been staying in the meteorite belt since it can remember, and has never left.

Based on the simple mental communication between it and Thrall, Thrall understood that this meteorite belt is vast, connecting more than one star field, and even running through the distance of several star fields. In addition to countless chaotic meteorites, there are really many Less good stuff.

The starry sky beast is able to possess its current strength precisely because it has been devoured by many good things in the meteorite belt.

However, Thrall was not very interested in the treasure mentioned by the starry sky beast.

"Xiaolong, it seems that you have been in the meteorite belt for a long time and don't know what the real good things are. I will show you what is a treasure."

Thrall looked like a country bumpkin and dismissed the treasures mentioned by the starry sky beast.

Although the starry sky beast did not quite agree with Sal's words, it was still a little excited. Without Sal's instructions, it accelerated its speed and got closer and closer to the planet Sovereign.

One man and one horse turned into streams of light, and after traveling through several star fields, they finally arrived at the star field where Sovereign's planet was located.

According to Thrall's understanding of the planet Sovereign, this entire star field is Sovereign's territory, but the number of people on Sovereign is not too large. Almost all of them live on Sovereign, and there are no Colonize this star field.

When crossing the boundary between the two star fields, Thrall vaguely noticed that there was a group of energy fluctuations attracting him somewhere in the center of the star field. If nothing else, it was the destination of his trip - Solo. Verin star.

"Xiaolong, speed up, hurry up for me, or else there will be nothing to eat!"

With a slight smile, Thrall gave a low shout, and the starry sky beast also increased its speed, passing through the somewhat desolate uninhabited planets.

Soon, in the field of vision of Thrall and the starry sky beast, a golden planet wrapped in a dense atmosphere was already in sight.

This golden planet is quite strange. This is the first time Sal has seen such a golden planet. It means that there should be some kind of special rich energy in it that can evolve life. It has to be said that it is a miracle in the universe.


Thrall was not the only one to feel the strangeness of this planet. The starry sky beast that had recently become its mount also let out an excited roar, and his roar did not hide his desire for a full meal.

"Now you know how rubbish those treasures in the meteorite belt you told me about before are."

Thrall, the master, saw the starry sky beast in an excited and uncontrollable state, and mocked him mercilessly.


Another roar sounded, with a strong sense of ferocity.

"Xiaolong, you still dare to hurt me, but why did your voice change?"

Thrall, who was staring intently at the Sovereign planet, was slightly startled when he heard the roar. The roar did not seem to come from the starry beast beneath him.

Soon, Thrall found the source of the roar. It was indeed not the star beast sitting down, but another strange monster.

This monster is also a kind of giant beast from another dimension, but it is much uglier than his mount. It has a huge amount of head and a huge hollow body like a bag, full of octopus-like tentacles. , the giant mouth opened to reveal a circle of ferocious fangs, and at the moment it was roaring towards his location.

Seeing the face of this monster clearly, Thrall was slightly startled. Isn't this the same monster that ate the steel-titanium battery on the planet Sovereign in the movie Guardians of Galaxy?

It seems that this monster originally lived in a different-dimensional universe. It also noticed the fluctuations of the energy battery on Sovereign, so it lurked in the starry sky and waited for opportunities. Now it bumped into the starry sky beast controlled by Thrall, and suddenly There was a feeling that the territory was being invaded, so he let out an angry roar of intimidation.

Thrall, who was looking at the Sovereign Star, was disturbed by this monster. He suddenly felt a little unhappy and patted the starry sky beast that was sitting down.


The starry sky monster, who was also unhappy, took a sharp breath, opened its mouth, and let out a loud roar, which was much more shocking than the ugly monster opposite. There was a faint smell of dragon roar in it, and it carried the domineering aura of dominion over the world.

This huge roar created a rolling sound wave that reverberated away. The starry sky Dragon originally lived in space, and its sound could be transmitted even in the void, which was full of intimidation.

Under the roar of Starry Sky Dragon, the monster on the opposite side felt the powerful aura of Starry Sky Dragon, and the ferocity in its eyes converged, but it was reluctant to retreat, and still insisted on blocking Thrall and Starry Sky Dragon, wanting to guard its own. 'territory'.

"Ignorant of good and evil!"

Starry Sky Dragon had already given the opponent a warning, but this monster still couldn't tell the huge gap in strength. Thrall, who was focused on the Sovereign planet, snorted coldly and had no intention of continuing to entangle with it.

I saw nebula particles spreading on the tips of Thrall's fingers, and soon formed a small blade, which became more solid as Thrall raised his hand.

The dreamlike starry sky-like blade was extremely sharp. Thrall flicked it away and flew out, turning into a black light. It broke through the distance limit in an instant and shot towards the monster.

With a "pop" sound, the entire pitch-black sword blade was completely immersed in the monster's neck, bringing up a pool of blood with a faint green glow.

This seemingly light blow has actually caused great damage to the monster. The blade is formed from the nebula particles of Thrall's original power. In addition to its powerful attack power, it also has terrifying devouring power.

The nebula particles enter the monster's body and are like poison. They will devour the monster's flesh, flesh and energy at any time, slowly swallowing it whole bit by bit. It is simply a terrible torture that is worse than death.

The monster that was hit by Thrall only let out a scream of horror. In the midst of huge amounts of fear, it no longer regained its previous ferocity. With its momentum low, it turned around and ran away without any intention of lingering. .

Seeing Thrall's attack, he almost killed the monster with a casual move. There was a lot of awe in the eyes of the starry sky beast.

"Xiaolong, hurry up, I'm going to be hungry even if you're not hungry."

Seeing the monster escaping, Thrall had no intention of pursuing it and reminded the starry sky beast.

The starry sky beast's body trembled slightly, its eyes showed excitement again, and it quickly headed towards the golden planet Sovereign.

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