Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 14 Sovereign Star Destroyer Cannon!

"Xiaolong, behave well later. If you make me proud, Sovereign's steel-titanium batteries will be your snacks from now on."

When approaching Soverin, Thrall said something to the starry sky beast, which made the starry sky beast even more excited and accelerated one after another.

Although I don't understand what a steel titanium battery is, the starry sky beast's intuition can be mentioned by Sal, it is definitely delicious food.

However, good things often take a long time. When Thrall was driving the starry beast and was about to approach the golden Sovereign planet, a huge fleet appeared in front of them.

The entire fleet showed a brilliant golden color. The battleship was not too big. It was even smaller than a regular battleship by a point or two. On the front of the battleship, there was a huge amount of projection screen, which clearly showed a A golden face.

Sovereign drone fleet!

The first time he saw this fleet, Thrall recognized it. It was Soverin's famous unmanned fleet.

The planet Sovereign is famous because, on the one hand, the rulers of the planet, the Sovereigns, are quite arrogant and conceited. They believe that they are the most genetically perfect and perfect beings in the universe and look down on all other life. On the other hand, this planet is Sovereign's drone fleet.

Unmanned fleet, as the name suggests, there is no one person in the entire fleet. The daily driving and attacking of the battleship are all remotely controlled by the Sovereigns. Therefore, a lot of space can be saved to reduce the size of the battleship and improve its maneuverability.

Moreover, even if the battleship is damaged during the war, not a single Sovereign will die.

The Sovereigns believe that each of them is a creature with the most perfect genetic sequence in the universe, and the death of any one person is unacceptable.

In fact, in Sal's opinion, these can only show that the Sovereigns are weaklings who are afraid of death.

The fleet that intercepted Thrall and the starry sky beast had already transmitted the captured footage to Sovereign. At the moment, Soverein's supreme ruler, High Priest Ayesha, and several of his highly respected commanders all stood. In front of a huge amount of projection.

"Master High Priest, we have been able to confirm that this monster of huge amounts is not a creature from our star domain. Its appearance here has caused a huge threat to life on the planet."

A commander reported to the beautiful high priest.

"High Priest, a lot of the steel-titanium batteries on our planet were stolen by invading monsters. It should be this monster. We must kill it!"

Another commander also held huge amounts of hostility towards the starry sky beast and made a decisive judgment.

"However, judging from the previous surveillance footage, the monster that stole the energy battery has many tentacles, and it is not the same one as the current one..."

A Sovereign battleship pilot whispered.

"Armand, shut up. This monster is the same monster that stole the battery before. What? Are you questioning my judgment?"

Interrupted by a small battleship pilot under his command, the commander was immediately furious. There was a cold threat in his vicious eyes, telling the pilot who had just spoken to shut up.

"Master High Priest?"

The eyes of several commanders fell on High Priest Ayesha, waiting for her decision.

"Whether it is a monster that steals batteries or not, since it dares to appear outside the Sovereign planet, let the fleet destroy this monster."

Ayesha spoke arrogantly.

After receiving Ayesa's order, the commander who had just scolded his subordinates suddenly nodded respectfully, turned around and showed a cruel smile, facing all the pilots who were driving the warship remotely.

"All fighter planes obey orders, use full firepower, kill without mercy!"

The sound with strong murderous intent echoed throughout the command center, making all the pilots look excited.

"Just watch, this monster will definitely die in my hands."

"Dream, I am Sovereign's most powerful pilot!"

"Two losers, look at me!"

Amidst the continuous disputes, everyone quickly controlled their fighter planes, locked onto the starry sky beast, and launched the most powerful attack.

From being intercepted by the Sovereign unmanned fleet to the time they launched their attack, in just a few moments, Thrall was not given any chance to communicate.

Seeing all the fighter planes frantically attacking him and the starry sky beast, it was like seeing the enemy who killed his father. Although Sal was a little confused, his face gradually became colder.

"If I hadn't planned for you to become a force under my command, now this fleet, including your planet, would become part of my strength!"

Thrall murmured, and the nebula particles spread out at a speed much faster than the opponent's ferocious attack. Almost in a blink of an eye, they wrapped him and the starry sky beast for protection.

This entire fleet attacked like crazy at the same time, and the power was quite impressive, so Thrall had to take action.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Starry Sky Behemoth, which is not even at the planet level, it would be quite difficult to escape from such a dense attack.

The attacks filled the sky with bright light, and when launched simultaneously, they almost illuminated the space outside the Sovereign planet.

Facing this terrifying attack that was coming towards the starry sky beast and Thrall at the same time, there was only one place where no matter how blazing the light of the attack was, it was still like a nebula, dreamy and mysterious.

The overwhelming attacks came with huge amounts of waves, but after coming into contact with the nebula defense shield that wrapped Thrall and the starry sky beast, it was like a mud cow drowning in the sea. The huge amounts of explosions that I imagined did not happen, and the waves of attacks disappeared completely. .

When the subsequent attack came, just like before, after entering the nebula rain shield, the thunder became louder and the raindrops were lighter. The nebula energy shield still circulated slowly, and no changes were seen.

This peaceful scene caused huge amounts of panic on Sovereign.

"What is this?!"

The stunningly beautiful Ayesa had a look of surprise on her face, her charming and sexy golden lips opened slightly unconsciously, and her arrogant chest heaved violently due to this unbelievable scene.

If anyone of the opposite sex saw Ayesha's demeanor, their blood would be boiling and they would be unable to bear this extreme temptation.

However, the several commanders and numerous battleship pilots around Ayesa were all focused on the nebula defense cover above the huge projection that swallowed up all attacks.

Never for a moment did they think that the entire Sovereign unmanned fleet launched an all-out attack at the same time, but it could not even deal with an unknown star monster.

"High Priest, it seems that this monster's defense cannot be broken by normal attacks. This means that this monster poses a huge threat to us. Do you want to order the fleet to use..."

After a moment of surprise, a commander with strong nerves and a slightly stronger ability slowly came back to his senses.

"Order the fleet to unite and launch the strongest attack. This monster that provokes Sovereign's majesty must die!"

Ayesa's voice was cold, with huge amounts of anger in it. It was obvious that the fleet's first wave of attacks failed, which made her quite angry.

"Yes! All fighters unite and launch the strongest attack, using the Sovereign Star Destroyer Cannon!"

The commander received Ayesa's approval and issued a terrifying order with firm eyes.

It had been countless years since the Sovereign fleet had used this move.

No one or warship has ever been able to survive the Sovereign Star Destroyer Cannon!

Thinking of this, the tension on the commander's face gradually relaxed.

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