Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 3 Hitting The Wall!

"It's so damn boring. This damn place has to be patrolled every day. Why should we patrol it?"

"If you ask me, Collector is making a fuss out of a molehill. I used to have so much freedom as an interstellar pirate, but now I have to patrol!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Collector is not a generous person. Our mission will be over soon. Then all your complaints can be placed on the dancers in Murdoch's bar..."

"Ha ha……"

Outside the Zhiwu territory, a chaotic fleet was patrolling.

In the Zhiwu Realm, there are huge amounts of the gods' skulls, and there are a lot of strange spinal fluids left in the gods. This kind of thing is quite valuable, and it is said to be a deterrent from the Collector, but basic guard patrols are still indispensable.

This fleet belongs to the Collector, one of the elders of the universe. He is also the uncrowned king of the Zhiwu Realm.

In this chaotic and lawless place, filled with space pirates, criminals and homeless ronins, the Collector occupies the realm of ignorance, giving them shelter and making them his subordinates.

Just when the fleet was bored and preparing to return non-stop after completing its patrol mission, a stream of light outside the transparent ship board caught the eye of one of them.

Through the transparent ship board, his expression became strange, and then he reacted and exclaimed.

"Be careful! Something is coming towards us!"

This voice immediately made everyone stunned, and soon they saw the rapidly approaching stream of light in the starry sky.

"It seems to be a person!"

Everyone's eyes widened. Only then could they clearly distinguish the outline of the human figure in the stream of light, and they suddenly became excited.

At least this way, their patrol mission this time will no longer be so boring.

"I don't care what he is, be alert! Pull out my tower gun and aim it!"

The person who spoke looked like a ruffian and was dressed in a typical space predator costume. He seemed to be the leader of the crowd. When he saw this, he let out a low drink, with an excited look on his face, and a cruel and bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

"Boss, the opponent is so fast and probably not weak in strength. Should we first..."

The younger brother who was following the leader obviously thought more thoughtfully and said something.

However, the fierce look in the leader's eyes made him timid and he could only shut up.

With the leader's order, the battleship quickly entered an alert state, and the muzzle of a black shuttle stretched out from the bottom of the battleship and began to lock on the approaching streamer.


This stream of light was Thrall, the planet devourer, who had traveled a long distance. Feeling locked by the battleship, Thrall let out a light sigh, and his body suddenly stopped.

There is absolutely no difficulty between extreme movement and extreme stillness. Inertia means nothing to Thrall at all.

After the figure paused, Thrall stood in thin air, facing the battleship that had locked him with a calm expression.

Because of the distance, the other party couldn't see the joking look in Sal's eyes at all.

"He actually stopped? It seems he doesn't know what cruel fear he will face next. Give!"

Seeing Thrall stop, the leader on the battleship's eyes narrowed slightly, the cruel smile on his lips widened, and then he gave the order to attack.

As the leader of a brutal predator, he was quite enthusiastic about killing.

Although this kind of enthusiasm has been restrained after he came to the Zhiwu Realm, it has also accumulated. When he saw Thrall alone, he ordered the bombardment without any hesitation.

In his mind, he had already imagined what would happen next.

Under the huge amounts of energy cannonballs, the opponent's body was easily shattered and disappeared into thin air in the blazing heat.

This young man who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth dares to come to a lawless place alone, let him learn the most painful lesson in life.


The battleship roared, and a huge amount of energy rushed out of the muzzle, with a blazing light, and surged towards Thrall.

For a ten thousandth of an instant, Sal raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his eyes calm.

Underneath his calm smile, his already handsome facial features became even more charming.

This level of attack is really too much for him.

too weak.

The energy-filled cannonball rushed in front of Thrall and exploded. A blinding light completely swallowed Thrall's body, illuminating a large empty space around him.

"Kid, my tacos taste pretty good, hahaha..."

Seeing the cannonball hitting Thrall and the blazing light exploding, the leader on the battleship laughed, completely treating Thrall's appearance as fun during a boring patrol.

"Boss is so powerful. This tower cannon is so powerful that it can easily destroy ordinary warships. How can a flesh and blood body stop it?"

"Finally it's not so boring anymore."

A group of people on the battleship all laughed in agreement with the leader, except for the younger brother who had previously raised objections, whose eyes flickered slightly.

The other party looks quite young, and he has the ability to swim directly in the universe. I'm afraid his background is not simple.

It might even be possible that he was a descendant carefully cultivated by some powerful high-level officials.

The leader just killed each other for fun. If they really encountered any problems, they would definitely become cannon fodder victims.

The Collector won't pay for such nonsense.

Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but look up and look into the distance, watching the light gradually dimming after the tower cannon's energy exploded.

But the next second, there was an uncontrollable look of disbelief in his eyes.

After the light dissipated, the figure that paused in the void still existed!


Seeing this figure, the young man felt his heart beat faster and his breathing became a little short, and he spoke with a trembling voice.

"Mortrian, what's wrong with you?"

The leader, who was in a happy mood, looked unhappy when he saw the cowardly appearance of his younger brother.

If it were in the past, when he was still a predator, such cowards would usually be killed by his own hands.

The young man chose to ignore the leader's angry gaze.


The younger brother stretched out his trembling hand and pointed to the space outside the transparent deck of the battleship where the light dimmed again.

There, a figure stood calmly, the smile on his face unchanged, with a bit of amusement.

Behind him, countless terrifying particle-like black sands surged out crazily, and in just a few blinks of an eye, they were about to cover most of the sky.

"This is impossible!"

Seeing Thrall's figure, the fleet leader's eyes changed drastically, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Everyone also saw Sal, and the shock and gradually emerging fear in their eyes were so clear.

Everyone's thoughts were surprisingly the same.

They may have hit a brick wall today!

"Weak energy cannonballs are not enough to even restore the energy I consumed along the way, but a fleet can allow me to replenish some."

Thrall smiled and spoke, and the overwhelming black sand behind him was expanding more and more.

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