Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 4 Devouring, Begin!

The black sand filled the sky, covering up the light of stars in the distance, making everyone feel shuddering.

This heavy shadow also appeared in the minds of everyone in the fleet.

"What's this?!"

Fear was like a tide, rising uncontrollably from the hearts of everyone in the fleet. Even the leader of the fleet, a predator who had been licking blood from his knife all the time, was trembling.

"Boss...Boss, what should we do? Do we want to attack?"

One of the fleet members spoke with a fearful expression.

Everyone at the moment was nervous.

Although they didn't understand why the other party was safe and sound under the bombardment of the warships, the black sand covering the sky made them deeply aware that if they didn't take action, the black sand would completely engulf the entire fleet in a few breaths.

What will happen then is self-evident.

"Attack a ghost! Retreat for me! Hurry!"

Alarmed by his younger brother's words, the leader's body was shaken. He got rid of the huge amounts of shock and roared, trying to dispel the fear in his heart with a loud roar.

After receiving the order, everyone who was in a daze came to their senses. All battleships turned on their power and began to retreat frantically.

However, the dark particles covering the entire sky appear to be moving slowly, but in fact they are extremely fast. They are swallowed up at a speed far beyond what a battleship can match.

If the fleet had begun to retreat with all its strength just now when Thrall launched the black sand engulfment, there might be a one-in-a-ten thousand chance to keep the fleet alive longer.

but now.

It's too late.


In the despair of everyone on the battleship, the dark particles covering the sky were like the huge mouth of an abyss monster, coming in the blink of an eye and swallowing the entire fleet.

In the space covered by black particles, the light of the battleship suddenly disappeared, and there was no longer any light.

Controlling the black particles in the sky to 'eat' the entire fleet, the particles that boomed out of Thrall's body did not stop at all.

To him, this fleet was just an appetizer.

The only target that he was really interested in was the huge head of the Celestial God group surrounded by nebulae in front of him like a dream.

By the time the black sand rolled past and filled the air towards the giant heads of the gods, the fleet just now had completely disappeared.

A fleet with strong combat effectiveness completely disappeared from this world in just an instant, leaving not even a scream or a trace of its existence.

The starry sky is vast, and the disappearance of a fleet is like a drop of water in Wang Yang, causing no waves at all.

At the moment, in the realm of ignorance, it is still as chaotic and corrupt as ever. Everyone indulges in lust, greed, fighting, and killing, revealing the ugliness of human nature.

No one noticed that at some point, the sky above them was quietly swallowed up by darkness from all directions.

Until the entire Zhiwu Realm resounded with a shaking like heaven and earth shattering.


Huge amounts of vibrations occurred throughout the Zhiwu Realm, like earthquakes, causing many solid steel buildings to tilt.

"What's going on here?"

"Why did it suddenly get dark?"

It wasn't until this moment that everyone reacted and saw that the sky above their heads was covered with flowing black particles.

Although these pitch-black particles look the same as gravel, they flow as briskly as water. Wherever they pass, whether it is the hard calcified part of the Tianshen group's head or the steel bracket of the artificial single room, they are instantly destroyed. Devour.

Swallowed by the black particles, the entire dome soon became emptied out. A large number of buildings and steel materials broke and fell from the sky.

This kind of collapse spread very quickly. After everyone noticed the abnormality, within a short time, the entire Zhiwu Domain felt like the sky was falling apart.

This horrific sight of the sky and earth falling apart plunged countless people into fear and panic. Huge amounts of broken steel and building debris continued to fall on the originally bustling streets, making the crowds running around miserable.

Many unlucky ones who were in a panic happened to be hit by the falling giant objects. They were unable to even scream, and their flesh and blood were shattered into corpses.

It's not that no one thought of rushing out in a battleship, but there was terrifying black gravel in all directions. This unknown thing was even more frightening.

After witnessing many attempted warships rushing into the tide of black particles and disappearing without a trace, fear, like a tide of despair, has taken over everyone's bodies and minds.

In the tallest and grandest building in the Zhiwu Realm, the Collector's face was gloomy, his eyes full of anger, but also a bit shocked.

"Lord Di Fan, it has been determined that the entire Zhiwu Realm is surrounded by some kind of black particles that suddenly appeared. These particles are so aggressive that any object that comes into contact will be completely swallowed!"

A tall attendant tremblingly knelt in front of the Collector and told the Collector the details he learned.

Although he tried his best to keep his voice calm, the tremor in his tone still betrayed him.

After hearing the attendant's words, Collector's face became even more gloomy, as if he was about to drip water.

As we all know, Zhiwu Domain is his territory. Who has the courage to cause trouble in his place?

"Sir, what should we do? If we continue to wait, I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire Zhiwu Realm will be..."

Seeing that Collector didn't speak for a while, the attendant became more and more panicked and couldn't help but ask.

"For countless years, no one has dared to be so presumptuous in my territory..."

The Collector's voice was cold. The Zhiwu Domain was his home base. If he continued to struggle like this, not only would the Zhiwu Domain be destroyed, but everything he had worked so hard for countless years would also come to naught.

Just when the Zhiwu Realm was shattering, Thrall, the instigator of all this, was looking very happy, unscrupulously using the Devouring Ability of Devouring inheritance, constantly wrapping and devouring the heads of the gods, and enjoying everything in it.

In Thrall's perception, this god group has been dead for countless years. Although his strength during his lifetime was absolutely terrifying, after the erosion of the years, the power in his head has also been lost too much, and most of the organizations have been destroyed. Turned into rock-like calcification.

These calcifications are like cold rocks. Although Thrall can still swallow them, they have little help in improving his strength.

The only thing that concerned Thrall was the remaining spinal fluid in the god's head. This was the essence of the entire huge head, which contained the majestic power and divine power.

Therefore, Thrall gave priority to these gods' spinal fluids. The jet-black particles broke through the extremely hard skulls of the gods and went directly into them to find the spinal fluids, which they devoured like whales drinking water.

The aura on Thrall's body was gradually released, sending waves through the void.

As the spinal fluid of the god was continuously devoured, Thrall's aura became more powerful and terrifying, and could even be transmitted through the god's head.

Under the pressure of this terrifying aura, all creatures in the Zhiwu Realm felt as if they were suffocating in the face of the gods.

What kind of existence is coming?

This is the question in the hearts of all fearful people.

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