When Jiang Chen opened his eyes again, there was no one in the room.

He stood up and walked toward the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Katie Pride and Henry McCoy sitting in strange postures, holding their chins with their hands, with very complicated expressions.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Chen walked outside and poured himself a glass of water.

"you're awake?!"

Seeing Jiang Chen wake up, Katie Pryde came to life as if he had suddenly been given a shot of chicken blood. She jumped up from the stool and walked over to Jiang Chen, grabbed his arm, and kept asking:

"Did you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Let's go back to Earth quickly and let Henry check you out."

"Do you want to stay in our X college? Henry will help you"

"You are the same as Jean now, Henry and the professor know how to solve it."

Katie Pryde looked very excited, but what she said was full of worry.

She was persuading Jiang Chen to go to X Academy with them. I don't know if this was the result of her discussion with Henry McCoy.

"Jiang Chen, you have to believe me. You may think it's okay now, but once the Phoenix Power breaks out, you will lose control."

Henry McCoy looked at Jiang Chen, as if he was persuading her.

Jiang Chen felt like he had heard this many times. He knew that Henry McCoy and Katie Pride were more worried about him. But he couldn't explain such a thing to the people he had already met, so he simply ignored them and walked towards the glass window.

"Where are you going?"

Jiang Chen asked as he looked at the glass window.

Their spaceship seemed to be heading towards an unknown place now. Obviously, that place was not the earth.

Henry McCoy did not understand what Jiang Chen meant.


After saying that, Henry McCoy stood up and walked over, following Jiang Chen's gaze.

"Why is this happening?"

Previously, because of Jiang Chen's acquisition of the Phoenix Power, Henry McCoy was too worried and had no time to take care of the spacecraft. Now he saw that something was wrong before walking to the driving position.

"I have no location……"

Henry McCoy said somewhat blankly.

After flying out of the neutron star before, they saw Jiang Chen floating in space.

He thought Jiang Chen was dead, and after Katie Pride brought him back, he hurriedly made a position to take care of Jiang Chen.

Only then did he realize that he had no position and allowed the spacecraft to fly in space on its own.

He didn't quite know where it would fly to.

"What is that place?"

At this moment, Katie Pryde also came over.

There was a bright light mixed in the chaotic darkness.

When the spacecraft flew closer, the bright light slowly expanded and looked like an iceberg.

Icebergs are very strange. , is upside down, surrounded by waterfalls, but they are not water, more like a gas

"God, I never knew such a thing existed in the universe."

Henry McCoy was a little surprised to see such a magnificent scene.

"Are those gases? Or liquid? What kind of substance is it? How did it come about?"

"This feels incredible!"

Henry McCoy pressed his face against the glass, as if he wanted to see more clearly. His whole face was almost touching the glass.

"Look, there seems to be something up there."

Katie Pryde said again.

Only then did Henry McCoy discover that there was indeed something on top of the gas.

"Can we go up and have a look?"

Henry McCoy looked at Jiang Chen, obviously he no longer had the intention to care about the Phoenix Power in his body.


Jiang Chen nodded.

He knew deeply that scientists would definitely investigate this unnatural phenomenon first. This is an occupational disease. He had no reason to stop others from doing their work, because he also wanted to see it.

Henry Mai Cowie maneuvered the spacecraft to rise quickly.

It seemed that he couldn't wait to take a look. It wasn't until the spacecraft flew above that the three of them saw clearly that there was actually a country above??


Henry McCoy actually shouted out.

Although he didn't see anyone or other life appearing, he did see buildings.

Yes! It's a building! And it's a traditional building imitating the Nordic style.

There are buildings that prove that this country is alive.

Otherwise there would be no such imitation Nordic style building!

"Are there countries in the universe?! And it’s not a planet? Oh my god? This is incredible!"

Henry McCoy's tone was full of excitement.

You must know that although Henry McCoy knows that there are other planets in the universe and that there are other countries on the planet, those species live in the planet.

There are If the conditions and environment of some planets are suitable for living organisms, then it is normal for life to exist.

But it is such an exciting and surprising thing that a country can appear in space and not on a planet..

How do they exist, how do they live, how do they develop, and what do the life forms here look like?

These are all things that Henry McCoy can't help but want to know.

Although his job is to study nuclear or weapons Yes, but this does not affect his curiosity about this country

"Let’s go take a look!"

Henry McCoy said, already driving the spaceship towards this country.

"Henry, isn't this good?"

"If we break into other people's countries so rashly, we will be regarded as intruders!"

Katie Pryde said with a little fear when she remembered the last time she was captured by the people from Xandar.

She glanced at Jiang Chen, who didn't seem to have any objection. She only saw Jiang Chen looking ahead as if what to think

"Jiang Chen?"

Katie Pryde shouted softly.

Jiang Chen ignored him because he was searching his own consciousness.

It seemed that he did know such a country, but that country should not be in space.

"Are you sure this is space?!"

Jiang Chen asked

"Not sure, I don’t know where this is, but I have to see this country!"

Henry McCoy said excitedly. It seemed that their location was very close to that country.

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