As the spacecraft approaches, what comes into view is the endless sea

"Oh, there's water here, my God, it's water!"

"It's amazing, those gases we just saw were water"

"No, maybe it's because the water is exposed to high and low temperatures when it flows outside the sky, resulting in a look like that."

"It seems a bit wrong to say this. I am just speculating on such a possibility, but I have to say that this is amazing."

Henry McCoy was already excited and a little incoherent.

But it's no wonder that anyone who sees a whole sea in space will be excited and incoherent.

The spacecraft moved forward while rapidly descending.

Jiang Chen's spacecraft didn't know Which side of the country does it come from?

But it can be roughly seen that this country is built on an ocean. All buildings are built in the middle of the sea. There is a long bridge on the sea that can pass through.

As for whether this bridge can pass Jiang Chen didn't know where he was, but he felt familiar inexplicably. He seemed to know this country, but he didn't dare to confirm it.


A huge roar echoed throughout the country.

It also made Henry McCoy tremble. , the hand controlling the spacecraft shook a few times.

"Was that the cry of a wild animal just now?"

Katie Pryde said with some fear and shrank towards Jiang Chen.

"I swear I didn't scream just now!"

Henry McCoy's mutant nickname is Beast, so he is quite sensitive to these two words, although Kitty Pryde does not mean it.

When the spaceship got closer to the bridge, Jiang Chen discovered that there was a black one on the bridge. Beast.

There is a large group of people on the other side of the bridge. From the looks of it, they should be running away.

"Is this country at war now?"

Henry McCoy asked in surprise when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Are those ordinary people?"

Jiang Chen also discussed with Henry McCoy

"Probably so, but are there only such a few people in this country?"

Henry McCoy thought seriously

"You see, their country is not that big, it is about the same size as a city, so it should be normal that there are not many people!"

Katie Pryde also joined the discussion.

Henry McCoy seemed to think that it was not good for others to talk like this when they were fighting, so he hurriedly said:

"Either we leave first, or we go help them. Isn't it bad to hide here and talk like this?"

Henry McCoy said seriously.

So the three of them discussed it and decided to leave first.

After all, they didn't know what kind of country this country was or what these people were like. They rashly joined other people. This was not a very good idea for the country's war.

Henry McCoy accelerated the spacecraft upwards, preparing to bypass the country and then directly locate the position of the earth.

Bang bang bang bang!

At this moment, Suddenly a spaceship appeared in the sky and attacked them.

"Shet! Someone hit us!"

Henry McCoy looked at the spaceship and cursed angrily.

Although he was cursing, he had no intention of stopping. Instead, he continued to fly upward. It seemed that he didn't want to fight here.

However, the spaceship on the opposite side Bu continued to shoot at them relentlessly. Although every shot missed, it seemed that he would not stop until he shot them down.

"Someone's been attacking us!"

Henry McCoy shouted to Jiang Chen.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Katie Pryde had already sat in the main cabin, and the two seemed ready to chat for a while.

"Call back! Jiang

Chen responded, then looked at Katie Pride and asked:

"What do you want to say to me? Katie

Pride lowered her head and asked softly:

"Will you go back to X school with me?"

After saying that, she raised her head with an expectant look on her face. Going back to

School Although he is not afraid of Professor X, you must know that it will be very annoying once Professor

"probably not."

Jiang Chen refused directly.

Katie Pride moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something more, when she heard Henry McCaw in the control room shout:

"I can't hit them! They keep blocking our movement!"

Jiang Chen was also speechless after being shouted at by Henry McCoy. He stood up and walked towards the control room.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Chen said coldly.

Henry McCoy was a little panicked and hurriedly said:

"The opponent is very powerful, I can't hit them!"

"And they seemed to have discovered that they couldn't hit us, so they kept blocking our movements."

Jiang Chen just felt his head hurt.

What the hell does blocking the movement mean?

Jiang Chen drove Henry McCoy out of the driving seat, sat on it himself, pressed the button at will, and faced the spaceship opposite A cannon was fired.


The spaceship on the opposite side was hit and exploded in the sky.


"If I had the same luck as you, I would have no regrets!"

Henry McCoy sighed, and suddenly, he only heard a"pop" sound.

The spacecraft shook violently, and the sound seemed to come from the main cabin.

Henry McCoy immediately walked in, and Jiang Chen heard a crackling sound, which made Jiang Chen frown.

So he quickly drove the spacecraft towards the ground.

After the spacecraft landed on the ground, the main cabin finally became quiet.

Jiang Chen stood up and was about to take a look. Looking at what was going on inside, he suddenly saw a shadow attacking him with a sword. The speed was quite fast.

Jiang Chen just raised his hand slightly, and the man holding the sword was controlled by her.


After Jiang Chen saw it clearly, he realized that the person who came was actually Valkyrie.

Jiang Chen let go and put Valkyrie down, almost planning to destroy her into ashes!


Valkyrie was obviously frightened by Jiang Chen's power just now, and she couldn't calm down for a while. Seeing Jiang Chen's expression full of surprise, for a long time, she said in a daze:

"Are you so powerful?"

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