Tony Stark nodded, as if he understood, and said to Jennifer Susan:"Then you can tell us, you green...and what is the relationship between Hulk and you?……"

Jennifer Susan turned her head away, looking reluctant.

The reluctance must be true. After all, we just had a fight, so I feel a little bit unconvinced.

"Jennifer, your brother and we are both very good friends. Even if he is exiled to outer space, I just want to help him, without any intention."

Tony Stark said very sincerely:

"If your brother Banner one day discovered that people all over the world started to hate superheroes and wanted to drive them out of the earth, do you think he would still be happy?"

Jennifer Susan raised her head and glanced at Tony Stark, then stared at Jiang Chen.

She actually understood in her heart that Hulk and Banner had never dealt with each other, but they happened to live in the same body.

Banner Hulk's idea is very simple, that is, to study gamma rays well, but Hulk's idea is actually anger, anger and anger.

"In fact, I was a human before."After struggling for a long time, Jennifer Susan slowly opened her mouth and told the whole story.

"I am Bruce Banner's cousin and a female criminal lawyer from Los Angeles. My father is a police officer in Los Angeles"

"Because I am a criminal lawyer, I often handle many criminal cases, which makes my life very dangerous."

"One time, the gang shot her dead to prevent me from going to court to defend myself. She was seriously injured and she was in urgent need of a blood transfusion. It happened that Bruce Banner was in Los Angeles and the blood bank was short of blood, so he gave me an emergency transfusion because he had been exposed to gamma rays. After that, my DNA also mutated, giving me the ability to transform, and I became She-Hulk."

"This sounds cool. Have you ever fought with your form? Who is more powerful?"Tony Stark asks the question he's always wanted to know

"Of course, my brother is stronger. His size and strength are much larger than mine."Jennifer Susan said seriously

"I really don't know that Hulk would have such a sister."Tony Stark looked at Jiang Chen and said.

At any rate, that's it for him and Banner. He didn't say he had a sister.

"Maybe he didn't tell you because he was afraid that I would be in danger."Jennifer Susan said:"He left after he gave me the blood transfusion, because he was very busy afterwards, so we had very little."

"He was afraid that I would be as emotionally uncontrollable as him, but in fact, I was a little different from him."Jennifer Susan said:"My abilities are almost the same as his, with strong strength, endurance, speed and regeneration ability."

"But my to put it, to put it simply, my level is lower than his. I am smaller than him, so my strength will be weaker, but I can control the transformation, and I can maintain my original intelligence after transformation."

"But my brother never knew about this, so he didn’t want others to know that there was actually a She-Hulk in this world."

After Jennifer Susan said this, Tony Stark was a little silent.

He brought up the Hulk matter, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was the only way.

"Are you a criminal lawyer? Then you can come and help me with lawsuits occasionally. You know, we superheroes will always cause some trouble. For example, many people will frame us for killing people for no reason, so we need lawyers... right, Jiang Chen."Tony Stark wants to help Hulk.

Hulk can't help now, he can only help his family. Plus, he really needs a lawyer.

"I haven't had any such trouble."

Tony Stark originally wanted Jiang Chen to cooperate with him in persuading Jennifer Susan, but Jiang Chen's words confused Tony Stark.

"You don't have this kind of trouble? ? Why? ? Won't those old guys come to your BBB? You know I often get criticized by those old guys!"

Tony Stark said angrily.

Jiang Chen shrugged.

"It's never happened before, and I don't understand why this happens to you."

"Okay...this is really fucking annoying!"

Tony Stark cursed again. He would be very angry when he thought of those old guys who were arrogant and arrogant but did nothing but put on airs.

If it weren't for them, there would be no Sokowi Regarding the Asia Treaty, the old Avengers will not disband so quickly, nor will they fall apart like they are now.

"I won't help you."Jennifer Susan looked at Tony Stark and said:

"Because I don't like your character very much"

"Don't like my character? ? Feel sorry? Have we met before? Or have I done anything to you?"

Tony Stark was a little unhappy, and his vindictive nature came out again, saying:

"Of course, it doesn't matter whether you like my character or not. You know, many women like me. If it weren't for the fact that I have announced my marriage, I would be a very charming person."

"Of course, dude, right."

Jennifer Susan mocked.

Tony Stank:"What does it mean."

Jennifer Susan ignored him, just looked at Jiang Chen and said:

"I can be your lawyer!"

"don't want."

Jennifer Susan said this to Jiang Chen because Jiang Chen defeated her, but she never expected that Jiang Chen would directly refuse. You must know that she is also a relatively powerful lawyer in the entire M country. Well, if it weren't for her father being transferred to this place to be a police officer, she would have been prosperous in country M.

"Do you think you can do this to me just because you defeated me? I just let you have it!"

Jennifer Susan said angrily:

"Otherwise we will fight again! My power can be even stronger!"

"Maybe you don’t know that my strength becomes stronger the angrier I get, and the more I fight, the braver I become, so come and fight me now!"

"Do you want to fight a life-and-death battle with me? Jiang

Chen looked at Jennifer Susan and said:

"Maybe you don't know very well, but the less awake I am, the stronger my power will be. If I'm completely unconscious, your brother won't be able to stop me."

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