The less awake the more powerful?

"Are you sure you're not here to be funny?"Jennifer Susan said suspiciously

"I can testify that he is not doing this for fun."Tony Stark said.

Jiang Chen didn't lie in the first place. The worse the mental state of the sentinel potion is, the more powerful it is. Generally speaking, sentinels can be divided into several situations: completely normal: single-body all-powerful level mentally sensitive: millions of stars explode Powers: Insanity

: The energy of a sun or less

Rampage: Nothingness, the positive and negative energy of a million star explosions, the power to modify reality, infinite superimposed energy

There is also the Sentinel of fusion. The complete Sentinel, the nothingness Completely integrated with the Sentinel.

But obviously, it will take some time for Jiang Chen to completely integrate with the void.

"I am leaving."Jiang Chen glanced at the round giant thing behind him and said to Tony Stark.

Originally, the purpose of their coming here was to see the situation of the invader, but after watching it for so long, there didn't seem to be anything unusual about the invader. , from this point of view, there is no need to stay here and talk to Jennifer Susan

"Indeed, I should go too."

Tony Stark said

"Don't leave!"

Jennifer Susan suddenly stepped forward and blocked Jiang Chen's way.

Jiang Chen:"Get out of the way."

Jennifer Susan:"No.

Jiang Chen:"You are a lawyer, shouldn't you be reasonable?" Does what you are doing now constitute an illegal restriction of personal freedom?"

Jennifer Susan:"I only reason with people who can reason, but obviously you can't be reasonable. Also, you just hit me and I was injured. You must compensate me for the loss.. Jiang

Chen was speechless:"You are here to test your feelings, right?" Jennifer

Susan nodded and said:"What is porcelain?" Did you hit me? You beat me and you still don’t admit it? ?

Jiang Chen said coldly:"You were the one who made the first move.""

Jennifer Susan sneered:"Do you have any evidence? Are you hurt? You are not injured, there is no evidence, and there is no surveillance here. Don’t say that your friend can prove that he is with you, so what he said in court is not valid."

"In other words, he has no say"

"But you hit me and I was injured. This is the most favorable evidence for me.

Jiang Chen sneered and said:"You may not know that Tony's Friday will have memory images, so we have video evidence of everything that just happened. If you want to get involved, you are still a little green, right, Tony?"……"

Jiang Chen turned his head, but what surprised him was that Tony Stark had disappeared at this time.

"Did you see him?"Jiang Chen looked at Jennifer Susan and asked.

However, Jennifer Susan also had a confused look on her face at this time. She had just been talking to Jiang Chen, and how could she see the shadow of Tony Stark?

The two looked around After a few glances, I realized that I really didn't see it.

"Tony?"Jiang Chen took a few steps forward and shouted, but there was no response at all.

"Tony?"Jiang Chen shouted a few more times, but the result was the same.

Jiang Chen turned around, and this time Jennifer Susan was also missing.……

"Can these two people run so fast?"

Jiang Chen murmured in a low voice without thinking too much.


When Jiang Chen returned home, there was no one at home.

He glanced at the time and saw that it was only about half an hour before he left. Logically speaking, Peter Parker should still be teaching Anna to do her homework at this moment, but what was strange was that neither of them knew how to escape. Where has it gone?


Jiang Chen shouted, but no one responded.


Jiang Chen shouted again, but there was still no response.

"Wanda! ?"

There was also no response.

If Lorna Dane and Anna were missing, Jiang Chen might still be suspicious, probably because they went out to play together, but if Wanda was no longer there, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be suspicious.

Because her belly started to grow bigger and Wanda almost had a miscarriage before, this time Wanda cherished her child very much. She would never go out if she could.

But why did Wanda go out now ?

Is there something wrong? Jiang

Chen was a little anxious and was thinking of calling Peter Parker when he heard a"ding-ding-ding-ding" sound outside the door, as if someone was opening the door with a key, and it was very loud. Anxious, since his abilities have been improved, his other organs have also become extremely sensitive. Jiang Chen can even hear her breathing. Jiang Chen quickly rushed to the door and opened it.

As soon as he opened it, Anna suddenly felt unstable because of her center of gravity. Fell into Jiang Chen's arms

"Jiang Chen? Jiang Chen!……"

Anna was surprised the moment she fell to the ground, and her whole body trembled. It wasn't until she saw Jiang Chen that she felt at ease. She shouted loudly, hugged Jiang Chen's neck with both hands, and cried:

"very scary! Jiang Chen, Wanda, Lorna, and Peter, they... they……"

Anna was crying and talking at the same time, her voice was trembling violently and she couldn't speak clearly.

She has a strong personality and rarely cries. Unless she is very frightened, she usually won't cry like this.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Chen quickly touched her hair with his hands and comforted her:

"It's okay. Speak slowly. What's wrong?"

Although it was meant as comfort, Jiang Chen's tone was very cold, because he had a hunch that this would be a bad thing.

"Three of them were captured."

Anna said in panic:

"Got caught by a ball, Sister Lorna and Wanda went to save Peter, and then they were also taken away……"

"I went to catch them, but I couldn't catch them……"

"They are like ghosts, gone, as if they have disappeared, so scary……"

Anna was so frightened that she couldn't speak clearly. When Jiang Chen saw this, he carried her into the house, comforted her softly and asked:

"What's wrong? It's okay. Speak slowly. Who captured them? What's going on with the ghost? What ball? Speak slowly. It's okay. I'm here. Don't be afraid. Anna.……"

Under Jiang Chen's comfort, Anna slowly recovered and told Jiang Chen exactly what happened...

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