Janata's determination to protect the earth made her almost lost self-confidence rise again.

Looking at this unreasonable big shield of the earth, she then thought about it, yes, even she could not squeeze into the shield, how could it be broken by a small asteroid?

The energy is obviously not enough!

Janata almost laughed at herself.

She shook her head and turned around to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

There are billions of rocks, ice, and other asteroids here.

If one doesn't work, then two.

If two pills don't work, then get a few more pills.

Anyway, it is easy to move the asteroid Janata, which is enough to blow a rocky planet the size of the Earth into pieces.

The only thing to pay attention to is the life court issue that I was worried about before.

You cannot choose asteroids that can change the timelines of multiple and parallel universes.

The other"487" couldn't be beaten and moved back after smashing the cover.

Well, although this will use a lot of Janata's energy.

However, if you are really too lazy to move it back by then, just eat it as a snack.

However, it seems that Janata will stay in the asteroid belt for a while.

Because when choosing a planet, she had to let her consciousness travel back and forth among multiple and parallel universes in order to avoid those asteroids that would attract the life court and have the entire causal chain of the universe.

At this time on Earth, superheroes across the planet are implementing their plan to"pretend to attack the Earth".

It is for them to organize a large-scale attack with enough energy to destroy the earth.

After letting it hit the earth in the opposite direction, this is equivalent to deliberately destroying the timeline of the main earth in the main universe in advance.

As far as they knew, this should lead to the Tribunal of Life.

Only the Life Tribunal can stop Jiang Chen, who is now determined to"purify" the earth.

The problem is time.

Because each hero's attack now has its own attack form.

For example, the relatively main Thor.

His lightning power is just a supporting magical attack.

Most of his attacks are essentially just physical strikes that are more powerful than ordinary people.

No matter how powerful the blow is, whether it is as big as destroying a building with one punch, or collapsing a mountain with one punch, as long as it cannot break half of the earth with one punch, then their effect is just to add more strength to the body.

The problem is that this is the case for most of the superheroes gathered here.

Like Captain M.

Like the Hulk.

Like a little spider.

Etc., etc......

There are also some superheroes whose main driving force is the energy in their bodies, but they don't know how to release the power in their bodies in the form of pure energy.

The representative of this type is Captain Marvel.

Sora has the power of space gems, but he can only fight and kick. He can only use energy to drive himself to an interstellar flight. There are even more people who become superheroes through various powers, genetic mutations or mysterious potions. Magneto, Professor X, King Li, and a bunch of mutants. Although their power is not strong enough for Xiao Xu, their power is of no help in penetrating the thick crust. As a rocky planet, the earth's crust, which is 17 kilometers thick, cannot be penetrated by a hundred strong people collectively hammering the earth. Only by converting all the power of these heroes into the form of pure energy can we hope to transfer this energy under the earth's crust, penetrate the thick crust and mantle, and reach the core of the earth where the entire planet can be affected by its disturbance. And if the energy reaching the core of the earth is large enough, the earth will begin a slow self-destruction process

"Wait!"At this time, someone interrupted Iron Man Tony Stark's passionate analysis:

"Didn't you say 'pretend to attack the earth'?"

"Do you need to be so serious?"

"Do you really want to make a plan to destroy the earth?"


Iron Man Tony Star looked at the mutant who just interrupted him like an idiot.

"Even you know this is a 'feint to attack the earth'"

"If the earth will not really be destroyed, do you think the Tribunal of Life is so easy to deceive?"

"This is a matter of life and death"

"If you can't even realize this, how can you talk about protecting your family?"

At this time, no one dared to interrupt Tony Stark anymore.

They only knew that if they wanted to save the earth, they could only destroy the earth they had previously been determined to protect.

Such logic made them feel confused. A strange feeling arose.

What if this is what Jiang Chen wants?

What if Jiang Chen just wants to use their hands to directly destroy the earth?

According to his words, human society has disappointed him very much, so directly

There's nothing wrong with destroying human society and letting the earth bury it with it, right ?

Or maybe they misunderstood the previous information?

What if destroying the earth doesn't bring about the mysterious"Life Tribunal""...

Then not only will no one stop Jiang Chen's"purification" action, but the earth will also be destroyed.

No matter how you think about it, the consequences are devastating.

So now, they don't know what to do.

Is it the only way to believe Tony Stark’s plan to"pretend to attack the Earth"?

Compared to the devastating consequences that I just thought of, it seems that Jiang Chen's"purification" action is more acceptable?

I don't realize the random thoughts of some people who are not clear-headed.

Here, Tony Star's analysis continues:

Even if the earth can slowly self-destruct.

However, it is still too late in that case, and the slow process of self-destruction is not enough for the Life Tribunal to come immediately.

And there is still time for Jiang Chen to discover and make up for this move that is not good for him.

Jiang Chen will be on guard by then, and there will be no chance for the Life Tribunal to receive information and come forward. so.

We must concentrate all the power we can collect, then convert it into the form of pure energy, and launch it directly into the earth's core from the place closest to the earth's core. We must ensure that the energy input into the earth's core can directly explode the earth's core at 5.4%. Let the earth explode instantly. Only in this way can the Life Tribunal predict the result of the destruction of the earth and come immediately.

"Then here comes the problem!"

Tony Stark suddenly asked in a pretentious manner:

"Where is the closest point on the Earth's surface to the Earth's core?".....

Time is running out, this is the situation outside.

There were several people risking their lives to support and hold Jiang Chen back.

Tony Stark actually wants to show off his skin?

Although there are not many people in the oldest group of Avengers who have a large reserve of knowledge, there are only two of them, himself and the Hulk.

But among the gathering of hundreds of people now, there are many smart people.

It's even more likely that they belong to this doctor or that doctor.

Of course, the old and steady Professor X paid attention to this. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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