But some people still couldn’t help but complain:

"Stop making trouble, can you hurry up?"

"Everyone knows where it is in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean"

"It is the deepest place on the earth's surface discovered by humans, and the Challenger Deep there is 11,034 meters deep!"

Hearing that they had fallen into a trap,

Iron Man Tony Star laughed evilly,

"Oops~ Error!"

Tony Stark is not unaware of the urgent situation.

However, according to his character, he really can't help but tease them.

By the way, leave some time for yourself to think about how to make things better. The plan to detonate the center of the earth was successfully implemented

"What's wrong?"

The person who had just complained stood up and asked:

"Isn't Challenger Abyss the deepest place? Tony shook his finger and said thoughtfully:

"There is no mistake that Challenger Deep is the deepest place on Earth's surface."

11"But it is not the closest place to the center of the earth."

Facing the questioner's doubts,

Tony Stark gestured towards the famous physicist: Hulk Banner, meaning to ask him to explain.

This gave him time to think about how to solve the problem of converting energy. This is a difficult matter.

Hulk Banner, who has been with Tony Stark for a long time, also understands it well.

He stepped forward and said:

"Don't get excited, my friend. Since you asked, let me give a brief explanation."

As he spoke, Hulk Banner took a deep breath and said:

"The Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean is indeed the deepest known trench in the global ocean, with an average depth of up to 8,000 meters.

The world's lowest point and the deepest point in the ocean is the Mariana Trench east of the Mariana Islands in the western North Pacific.

The Mariana Trench is an arc-shaped depression on the ocean floor that extends for 2,550 kilometers and has an average width of 9 kilometers.

There is a smaller steep-walled valley at the bottom of the main trench. In 1957, a Soviet survey ship measured a depth of 10,990 meters.

Later, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, the deepest part of the trench is located in the Challenger Deep, and its depth reaches 1034.

So, will this be the closest place to the center of the earth?

Although Challenger Deep is the deepest point in Earth's oceans, it is not the closest point to the center of the Earth.

This is because the earth is not a perfect sphere, but an ellipsoid.

The Earth is slightly bulged near the equator and slightly flattened near the North Pole. The lower the latitude, the longer the Earth's radius, and vice versa.

The earth's equatorial radius is 6378.1 kilometers, which is 7.1 kilometers longer than the average radius and 21.3 kilometers longer than the polar radius.

The Earth's polar radius is only 6356.8 kilometers, half 14.2 kilometers smaller than the average.

The latitude of Challenger Deep is 11.373 North Latitude, and the radius of the Earth here is approximately 6377.3 kilometers (larger than the average radius of the Earth), so the distance between Challenger Deep and the center of the Earth is 6366.3 kilometers.

In contrast, the bottom of the Kola Superdeep Borehole is closer to the center of the Earth than Challenger Deep.

The Kola Super Deep Borehole is the deepest borehole ever drilled by mankind and is currently ranked third in the world. Its deepest depth reaches 12,262 meters.

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is located at 69.397 North Latitude. The radius of the Earth here is about 63,594 miles (smaller than the average radius of the Earth).

Therefore, the distance between the Kola Superdeep Borehole and the center of the earth is 6,347.1 kilometers, which is farther than the Challenger Deep. It is 19.2 kilometers close to the center of the earth.

Although the Sakhalin-I oil well is deeper than the Kola Superdeep Borehole, its deepest point is 2,376 meters.

But its latitude is further south, located at 50.654 north latitude. The radius of the earth here is about 6365.4 miles, so its distance from the center of the earth is 653 kilometers, which is 5.9 kilometers further from the center of the earth than the Kola Superdeep Borehole.

Likewise, the second-deepest well is further south and closer to the center of the earth than the Kola superdeep borehole.

Since there is also the Arctic Ocean in the North Pole, and the polar radius is the shortest, will the bottom of the Arctic Ocean be the closest to the center of the earth?

The deepest point in the Arctic Ocean is the Litke Deep, with a depth of 5,450 meters.

Litke Abyss is located at 82.4 North Latitude. The radius of the earth here is about 6357.1 kilometers, so the distance between Litke Abyss and the center of the earth is 6351.0 kilometers, which is 4.6 kilometers farther from the center of the earth than the Kola Superdeep Borehole, but It is 14.6 kilometers closer to the center of the earth than Challenger Deep.

Therefore, the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is not the closest place to the center of the earth. The Kola Superdeep Borehole dug by humans is the place closest to the center of the earth."

After hearing this, the people who originally questioned were also in an uproar.

In their minds, it was a sure thing that the Challenger Abyss in the Mariana Trench was the closest place on the earth's surface to the core.

But they never expected it. The calculation missed the simplest condition, the shape of the earth.

The result is that a hole drilled by humans decades ago is the closest place to the core on the earth's surface.

The Kola ultra-deep well was opened by the former Soviet Union in 1970 A scientific drilling project started in the Kola Peninsula near the Norwegian border.

The deepest borehole, SG-3, reached 12.263 meters in 1989.

In terms of vertical depth, this borehole was the deepest man-made object on the earth at that time..

However, its well depth record was broken in 2008 and 2011 by the Ashohin oil well in Qatar (12.289 meters) and the Russian Odo137ptuOP-11 oil well in Sakhalin (12,345 meters), ranking third in the world.

It was developed by Scientific Research Center"NEDRA Drilled.

It is located in Murmansk Oblast, 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny.

The well was drilled in the northeastern part of the Baltic Shield, at the junction of Precambrian mineralization.

The well is 12,262 meters deep, with an upper diameter of 92cm and a lower diameter of 21.5cm.

SG-Well 3 has no exploration purpose and is purely used for scientific research near the surface of the Moho.

Therefore, the Kola ultra-deep well SG-3 is still the deepest parametric well in the world.

Its exploration began on May 24, 1970.

Only a handful of scientists out of thousands of researchers were able to go to the site to participate in this research.

All those who participated in the drilling work were assigned an apartment in Moscow, and their monthly salary during their work was equivalent to a year's annual salary of a university professor.

Sixteen laboratories were set up at the drilling site to study the cores.

The entire research program was conducted under the direct leadership of the former Soviet Union Minister of Geology.

However, its last 262 meters were carried out between 1983 and 1993, taking a full decade.

Then the drilling was stopped. The official reason given was lack of funds.

Research continued for several years until funding ran out in 2006. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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