According to common sense, the two places are still six or seven hundred kilometers apart.

At this distance, after the nuclear warhead on one side is destroyed, the other side will definitely have time to react..

But there is no problem here with Jiang Chen.

What do they use to send signals? radio? satellite signal?

Coupled with their organization's level-by-level upward response, at this distance,

Jiang Chen didn't have to worry about being launched before he could destroy all the warheads in the country.

However, the population density near the three suburbs of their capital is still a bit high.

Relatively speaking, it was still a bit tricky, so Jiang Chen decided to start with the three in the central desert.

In another moment,

Jiang Chen was in the sky over the desert again.

As a result, he found that this place was completely different from what he imagined.

In his mind, the desert used as a nuclear warhead test site should be a large desert or at least the Gobi Desert.

As a result, the"desertification" of Beibang's nuclear warhead testing site was entirely the desertification of its population.

Jiang Chen observed the ground beneath his feet.

This place in Beibang Country is called Fengxi-ri.

The sparsely populated, densely forested, and crisscrossed Fengli Mountain area belongs to Jiju County, North Hamgyong Province, in the northeastern part of Bukbang Province.

Due to the narrow territory of Beibang Country, it actually borders the Sea of ​​Japan to the east, the Tumen River to the north, and the Hamgyeong Mountains as the watershed.

The terrain slopes to the northwest and southeast respectively. The two slopes are gentle, and the east slope is steep.

Jiang Chen sensed that The underground here even contains a large amount of coal and iron ore, and there are developed heavy industries on the adjacent east coast.

Conducting nuclear warhead experiments in a place like this is simply......!

It is said that North Korea conducted three underground nuclear tests at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in 2006, 2009, 2013 and January 6, 2016. According to Jiang Chen's perception, there are three tunnels at the Fenggye-ri nuclear test site. They are the east tunnel used for the first nuclear test in 2006, the tunnel used for the 2009 and 2013 nuclear tests. The west tunnel used, and the south tunnel constructed since 2009. Although experiments such as the detonation of nuclear warheads are conducted in these underground facilities. However, the harm they bring may be greater than experiments on the surface. In addition to radioactive dust that can spread freely with air flow, if these contaminations directly seep into rock formations or even groundwater, the consequences will be quite serious. Although the land area of ​​Beibang Country is too small, it is indeed not good for conducting nuclear warhead experiments. However, this kind of behavior still made Jiang Chen feel the deep malice that humans have towards Da Zi. What's even more ridiculous is that Jiang Chen remembers that there is one piece of news about Fengyi, and the only Fengyi Li that he has heard in the world: it was on May 24, 2018, in Nanbang. Witnessed by more than 30 journalists from the five countries including China, Xia, M and the Soviet Union, Buk Bang State blasted and demolished the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. Their contacts revealed that North Bang State started blasting and dismantling activities at about 11 a.m. when reporters from South Bang Country, Xia Country, M Country and Post-Soviet Country arrived at the nuclear test site. By 4:17 in the afternoon, the No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 tunnels that Jiang Chen had just sensed, including the barracks, smelting plant, observation post, dormitory, etc., were all blown up one by one. The weather in Punggye-ri was very good that day. According to the local weather forecast, there were showers in Punggye-ri from that night to the next morning. Due to the good weather, the nuclear test site was dismantled that day and the agreement was fulfilled as scheduled. After that, the then UN Secretary-General Guterres also specifically stated that the irreversible closure of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site would be a confidence-building measure that would help further promote sustainable peace and stability on the Bangzi Peninsula. Verifiable denuclearization. He also expressed great expectation for the M and BBA leaders to consolidate this positive momentum at the summit meeting in June of that year. At that time, Kim Eui-gyeom, spokesman for the South Korean presidential office Cheong Wa Dae, described the explosive sound of the Punggye-ri tunnel as"a gun salute announcing that the peninsula was embarking on a journey toward denuclearization." South Korea also said that this decision showed the will of North Korea to implement the agreement reached at the North-South summit talks, and South Korea welcomed this. At that time, more than 30 reporters also took pictures of the blasting and demolition site and took videos. However, many years later, Jiang Chen smelled the"smell" of these"dirty bombs" and came to Fengxi. These facilities miraculously remain in place. It's like being resurrected with full health. New nuclear warheads were even released early. This has to be said to be extremely ironic. So, follow the same pattern. Jiang Chen wiped out the three manufactured nuclear warheads and the three nuclear warheads being assembled here at a pollution cost of no more than five square kilometers, along with Beibang Country's R&D and experimental facilities here. As for those people still staying in the nuclear facility, Jiang Chen could only say sorry. As the dazzling white light gradually dissipated, Jiang Chen deliberately maintained the cover for a while. After ensuring that it would not cause irreversible secondary damage to the ground and air, Jiang Chen left with peace of mind. Then, it was Jiang Chen's turn to destroy the first nuclear power plant on the list. Nuclear fuel power plants are power plants that use the energy released by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reactions to generate electrical energy. However, humans have not yet mastered nuclear fusion and cannot achieve controllable nuclear fusion. Therefore, nuclear power plants currently in commercial operation use the energy released by nuclear fission reactions to generate electricity. Nuclear power plants are generally divided into two parts: the nuclear island (including the reactor device and primary loop system) that uses nuclear fission to produce steam. There is also a conventional island that uses steam to generate electricity (including turbine generator systems). The fuels they use are basically radioactive heavy metals: uranium, plutonium, etc. If the key nuclear reactor is removed, there is basically no difference between nuclear power plants and thermal power plants except for the heat source for generating steam. General thermal power plants have a fuel supply to generate heat, such as natural gas, coal and oil. But for a nuclear power plant, the heat it needs comes from nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor. When a fairly large fissile nucleus (such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239) is bombarded by a neutron, it splits into two or more parts, releasing both the neutron and a large amount of energy. It's called nuclear fission. After the neutrons released by the atomic nucleus are ejected at high speed, they will continue to bombard other atomic nuclei. When this chain reaction is controlled by humans, the energy it releases can be used to boil water. The water vapor produced will cause the turbine to start rotating at high speed, and then generate electricity. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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