However, even if it is nuclear fission, what occurs in a nuclear explosion is an"uncontrolled" chain reaction. The reason why a nuclear reactor can remain stable without exploding is because the speed of atomic fission in the reactor cannot reach The speed required for a nuclear explosion is because the concentration of nuclear fuel used commercially is not high enough.

Moreover, the fission chain reaction in the reactor is controlled by some artificially mixed materials that can absorb or slow down neutrons.

When the temperature of the water outside rises to a certain level, a sensor will detect that the entire power generation system has reached the operating temperature.

At this time, these materials will be put in, and then its density will decrease.

Generally speaking, with the development of nuclear power plants to the present, there are many types of reactors inside them:

Nuclear reactors are divided into natural uranium reactors, enriched uranium reactors, and thorium reactors according to the type of fuel.

According to the neutron energy, they are divided into fast neutron reactors and thermal neutron reactors.

According to the coolant material, they are divided into water-cooled reactors, gas-cooled reactors, organic liquid-cooled reactors, and liquid metal cooled reactors.

According to the moderator, it is divided into graphite reactor, heavy water reactor, pressurized water reactor, boiling water reactor, organic reactor, molten salt reactor and beryllium reactor.

According to the neutron flux, it is divided into high flux reactor and general energy reactor.

According to the thermal state, they are divided into boiling reactors, non-boiling reactors and pressurized water reactors.

According to the operation mode, it is divided into pulse reactor and steady state reactor.

According to the purpose, it can also be divided into production reactor, experimental reactor, power generation reactor, power reactor, breeder reactor, etc.

But in Jiang Chen’s memory, on April 26, 1986, the graphite- moderated high-power tubular reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine, The sudden increase in power caused a meltdown, which released a large amount of dangerous radioactive materials into the environment, causing the famous Chernobyl nuclear leak.

Since then, the construction and use of graphite reactor nuclear power plants has been banned worldwide.

Now, Jiang Chen looked at the huge reactor under his feet and couldn't help but laugh.

This Beibang country is really going against the grain.

Sure enough, in the face of the country's interests and face, the safety of the people and the survival of the environment are not worth mentioning in the eyes of those rulers.

Although as a nuclear reactor, it is still very difficult to directly transform it into a strategic weapon of mass destruction.

However, for the local environment, this is undoubtedly a ticking bomb.

Moreover, if it is left alone, the anxious rulers may become angry and release the nuclear fuel in the reactor on the spot, which will achieve the effect of killing the fish and breaking the net.

Therefore, this inherently dangerous reactor must not be left behind.

However, the reaction speed of the reactor itself was not enough for Jiang Chen to detonate it as easily as before.

Therefore, there is a way to cleanly destroy this nuclear power plant as before, and even nuclear reactors in the future.

Just when Jiang Chen was about to think of a way, there happened to be an image of a meteorite appearing within the wide sensing range.

He hangs in a great veil over the earth. It

's heavy and quite small.

It rests on top of the veil of dark power on the earth.

Jiang Chen didn't know what kind of attack Janata had launched on his protective shield.

At this time, he only felt that he had a solution.

It was too late, but soon, a huge meteorite fell from the sky.

Of course, it is the kind that does not burn in the atmosphere, but is directly transported by Jiang Chen's power.

Then it hit the nuclear reactor.

Nuclear fuel splashed out from the exploded reactor, and then scattered on the cover that Jiang Chen had arranged earlier.

The red nuclear fuel should have reflected half of the sky under such a large-scale explosion.

However, with Jiang Chen's cover, this nuclear leak, which could become a major event for all mankind, became"temporarily" unnoticed.

At least when he destroyed the remaining three nuclear warheads of Beibang Country, their top brass would not know about it.

By the time they found out, not only could they not find out which country or force in the world had done it, but they also no longer had large-scale destructive strategic weapons in their hands.

The harm caused by their hysteria will be infinitely smaller.

However, although the Beibang State has been deliberately developing its own weapons for several years and finally destroyed the weapon that"supported the table" for itself, other countries in the world that are already"advantageous countries" should not be able to bully it just by thinking about it.

They will discover that in just two or three days, the world will achieve true"denuclearization" that they could not even imagine before!

However, after Jiang Chen threw the big stone in space, he realized that this was indeed a good idea.

But what will happen after the stone is used up


There are hundreds of nuclear power plants in the world waiting for him to visit.

Does he really want to go to a certain mountain and chip away at it piece by piece?

Or simply go to outer space first and then move hundreds of meteorites to prepare?

Well, it's very troublesome.

However, as if everything was planned, in the asteroid belt not far from the earth,

Janata finally used her outrageous calculation and selection speed to select from millions of asteroids and Suitable stones were selected from the rubble.

As soon as she smashed all these stones towards the shield of dark power on the surface of the earth, she couldn't believe that there was still no opening for her to squeeze in! the other side,

"The superheroes, mutants and the army of agents in the"Fake Attack on the Earth" plan are also in full swing. A protective absorption system for the little naughty things has also been rushed out.

This system consists of several types of"absorption chambers" composition.........0 is a"flexible buffer impact chamber" with a wall covered with high-tech macromolecule materials in the room. It is specially designed for those whose abilities and energy can only strengthen their own strength and functions. They can only wave their hands and feet without releasing energy skills. used by people.

There is also a"thermal energy absorption room" whose walls are made of countless layers of heat dissipation and heat storage materials with different sensitivities.

No matter whether the people inside are"high speed","vibration" or directly"breathing fire""、"Thunder"、"X or"whatever ray", it will convert it into constant and continuous extreme heat that the little naughty can accept, and then continuously pass it on to the little naughty.

Finally, there is another type called"auxiliary absorption chamber", which can indeed absorb energy.

But they are all energies that humans cannot convert yet, such as the iceman's cooling ability, as well as the ability to temporarily stop time and space.

Because this type of ability is the vibration of the basic particles of matter, which tends to Zero energy, so mixing it with most other collected energy will neutralize those energies.

And humans are not yet able to convert this type of energy into kinetic energy or other energy, so this energy can now only be used as other The"radiator" of the energy collection room can prevent the entire system from collapsing due to continuous overheating.

It can be regarded as doing its best. On this side, the work of collecting energy has also begun.

Dr. Banner decided to personally Everyone started, and there was an angry roar, and the green muscular giant walked into the flexible buffer impact chamber"... and..._

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