Chapter 406: The Death of the Avengers

The superheroes began to think about whether they had any faith.

However, they soon sadly discovered that they did not.

But what exactly is faith?

Is it undefeated strength?

Or the spirit of never giving up?

Or do you do it knowing you can’t do it?

Speaking of undefeated strength, none of the superheroes present dare to say that they have never been defeated. This is human nature.

As for the spirit of never giving up, although not all superheroes currently possess it, it does not mean that it will not be possible in the future. This can be called belief.

Or, like Coulson, he uses death to express his attitude, knowing that he cannot do anything but doing it, which can also be called belief.

A group of superheroes seem to understand something, but they don't seem to fully understand it, but no matter what, they will no longer be ignorant and indifferent to their beliefs.

Colson's death sounded a wake-up call for them, just like a confused person who suddenly heard the true meaning of life and had an enlightenment overnight.

Captain America was the first to stand up. He took a deep breath, and with a firm will, he picked up his shield and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen heard the movement behind him, he frowned and slowly turned around.

He looked calmly at Captain America, who was rushing over, with a stern look in his eyes.

Then he raised his hand expressionlessly and snapped his fingers.

Of course, the moon in the starry sky has no air, so snapping your fingers makes no sound.

But this does not mean that Thanos' snap of his fingers has no effect and power.

As Jiang Chen made the action of snapping his fingers, Captain America, who was rushing toward him, began to disappear as he ran.

First a pair of feet, then the body, and finally the head. From bottom to top, the whole person slowly dissipated in the starry sky of the universe and turned into specks of dust.

There was only one shield left, lying alone on the ground, as if telling the story of its owner's past glory.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent as he watched Captain America disappear, as if what disappeared was not a person, but a dog, a cat, or even an ant.

For Jiang Chen, from the moment the superheroes forced him to take out Thanos' gloves, the people in front of him were no longer his opponents. They were as gentle as ants.

Although the superheroes had seen the power of Thanos' glove before, after seeing Jiang Chen use it now, their faces were still full of horror.

With just a snap of his fingers, a living person disappeared right in front of his eyes. Movies wouldn't dare to shoot like this, okay?

What's even more terrifying is that after Jiang Chen did this, the indifferent expression on his face seemed a bit scary to everyone. He was like a demon at the moment, destroying everyone's minds.

The superheroes froze on the spot, as if they were collectively petrified, leaving only their widened eyes and open mouths, witnessing their shock.

I don't know how long it took, but Black Panther couldn't bear it anymore. He ran towards Jiang Chen quickly like a mad beast. When Jiang Chen saw this, he snapped his fingers again.

Without any suspense, Black Panther followed in the footsteps of Captain America, and his black body turned into dots of fluorescent light, exuding the final color.

Then came Thor...

Doctor Strange...

Vision... all the superheroes were vying for the lead at this moment, fearless of death.

However, no matter how heroic they are, the final result can only be sacrifice.

And just because of Jiang Chen's snap of his fingers.

In the silent starry sky, the moon is now cold and lonely.

It seems to be mourning the disappearance of superheroes.

There are no fierce battles, no bloody scenes, and no piles of corpses.

However, the scene was extremely dull and depressing.

This was a bizarre battle, a one-sided massacre.

There is only one executioner without a trace of blood on his body.

Seen as a demon-like existence by everyone.

This demon is Jiang Chen.

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