Chapter 407 Rescuing Janna

Jiang Chen is no longer in a hurry to enter the battleship. He wants to see if these superheroes are really brave enough to die for their so-called beliefs.

He looked indifferently at the remaining half of the superheroes lying on the ground. They were all the ones who were knocked to the ground before Jiang Chen took out Thanos' gloves.

SHIELD directors Nick and Carolla stood in front of the hatch with heavy faces.

Director Nick, who was sitting in the battleship, looked pleased after seeing the superheroes with high morale.

However, when the superheroes disappeared inexplicably one after another under Jiang Chen's finger, he couldn't sit still and immediately rushed out of the battleship.

Seeing the loss of so many elites, Director Nick was extremely heartbroken. He was wondering whether this mission was a mistake at all.

It was he who personally ruined so many elite 000 people, and Director Nick felt a little regretful.

Although he was very reluctant, Director Nick now had to consider a question, that is, whether to let Janata go.

He would definitely not be able to defeat Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen might get mad and his entire army might be wiped out.

It's unrealistic to leave. Judging from Jiang Chen's current strength, he can directly destroy the battleship before it can fly away.

Director Nick was not only heartbroken at the moment, but also had a headache.

If he just let Janata go, regardless of his dignity, how could he be worthy of his dead comrades?

Well, even if there is really no choice but to feel sorry for the dead comrades, then the living comrades may not agree. ,

Director Nick rubbed his somewhat swollen head. Just when he was in a dilemma, Jiang Chen's hand moved again.

Iron Man Tony stood up slowly, shook his dizzy head, and walked towards Jiang Chen.

Director Nick was really anxious now. It was just too late. If Iron Man Tony was killed in front of him, he would feel extremely regretful. The losses to Country M and S.H.I.E.L.D. could not be estimated.

Thinking of this, Director Nick no longer had any worries and shouted loudly:"Stop!" Although there was no sound coming from the moon, Jiang Chen and Iron Man Tony stopped at the same time as if they had received some order...Seeing this, Director Nick was relieved..He ignored Iron Man Tony, raised his hands above his head, and slowly walked towards Jiang Chen

"That's it!"Director Nick said quickly as he walked away:"It was my fault this time, but we also paid a heavy price."

"I promise you can take Janata away, provided you can guarantee that she will not destroy the earth and the moon again."

"Also, I hope you can stop pursuing this matter."

Director Nick said very sincerely. After he finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Chen with some anxiety.

Jiang Chen did not immediately agree to Director Nick's request, and fell into silence.

Just when everyone was about to lose their patience, he nodded slowly. Nod.

Even if Director Nick doesn't let her go, Jiang Chen is sure that he can rescue Janata without any effort, but there is no guarantee that the other party will not jump over the wall and let Janata get hurt.

Besides, he is not a murderous person. People don't want to make things so troublesome if they can be easily solved, otherwise he would have taken out Thanos' gloves and swept everything away.

When he saw Jiang Chen again, Janata threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms without saying a word, Wow cried loudly.

She was first stimulated by the truth about the worms in her body.

Then she was influenced by the worms in her body, swallowing the moon, going against her long-cherished wish, and even almost destroying the earth and human life.

Finally, she watched her father helplessly , was thrown into a black hole in space.

A series of painful encounters almost made Janata a little breathless.

Now that she saw Jiang Chen fighting against the entire earth in order to save herself, her heart was agitated for a while, and her heart was moved. Shortly. Within a short period of time, the grievances in Janata's heart could not be explained to outsiders, but she could turn into tears, throw herself into the arms of her beloved, and release them to her heart's content._Please read the underlined version of the novel. Download Feilu Novel APP!,·

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