Emergency Conference Center.

Chief Matthew Ellis frowned as he listened to the"beep" sound coming from the other end of the phone.

Seeing Chief Matthew Ellis acting like this, General Chris knew that communication was not ideal.

This made him feel that this was a good opportunity.

Since the emergence of superheroes, people's expectations for them have become higher and higher, which makes him and his men almost become decorations.

It's thankless and thankless, and I have to be scolded for not doing anything for money.

This makes people very unhappy

"Chief Matthew Ellis, I don’t think any of these so-called superheroes can be trusted."

"They don't take you seriously at all!"

"You have put aside your status as a leader to treat these superpowers, but they don't appreciate it at all."

"It's infuriating that they don't pay any attention to your requests."

"In fact, our weapons have been updated and are fully capable of competing with the so-called aliens."

"These so-called superheroes are so self-centered"

"And once they no longer support justice, then we ordinary humans are likely to be in danger."

General Chris said as he looked at Chief Matthew Ellis.

Matthew Ellis's face was ashen and he did not speak.

Although he was very angry about Jiang Chen's behavior,

Chief Matthew Ellis was deeply concerned about Jiang Chen's doubts still wavered.

Indeed, Mandarin is a cunning person.

The last time he fought against him, he failed miserably.

Mandarin's provocation and wanton massacre plunged the entire country into fear.

And This time Mandarin fell into the trap so easily.

But... even this seems to have some problems.

But this method is better than Jiang Chen saying that he will deal with Mandarin alone.

Tony Stark before He swore that one person could deal with Mandarin.

But he was defeated the first time.

He almost risked his life the second time to capture Mandarin.

Chief Matthew Ellis took a deep breath.

There was a Tony Stark was enough to give him a headache.

Now here comes another Jiang Chen.

He rubbed his temples with his hands, tried his best to maintain the demeanor that a leader should have, and announced to all the congressmen seriously:

"Pyro just questioned our plans, so he may not be there. Chief Matthew

Ellis’s words immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction among many members of Congress at the scene:

"This is a plan carefully laid out by the Ministry of Security and SHIELD! He doesn't even know what our plan is and dares to question it?"

"Chief Matthew Ellis, I don't think you need to pay attention to him"

"Fighting requires not only force, but also strategy! But today's superheroes have no so-called strategy at all!"

"There was no doubt that our plan seemed flawless, with few flaws."

There was also a sarcastic voice in the discussion:

"A man who said he was going to face Mandarin and him alone actually questioned our seamless plan?"

"I think these so-called superheroes obviously overestimate themselves a bit"

"Could it be that without them, the earth would be destroyed?"

Such opposition makes General Chris very satisfied.

He feels that all this is God helping him.

The success of the plan, Mandarin is now under control, and the famous superheroes have basically not appeared.

Now he only needs to find the right time to deal with Mandarin. Darling carries out the arrest.

Then tomorrow there will be all kinds of news on TV to praise his achievements.

In this way, he can also prove to all citizens that mankind does not need superheroes.

Thinking about it, Chris The general coughed and said to Chief Matthew Ellis:

"Chief Matthew Ellis, I think Pyro's concerns are purely out of fear of the Mandarin!"

General Chris' words made the meeting place suddenly quiet.

"Although I know that Pyro saved you before, it is not difficult to see that……"

As he said that, he asked someone to play the previous video of Jiang Chen killing Kilian.

"For a while in the video, Killian didn't even realize what he was doing."

"I think everyone knows that the Extremis virus is"

"Although this thing is very strong. But no one is fully aware of its side effects"

"The reason why Killian knelt down to Pyro Man was probably because he was hit by the Extremis virus."

"This also means that Pyro, who we think is very powerful, is not really powerful!"

"So I think Pyro's win over Killian was just a fluke."

After speaking, General Chris paused and looked at the expression of Chief Matthew Ellis.

The conference center was in an uproar.

The members discussed each other and nodded.

General Chris nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the situation at the scene. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard an objection:

"I don't think this is a fluke."

(Friends, if you like the flowers and tickets in your hands, please give me some tickets. Thank you and take a bow!)

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