General Chris looked at Colonel Rhodes who was standing next to leader Matthew Ellis, and the expression on his face was obviously much more serious.

Colonel Rhodes has not only favored superheroes and denigrated them in various meetings more than once.

This made him very angry with Colonel Rhodes

"The last time aliens invaded, superheroes saved all mankind. This is obvious to everyone."

"In fact, that battle proved that the current development of human technology is not enough to fight aliens"

"So the world needs superheroes. Colonel

Rhodes took a step forward, smiled and said:

"Of course, I'm not refuting what you said, it's just that Iron Patriot was made by Tony"

"And as far as I know, you also secretly made steel suits."

"It just failed and didn’t work out."

After saying that, Colonel Ross spread his hands with a look of regret.

These words made General Chris' face become very ugly.

He moved his body to relieve the embarrassment, and said sharply to Colonel Ross:

"Colonel Rhodes, I hope you understand the situation!"

"We are now speaking on the events of Mandarin, not the last alien attack!"

"That thing has passed, and aliens will never come again! Colonel

Rhodes nodded and said with a smile:

"In that case, let's talk about Burning Man"

"Everyone knows that Pyro has fought Iron Man before. Through that battle, we can see his strength"

"After that, he not only defeated Killian, but also saved the leader Matthew Ellis."

"No matter what method he used to save him, it is undeniable that he did it and others did not! After saying that

, Colonel Rhodes glanced at General Chris who could hardly sit still, cleared his throat, and continued:

"Actually, I know one more thing"

"In addition to strength, Pyro also has a superpower, which is luck."

"We can see from many facts that his luck is really good, for example……"

Colonel Rhodes paused, pointed to the video that General Chris ordered to play before and said:

"Even if Killian really suffered the backlash of the Extremis virus, which caused his own explosion"

"So why didn't he suffer backlash during his fight with Iron Man?"

"Again, in his previous battle with Iron Man"

"Iron Man fired three energy cannons at him, but none of them hit him."

"I want to ask everyone here"

"Who can dodge Iron Man's energy cannon three times in a row?"

After Colonel Rhodes finished speaking, the conference center was silent.

No one dared to claim this guarantee.

"So we have to say that luck is also a kind of strength, and we have to admit the strength of Pyro"

"So what if his superpowers have an element of luck?"

"This also proves that his luck will keep him away from things that threaten his life."

"So this may or may not be the reason why he didn't go to the broadcasting building"

"So I think we should think carefully about this action."

As soon as Colonel Rhodes finished speaking, he heard General Chris sneer a few times.

He looked at Chief Matthew Ellis with a smile on his face:

"Chief Matthew Ellis, do you hear that? Pyro saved you by luck."

"Are you willing to leave the life and death of every citizen to someone who is just a little lucky?"

After speaking, General Chris turned to look at Colonel Rhodes and said with a mocking look on his face:

"Colonel Rhodes, if you say so, I suggest you leave your fate to God. It would be better!"

For a moment, there was a burst of laughter in the conference center.

Obviously, they also felt that Colonel Ross's words were too unconvincing.

Colonel Ross looked at the situation with a displeased face.

Regarding this action, he himself was actually Not optimistic.

Mandarin appeared too quickly and was positioned too easily.

And he was surrounded in less than a day after locating him.

Based on the experience of confronting Mandarin before, things can't be that simple.

But Now General Chris was only thinking about gaining merit and could not listen to anyone at all.

Thinking of this, Colonel Ross immediately set his sights on Chief Matthew Ellis

"Chief Matthew Ellis, I think we should really consider the question raised by Burning Man."

"Mandarin is not simple. It is unscientific to fall into our trap so easily."

"We should think more seriously about this plan"

"And if this plan fails, not only the lives of everyone ambushing in the Radio and Television Building will be in danger"

"It will even annoy Mandarin for a second massacre!"

Chief Matthew Ellis had a sullen face.

He was obviously hesitant.

General Chris on the side said nervously to Chief Matthew Ellis:

"Chief Matthew Ellis, you were involved in this plan every step of the way."

"You know how perfect our plan is. Chief Matthew

Ellis took a deep breath and said:

"Voting is now open on whether to continue Operation Mandarin."

Colonel Rhodes looked at everyone in the conference center with serious expressions and said:

"Members, I hope you will consider this carefully."

"If this plan fails and Mandarin is offended, next, we will be completely plunged into Mandarin's full revenge


(Friends, if you like the flowers and tickets in your hands, please give them to me. Thank you and take a bow!)

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