Asgard, small spaceships came quickly, facing the sentries suspended in the sky, even if they disdained the technological spaceships, these fairy palace warriors could only drive small spaceships that were small for them and launched a charge towards the sentinels in the sky.

Boom, boom, boom.

Energy rays composed of divine power were quickly released from the small spaceship, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made the air ripple, these energy weapons are much more powerful than the Cosmic Cube technology developed by the Hydra Organization on Earth, even Asgard people dare not be easily hit by these energy rays.

“Mr. Allens, please finish off these guys who get in the way.”

Loki, the phantom doppelganger evil god who was giving an impassioned speech on the ground, shouted loudly after seeing the energy rays coming from the sky.

“As you wish, Your Excellency Loki, the Honorable God King.”

Allens just nodded, and the hundreds of sentinels behind him suddenly rushed towards the energy ray, and the reason why the phantom spoke out was to make the people of Asgard think that this was just a drama of Odin’s son fighting for the god king, not an invasion from the outside world. Of course, Allens knows that once Asgard is determined to be an invasion from the outside world, he will definitely risk waking the god king Odin from his slumber, even if it is a heavenly father level whose strength has decayed, it is enough for Alans to fall into passivity.

“The energy absorption module is on, analyzing the energy structure… The analysis is complete, the energy is a unique divine power of Asgard, the energy absorption module is being transformed, and the absorption begins…”

The one-eyed eyes of the sentinel robots flashed with terrifying data streams, and at the same time, the energy core above the sentinel’s chest released a terrifying attraction, and all the divine power rays in the sky were absorbed into the sentinel’s body.

“Absorb excessive divine power, open the mental power module, charge the mental power module, and release the divine power.”

Some sentinels in the front row who absorbed too much divine power, their hands were open, and the terrifying power swept the sky, and small spaceships fell from the sky like dumplings.

“The Frozen Super Module is on….”

Some sentinel robots also absorbed divine power, and in the one-eyed eye, a terrifying cold current formed rays, smashed on the ground, and the entire ground began to freeze rapidly.

Click, click.

The ground was frozen, and some Immortal Palace warriors who did not escape the small spacecraft were instantly frozen in the spacecraft, and several kilometers of ground fell into the ice age.

“The quantum bridge superenergy module is on…”

A blue aperture appeared in front of several sentinels, the aperture flashed, these sentries had already appeared on the ground, behind more than a dozen Immortal Palace warriors, a blue aperture appeared at the same time, within the aperture, the sentinel’s right hand condensed the divine power spear, directly pierced into the back of the Immortal Palace warrior, and the spear came out as a chest.

Peng, Peng, Peng.

Several sentinels flickered within the blue aperture, and more than a dozen Immortal Palace warriors fell straight to the ground, and at the same time, the bodies of these sentinels opened from the center line, enveloping these Immortal Palace warriors.

“F**K, what the hell is this?”

“Ward, prepare to turn on the Divine Power Annihilation Cannon.”

“Immortal Palace warriors, never be afraid, you guys come here, you bitches raised ..”

Inside the gate of the Immortal Palace, the only remaining warriors of the First Palace, all had a trace of cold sweat on their faces, wearing medieval armor and a metal helmet on their heads, got the order and directly opened the Divine Power Annihilation Cannon on the Gate of the Immortal Palace.


Above the gate of the Immortal Palace, an energy cannon like the eye of justice condensed, and from the energy cannon, a terrifying destructive energy swept down.


The terrifying energy penetrated the sky, hundreds of sentinel robots were shattered in this attack, and Allens was right in the center of the energy cannon.

“Jarvis, open the mental barrier.”

Alens’ right hand was raised, the eyes on the mask armor shone, and the terrifying mental power formed a transparent barrier that blocked the space like a tide, and the energy cannon hit the barrier, but it was unable to shake the mental barrier at all, and could only turn into an explosive spark and disappear in mid-air.

“Whew, although I didn’t kill the leader, I killed hundreds of robots…. Ma Jalak, what’s going on? ”

Ward, who turned on the Divine Power Annihilation Cannon, breathed a deep sigh of relief, but although what happened, it made Ward’s eyes widen and he scolded in horror.

In the sky, hundreds of sentinel robots that were broken into pieces, the only remaining head one-eyed light up with a cloud, and the super-energy module built into the body ran wildly.

“Warning, warning, irreversible damage to the body, emergency activation of the self-healing factor super module… Super Energy Module Startup Complete… Repairing body damage…”

Hundreds of damaged sentinel robots, starting with the head, the nanofactors in the body began to replicate wildly, the entire body began to recover wildly, in a short period of time, these sentinels have been restored, and the recovered sentinel robots have become more huge.

“Sit, a robot that can fix itself like crazy?”

The Immortal Palace warriors in front of the gate of the Immortal Palace were extremely heavy in their hearts at this time, even if they encountered the army of frost giants, these people had not panicked, but now surrounded by hundreds of sentinels, these brave Immortal Palace warriors had a faint trace of fear in their hearts.

“Surrender, or destruction.”

The evil god Loki raised his scepter, his body flew up, and his eyes looked at the surrounded Immortal Palace warriors, with a look of victory.

“Hahaha, Loki, have you forgotten your title? God of trickery, no Asgard man will want to submit to you, we Asgardian people are brave and unyielding. ”

A fairy palace warrior did not forget to taunt Loki even if he was in prison after seeing the evil god Loki, which is why the evil god Loki did not care about Asgard’s safety.

“Stupid choice.”

Loki roared angrily, pointed his right scepter, and a sentry behind him raised his hand and released a wave of mental power, directly knocking out the taunting Immortal Palace warrior.

“Loki, don’t be obsessed, there is only one god king in Asgard, and that is Thor, the god of thunder.”

In the sky, a spaceship jumped from the void, and inside the spaceship, there were fully armed fairy palace warriors, and in front of the spaceship, was the fairy palace female warrior Sif wearing tight armor.

“You’re already surrounded, Loki, better surrender obediently.”

A fairy warrior with a giant axe had a cold smile on his face, and he had never put Loki, the god of trickery, in his eyes.

PS: The first one is sent, thank the soul breath shadow boss’s 588-point reward, thank you for the red flower unicorn boss’s 300-point reward, Robbie is grateful, kneeling to thank God. In the new year, Robbie knelt down and begged for a subscription, and the big guys also asked to subscribe more, support Oh, Robbie thank you again. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times.

Rocket Raccoon: Hey Thor, is this Asgard? Why is it controlled. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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