“Evil God Loki, you are already surrounded, it is better to hurry up and surrender, it is really funny that you hundreds of robots are trying to seize the rule of Asgard.”

Asgard, the gate of the fairy palace, in the sky, inside a medium-sized troop carrier, one by one fully armed fairy palace warriors are waiting in strict formation, and a strong man with a giant axe in front looks at the evil god Loki with a mocking face, and gestures a middle finger to the evil god Loki.

This is Adela Ambot, second only to the three warriors of the Immortal Palace, called the Giant Axe Reaper by the warriors of Asgard, who once followed the god king Odin to fight in the Nine Realms, and is one of the few Immortal Palace warriors who has survived to the present, and his age is close to 4,000 years old.

However, in the face of Ada’s taunt, the evil god Loki just smiled indifferently, and Alens, who was wearing a steel suit in the sky, snapped his fingers.

“The Super Twin Module is turned on, the charge is maximized….”

With Alens’ snapping of his fingers, the eyes of hundreds of sentinels flashed, and the doppelganger superpowers that Alans obtained in the previous timeline had long been added to the sentry body by Alens, becoming a super-powered avatar module, and Alans also strengthened the operation of the doppelganger module.

Ho, ho, ho.

Every time the body of hundreds of sentries flickered, a sentry avatar appeared, and the sentry almost multiplied geometrically, and in a short time, it already occupied the sky, looking dense.

“F***k, Lord Sif, what next?”

The original hundreds of sentinels had already copied themselves in a short period of time, approaching tens of thousands, and the situation of Immortal Palace warriors and sentinels was instantly reversed, and two thousand Immortal Palace warriors were surrounded by tens of thousands of sentinels.

The smile on Adela’s face, who was still mocking, froze, and the giant axe in his right hand almost broke away, and turned to Sif to ask.

Buzz, buzz, buzz

Countless sentinel one-eyed began to charge, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept the entire troop carrier, and the female warrior Sif saw that the energy peak shown by the projection in front of her was soaring, and she could only sigh helplessly.

“Give up resistance.”

Sif sighed deeply, although he had gathered a force of two thousand people, but now in the face of several times his own enemy, he could only give up resistance.

“We are Immortal Palace warriors, we have nothing to fear.”

An Immortal Palace warrior was filled with righteous indignation, raised the long sword in his hand, his eyes were full of determination and pride, as an Immortal Palace warrior, he would never easily admit defeat.


As soon as this Immortal Palace warrior raised his long sword, a sentinel’s one-eyed eye had already released a terrifying energy laser, and the laser hit the warrior directly, knocking it out of the spaceship.

Allens fell from the sky and landed on the troop carrier, the metal mask on his head opened, revealing Alens’ icy face.

“Now, is there anyone else who intends to continue resisting?”

Alens’ gaze was deep and majestic, and the thousands of Immortal Palace warriors oppressed by the terrifying mind could not raise their heads at all, even the female warrior Sif, in front of Alens, could only lower their noble heads.

“Midgards? I am a warrior of the Asa gods, I am a god, how can I submit to the Midgards. ”

Adela, who had planned to agree with Sif’s words and submit, was immediately carried away by anger after seeing Alens’ face, raised the giant axe with both hands, and slashed towards Allens.

“Time stops.”

In the face of Adela’s attack, Allens just simply fingered, and the surrounding time stopped instantly, Allens walked slowly in front of Adela and lifted Adela up with his right hand.


Time resumed again, the warriors of the Immortal Palace only felt that Adela had just rushed out, and Alons had already lifted Adela in mid-air, and Alens’ right hand was slightly forced, just relying on the power of the exoskeleton armor of the steel suit, it easily pinched Adela’s neck.


With the action of Allens, the Immortal Palace warriors of the entire troop carrier threw down the weapons in their hands in unison, although these Immortal Palace warriors are brave, but they are not without brains, knowing that they are invincible and stubbornly resisting, waiting for their own only destruction.

“Very good, arrest these people and open the gate of the Immortal Palace.”

The evil god Loki came to Alens’s side, glanced at Sif, and began to issue orders.

As these Immortal Palace warriors surrendered, the gate of the Immortal Palace was completely opened, and Alens’ sentinels began to attack the various palaces of the Immortal Palace.

And just as Allens attacked Asgard, in 2023, the fat house Thor and Rocket Raccoon, who were standing in front of the quantum shuttle instrument, were suddenly stopped by Dr. Banner the Hulk.

“Hey, big man, don’t tell me Asgard doesn’t have ether particles anymore.”

Watching the surrounding companions disappear into quantum space, the rocket raccoon who felt fresh when he first crossed the quantum realm, was a little fried because the Hulk Banner called a halt.

Tons tons tons.

Thor, the god of thor next to Rocket Raccoon, poured a few sips of beer and looked at Dr. Banner the Hulk with some drunken eyes, obviously not knowing why Dr. Banner stopped him.

“Listen, Gays, you’re in trouble with your mission.”

Dr. Banner Hulk’s brows were locked, and Banner, who was about to reach 3.5 meters tall, frowned at this time, because according to the quantum algorithm set by him and Tony Stark, something seemed to be wrong.

“The quantum algorithm, itself is the overall algorithm of quantum science, which can calculate the past space-time and the approximate occurrence.”

Briefly introducing the quantum algorithm, Hulk Banner took a metal plate, slapped the metal plate in the air, and a projection was projected.

On this projection, the situation of Asgard is clearly presented, and the originally peaceful Asgard has been shrouded in huge sentinels at this time, and at the same time, on the throne belonging to the god king Odin, there is an Asian youth.

“Alens, who we think has been defeated, is back, this time, he has killed Tony Stark since 2008, developed the terrifying sentinel robot, and, in 2010, completely ruled Asgard, achieving Ragnarok.”

Dr. Banner the Hulk looked at the picture in front of him strangely, after he noticed that the quantum algorithm had changed, he found Doctor Strange, used Doctor Strange’s magic, let himself swim in the timeline, he found that Alens, who was previously defeated by everyone, made a comeback again, and this time it was even more terrifying, bringing Ragnarok to Asgard.

PS: The second one is sent, thanks to the 588-point tip of the Soul Breath Shadow Guy, and the 300-point tip of the Red Flower Kirin Guy, Robbie is grateful, kneeling to thank God. In the new year, Robbie knelt down and begged for a subscription, and the big guys also asked to subscribe more, support Oh, Robbie thank you again. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times.

Rocket Raccoon: Hey damn big green, why did you want us to travel back to this bad past.

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