Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 141 Shapeshifting King Kong Falls From The Sky (Although The Level Is Limited, But The Attit

Steve and Natasha Romanoff fled onto a viaduct, followed closely by a row of black cars, with heavy gunfire constantly coming from behind.

Cars on the viaduct scrambled to dodge one after another, crashing into each other.

Natasha Romanoff couldn't dodge and hit a car directly, and the two rolled on the ground and got up quickly to fight back.

"Boom!!" The strong man with metal arms hit Steve's shield with a grenade, and Steve flew out with a bang as if hit by a heavy hammer, and smashed heavily on the roof of a car more than ten meters away.

"Captain!!! Are you alright?" Natasha Romanoff hunched over to dodge incoming bullets and quickly ran to Steve's location to check on the situation.

"Boom!!!" A grenade hit Natasha Romanoff's position, and Steve pushed Natasha Romanoff away again by the huge explosion force.

While checking the situation of Steve and Natasha Romanoff through satellites in the sky, J.A.R.V.I.S suddenly made a sound.

"Sir, the satellite has detected a high-energy response in the sky!"

As soon as the screen turned, several huge amounts of fireballs had already fallen into the atmosphere, dragging huge amounts of fiery red flames in the sky. It seemed that it was obviously not a meteor shower.

Before seeing where these things that fell from the sky will fall, J.A.R.V.I.S spoke again.

"Mister 11, Colonel Rhodes is asking for help. The President 1 plane has been attacked, and the source of the attack cannot be traced!!"

"Switch in!" Shi Stark immediately pressed the control device on his wrist, and the battle armor was quickly put on his body.

"Stark, we are under attack. I am now protecting the president and flying back to the Black Palace. Now I need you to come and help me protect the president." Colonel Rhodes was wearing the Iron Patriot armor and hugging the president while flying Explain to Stark what happened.

The President|President's plane went abroad for a visit, and after returning to the territory of the Bald Eagle, the entire plane was suddenly invaded. The intruders kept rummaging for state secrets through the independent server on President 1.

Network security experts cut off the external link in time, but it was found that the intrusion started from the plane and was not done by hackers from other countries.

At present, President 1 has been escorted by fighter jets to fly to other airports to land, but the intruders on the plane still have not found any traces.

Just in case, Rhodes had no choice but to ask Shi Stark, a genius who is a weapons expert and information expert and also works as an Iron Man, to help.

"I'll be there soon!!" After saying that, Stark turned around and flew out from the balcony, heading straight for the Black Palace.

Jiang Bai blinked and said to several people present: "Should we watch Steve and Natasha Romanoff escape for their lives or watch the president being attacked?"

Yan stretched his waist with a smile, and Jiang Bai's saliva was about to flow down: "If you go to see the president, won't you scare the president to death? He won't regard that unknown attack target as your arrangement Let's do it!"

When Jiang Bai heard this, he pretended to be annoyed and quickly retorted: "Yan, if you say that, I will get angry. I am such a great and bright person, and everyone loves flowers everywhere. How can I scare others?"

At this time Hela also laughed and said: "Yeah, that Xingjue trembling standing up, you must not have been frightened?"

"Xingjue has been paralyzed by polio since he was a child, and he trembles when he sees everyone!!"

In fact, Jiang Bai also understands that as long as he can stay at home every day, these presidents and ministers will really feel at ease.

If Jiang Bai suddenly appeared in the Black Palace, maybe the guards of the Black Palace would immediately kneel down and surrender, waiting for Jiang Bai's rule, so they would not fight an opponent who is impossible to defeat, and this opponent is still following behind An Angel and the Goddess of Death.

As long as the mind is normal, there will be no resistance.

Seeing that these women were not interested in the attack on President Bald Eagle, Jiang Bai could only continue to sit on the sofa and watch the images observed by J.A.R.V.I.S through satellites.

Several huge amounts of fireballs fell from the sky, boom boom boom!!! It hit the viaduct where Steve and the others escaped.

The viaduct broke in response, and a dozen cars fell from the bridge one after another, smashing the cars below.

The fireball burst open, leaking the unknown object inside.

These are a few tall robots with tall bodies and cracked footprints on the ground.

Among them, the tallest one is more than ten meters tall, and standing on the ground, the height of his head will exceed the height of the viaduct.

One of the most conspicuous ones was a small man. It was a yellow robot over five meters tall. Just as he stood up, he was hit by a grenade in the face from a strong man with metal arms chasing Steve.

With a bang, the flames suddenly appeared.

The yellow robot took a few steps back, and its own mechanical arm turned into a huge amounts of muzzle in an instant.

"Captain! Don't we need to run away?" Natasha Romanoff looked at the tall robots around him in a daze.

Why is there a robot suddenly falling from the sky, and it seems that it will become my reinforcement now.

"Run now now!! These robots can just help us block the pursuers."


The red light of the muzzle on the yellow robot arm flickered and disappeared, and a huge amounts of cannonball seemed to be cast by magic, and it could be seen by the naked eye that it was slowly flying towards the strong man with the metal arm, but the strong man seemed to be As if being slowed down, he flew to the side.

All the movements seemed to be in slow motion in a movie, avoiding the flying shells dangerously and dangerously.


It took two seconds for the sound of the explosion to come, and a huge hole directly appeared on the viaduct.

Rubble flew across the entire viaduct, and the car behind the strong man with metal arms slammed into a piece of debris flying all over the sky with the sound of fire.

"Let's go, let's go see Steve and they get beaten up!"

Suddenly Jiang Bai came to the spirit, took Yan's hand and was about to go to the scene to watch the fun.

Yan looked Jiang Bai up and down, trying to find out what his plan was, could it be that he saw those robots wanting to collect one?

Others don't know these robots, but Jiang Bai knows them, especially the yellow one, which is so obvious, with big blue eyes like a cute puppy, it's obviously a bumblebee.

Machines This is a man's romance, although Jiang Bai's romance is not much, but that boy didn't think about owning a shapeshifting King Kong toy.

Now this opportunity is in front of us, although Jiang Bai is past the age of playing with toys, but it doesn't hinder him to see the real shapeshifting King Kong, right?

713 The shapeshifting King Kong is what an alien should look like. How can it be defined as an alien when you look at strange-looking monsters like the Kiritas and Gamora?

"Miss, look, we've been sitting at Shi Stark's house all day, let's go shopping!" Jiang Bai grabbed Yan's hand and shook it from side to side, talking coquettishly while shaking it.

Yan was so frightened that goose bumps appeared all over his body, he stood up abruptly and drew out his hand, kicking Jiang Bai to the ground.

"Are you infected by Star-Lord?"

"Hahahaha!!!!" Pepper and Hela hurriedly stayed away from these two people, afraid of being infected with something.

Jiang Bai took the opportunity to hug Yan's long legs while shaking his body while continuing to act coquettishly: "Go~~~Go!!!!"

With a sound of "噗", strong flames shot out from the flaming long sword, which was directly inserted between Jiang Bai's legs, causing Jiang Bai to jump up from the ground in a fright.

"Good, good, put it away!!" Jiang Bai hurriedly pressed Yan's hand, preventing her from hitting him again.

"Oddly obedient, Yan is the most obedient, quickly put away the sword!!"

Jiang Bai quickly pulled out the flame sword on the ground, handed it to Yan, Yan put the long sword away and said, "Are you trying to disgust me on purpose, how old you are and you won't be able to speak properly?"

"Oddly obedient!! Yan is the most obedient, let's go out to watch the fun and see what these robots are from!!"

"Look, there is no cleaning tool on Tianren No. 7, and even Hela has two subordinates. As the future Angel Queen, you can't even have one subordinate?".

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