Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 142 Bucky, I'm Steve! ! !

On the other side, the unknown shapeshifting King Kong leader Optimus Prime stopped Bumblebee: "Bumblebee, we have more important things!!!"

However, the HYDRA people on the other side quit. You interrupted our pursuit of Captain America and Natasha Romanoff from the sky, and now you suddenly say that there are more important things to do, and you have to leave? This is looking down on us who can rule the world in the future HYDRA?

One of the black uncles pulled a big guy out of a humvee.

It was dangling and carried in front of him.


Steve pushed Natasha Romanoff away from him.

"chug chug chug chug chug!!!!"

Price Lin sprayed out bullets from each barrel like a lotus flower in full bloom.

Bright streaks of light flashed across the night sky, heading straight for where Steve was standing.

Several shapeshifters standing near Steve shifted their weapons and prepared to fight back.

Steve finally showed his super soldier's ability this time, picked up the shield and stood in front of him!!"

huge amounts of heavy machine gun|The bullets hitting the shield made a loud bang, but Steve didn't flinch, and rushed towards the black Uncle who kept shooting against the rain of bullets.

The bullets blocked by the shield flew randomly, piercing through the nearby vehicles in an instant, and Natasha Romanoff lay on the ground with her head in her arms, not daring to move.

He could only stare out of the corner of his eye as Steve kept charging through the hail of bullets.

Steve rushed in front of the black Uncle and jumped, turned around in the air, and the shield hit the black Uncle's neck with a bang, and the sound of violent bullets stopped instantly.

The strong man with metal arms climbed out of the bombed vehicle, handsomely tore off the mask on his face, grabbed the assault rifle from the hands of the people around him, and fired directly at Steve. Get beaten.

He casually pulled a grenade from his waist and threw it in front of Steve.

"Boom!!" A violent explosion mixed with flames rose from the sky, Steve rolled a few somersaults on the ground, and fled in the direction of Natasha Romanoff holding the shield again.

"You guys, get rid of these robots!! I'm going to chase Steve and Natasha Romanoff!!!" The metal-armed man changed his clips and strode towards Steve's fleeing direction without even looking at the robots .

The remaining armed personnel quickly took out all kinds of heavy weapons from the undamaged vehicles, including grenades with armor-piercing functions, and rocket launchers with armor-piercing functions, and even special individual soldiers Anti-armor tank armor-piercing projectiles, and Gatling replaced with armor-piercing projectiles, are simply ready for war.

You can’t blame them, it’s all Jiang Bai’s fault, he signed something strange and suddenly fell from the sky when he had nothing to do, these demons and ghosts can startle their jaws with every defensive power, now all armed personnel, whether they are police or army, so heavy machine guns All of the above weapons are now routinely equipped with air-to-armor shells.

Even the combat troops are equipped with high-temperature armor-piercing projectiles and high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles. In short, armor-piercing projectiles have become the regular equipment of combat teams, just to prevent an extremely huge amounts of monsters from suddenly appearing somewhere.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D, with the help of Shi Stark, designed conventional weapons such as electromagnetic guns and high-energy laser weapons, but because of energy problems, they cannot be installed on ordinary cars.

Especially for kinetic energy weapons such as electromagnetic guns, as long as the warhead is strong enough, it can even theoretically penetrate the armor of space battleships. Fortunately, although Shi Stark helped S.H.I.E.L.D to research and simplify various processes, the core warhead and energy supply, Shi Stark Not participating.

Shi Stark is not stupid, the principle of the electromagnetic gun is super simple, the difficulty lies in the warhead and energy, and it happens that these two things are owned by Shi Stark, so Shi Stark gave a few casual pointers and never participated in the subsequent Research.

The electromagnetic gun that led to S.H.I.E.L.D or HYDRA can only be miniaturized, but it must be installed on an aircraft, and it does not have enough energy and can only be used as a test product now.

Otherwise, two electromagnetic cannons were installed on the Humvee, and it is estimated that by the time Jiang Bai ran over to watch the excitement, this group of shapeshifting King Kong would have been wiped out by HYDRA.

However, the shapeshifting King Kongs were also stunned by the sudden attack, and they didn't even activate their energy shields.

Among them, Sir Shapeshifting King Kong, who was the smallest, was directly hit by four high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!!""

The jazz fell apart in an instant, and before Jiang Bai had time to take a group photo, the smallest shapeshifting King Kong turned into a jingle of parts.

Lubricating oil and gas star Fire all over the floor, directly frightened several shapeshifting King Kong next to him.

They turned on their energy shields one after another to avoid the attack.

"Fight back!! Fight back!!!"

Optimus Prime fired the cannon first, his right arm turned into huge amounts of cannon muzzle and hit towards the place with the most HYDRA personnel.

The counterattack of the shapeshifting king kong had a suppressing effect in an instant, and several black-painted Hummers on HYDRA's side were rumbled and smashed to pieces in an instant. HYDRA's attack stopped and disappeared.

But the strong man with metal arms jumped from the viaduct with a bang and landed on a car that was smashed by the viaduct.

Indistinctly, a slight girl could be heard talking, it was the voice of Natasha Romanoff.

"Coordinates...immediate support...I'll lure him away"

The strong man with the metal arm aimed the gun in the direction of the source of the sound. There were all colliding cars nearby, and he couldn't see where the person was at all.

He took a grenade from his waist and rolled slowly to the source of the sound.


The fierce flames seemed to blind his eyes, and the strong man with metal arms squinted his eyes subconsciously.

At this moment, Natasha Romanoff suddenly sprang out from the ruins behind him, leaped high, lined up his hands, pulled out a slender metal wire that reflected light, and wrapped it around the strong man's neck superior.

The strong man grabbed the wire with his metal arms and tried to tear Natasha Romanoff off him.

At the same time, Steve rushed towards the strong man with the shield in his hand.


A shield was slashed on the strong man's face, and just when Steve was about to strike again, he stopped suddenly: "Bucky???"

Steve stared in shock at the man with the cold metal arms in front of him.

He was Bucky Bales, the only good brother he had grown up with.

"Bucky!! You're alive, I'm Steve!!! Bucky!!!"

The strong man punched the defenseless Steve in the face, and Steve staggered back a few steps.

Captain, no matter what relationship you have with this Winter Soldier, can you subdue him first?" Natasha Romanoff, who was riding on Bucky, squeezed out a sentence with all his strength.

The blood vessels on his ferocious face were bulging, and the muscle lines on his body were already showing through the cautious combat uniform.

Bucky took the opportunity to bend back, grabbing Natasha Romanoff's hair behind him with a metal arm and flicking it hard.

Natasha Romanoff whizzes down on Steve like a discarded sandbag.

"Natasha Romanoff, have you seen him?" Steve blocked the metal fist that struck again, and asked Natasha Romanoff to roll away from Bucky's attack range.

Natasha Romanoff wiped the blood on his face and said: "I met him in Siberia two years ago when I was escorting confidential documents. He (Denuo Zhao) was called the Winter Soldier by the terrorist organization there. He appeared like a ghost with an indestructible metal arm. Normally, if I hadn't run so fast that time, I would have almost stayed in Siberia.

"Boom!!" Steve blocked Bucky's attack with shield again and shouted: "Bucky, look at me, I'm Steve Luo Jies!!!"

Bucky paused and looked at Steve, Steve smiled: "Bucky, you think of me!!!"


Bucky punched Steve in the face, and Steve's nose bleeds gushed out, and he staggered a few steps and almost fell.

"Bang bang bang!!!" Natasha Romanoff quickly returned fire with a pistol.

Bucky raised his metal arm to block Natasha Romanoff's attack with a ding ding, and took a step forward to grab Steve.

Seeing the bad situation, Natasha Romanoff shouted loudly: "Captain!! If you continue like this, we will be killed by him, can you cheer up and subdue him first?"


A metal fist punched Steve's shield, and Steve kicked Bucky's waist, then swung the shield back and smashed it down on Bucky's head. .

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