Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

The First Fifty-One Chapters When Steve And Bucky Say Their Vows, This Moment Will Be Remembered (Pl

Looking at the shouts one after another, Jiang Bai couldn't help crying, and touched the tears that didn't exist in the corner of his eyes with his hands.

The procession moved on, this time Stark appeared in a suit and looked happy, and Pepper in a silver tux slowly appeared on the stage.

While waving at the reporters, he couldn't help grinning and trembling slightly, and couldn't hide his happy look.

Behind Stark and Pepper is Hulk, who is more than three meters tall, wearing a dark green suit that reflects his muscle lines. Hulk's simple face is also full of happy smiles. This is the first time he has seen such a Many people are not afraid of themselves, he feels happy from the bottom of his heart.

Hulk held Natasha Romanoff in a blood-red long dress with his hands. Natasha Romanoff sat on Hulk's right shoulder with a smile, and stepped on the palm of Hulk's huge amounts of hands. While waving to the surroundings, he couldn't help sobbing.

Huge amounts of green and skinny red brought huge amounts of visual impact to everyone present [even the reporters couldn't help but move their eyes from Steve and Bucky to Hulk and Natasha Romanoff.

Huge and thin form a stark contrast, just like the real version of Beauty and Beast.

Hulk is a Beast full of wildness and strength, and Natasha Romanoff's blood-colored dress tonight is shining brightly, showing her true beauty even more.

Hulk and Natasha Romanoff were followed by a phalanx of minions. Their cute big eyes were smiling, adding a softness to the solemnity of the venue. 11 Minions dressed in neat little suits were holding baskets full of candy in their hands, grabbing a handful and throwing them into the air.

The reporters watched in a daze, and suddenly they were hit by the wedding candy falling from the sky and started looting one after another.

Behind the phalanx of minions is the representative of the Elf Hotel.

Dracula was wearing his neat black windbreaker and leading Meivis, who was sweet and lovely in a long black dress, approaching slowly. Behind them were the werewolf couple, the mummy couple, and the Frankenstein couple.

Behind them are two rows of little werewolves in small gray suits.

The first one was the lovely Thirteenth Sister with a bow tie on her head.

Each little werewolf held a stack of red envelopes in his hand, and sprinkled them all over the place.

The air of the entire banquet hall was filled with white and blood-red petals intertwined, and wedding candies and red envelopes were flying everywhere.

Behind the little werewolf are four burly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with huge turtle shells on their backs.

Each of them held different musical instruments in their hands, including accordion, trombone, harmonica, and flute. They kept playing the wedding march and walked slowly.

At the end of the line was Harpy, who was dressed as a British butler. His hair was combed meticulously, reflecting the light against the light. He was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, wearing a long black tuxedo, a white shirt and black tie, and a black polish. Shiny pointed shoes.

With a pair of white gloves in his hands, holding a gift box tied with a huge purple bow, he followed behind the team.

"Thank you for coming!!" Jiang Bai saw that the team had completely entered the banquet hall, and quickly started his hosting.

"Today, we will witness the greatest wedding of this century, and we will witness the marriage of lovers."

"We will witness a love that spans time and space!!"

"Even if they are separated by seventy years, in the end they still meet at At the moment, even if it spans centuries, true love will bring them together again."

"True love shall last forever!!!!"

"True love shall last forever!!!!"

"True love shall last forever!!!!"

"True love shall last forever!!!!"

The reporters once again shouted together with Jiang Bai that true love will last forever.

They feel that they may never meet a grander wedding than this in their lives.

Angel and the goddess of death acted as concierges, and Jiang Bai, who was above Angel and the goddess of death, acted as the host.

Tom and Jerry are flower girls.

The three seafood generals will personally hold the wedding dress for Steve.

Everyone is famous, even Iron Man and Hulk can only walk in the middle of the line.

There is the legendary Earl Dracula, as well as the legendary werewolf mummy and Frankenstein.

Gods, monsters, and superheroes from all over the world gathered together and willingly served as a foil for Steve and Bucky's wedding.

This day will be remembered in history, this day will be infused into eternity.

Steve and Bucky walked up to Jiang Bai step by step with horror on their faces.

Jiang Bai took Steve and Bucky's hands together and said in a loud voice: "Under the witness of light and darkness, under the witness of people all over the world, under the witness of gods, demons, monsters and superheroes, I take In the name of the gods on earth, I declare that you have become a legal husband and wife!!!”

In an instant, the light shines brightly.

A round space glowing with white light suddenly burst open above Steve and Bucky's heads.

A big Angel with closed eyes, with a halo floating above his head, seven wings growing on his back, and a two-meter-long knife in his hand, descended from the sky.

It was Sephiroth who was pulled by Hela to make up for the background wall.

The white wings are scattered with a little shimmer.

Steve and Bucky knelt down involuntarily and slowly, speaking the oath tremblingly.

"I'm Steve Ludgers (I'm Bucky Barnes)!!"

"Willing to marry you Bucky Barnes as my husband!!"

"Willing to marry you Steve Luo Jies as my wife!!"

The two opened their mouths at the same time to say the exciting oath.

"In sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, or for any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him forever


The moment Steve and Bucky finished their vows, Sephiroth opened his eyes, and the golden light swept across everyone present.

Everyone suddenly seemed to engrave this moment in their memory forever in their minds.

No matter the old, middle-aged, young or children in front of the screen, they all involuntarily knelt down and clasped their hands to pray silently.

Even the lively netizens who came here from abroad were deeply shocked by the scene in front of the screen and fell silent.

This day will forever be engraved in everyone's memory, down to the layers.

Happy walked slowly through the middle of the wedding line, and came to Jiang Bai with a huge amounts of gift box in his hand.

Slightly bowed and stretched his hands forward, handing the gift box to Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai helped Steve and Bucky up, smiled and slowly began to untie the bow on the gift box.

The eyes of Steve and Bucky kept rolling, and sweat slipped from their temples.

They never imagined that Jiang Bai and Shi Stark actually had this idea, let them announce their marriage in front of the whole world!!

This is more heart-wrenching than directly killing Steve and Bucky. From now on, everyone in the world knows that Captain America likes men, and he has pursued them for many years, even if they have been frozen for seventy years. Nor did it chill his 607 hot hearts chasing Bucky.

And Bucky's brain is buzzing, his memory is still stuck at the moment when he fell off the cliff, and now he has only recovered his memory in a few hours, and something that he will never be able to face bravely is about to happen .

Bucky began to miss the days when he was controlled by HYDRA, at least he didn't have any memories in his mind, just relying on the form of orders, he didn't have to face the strange eyes of people all over the world.

Now Steve just wants to slam his head against the wall to death, while Bucky just looks at everything in front of him with a blank face, if it wasn't for the sweat falling down his face that betrayed him, he really thought he didn't react at all.

Jiang Bai smiled and watched the two of them sweating non-stop, and at the same time untied the bow on the gift box more slowly.

Jiang Bai just wanted to see the tension and anxiety of the two of them for a while. Once the gift box was opened, the wedding would be over, and he would never see it again.

The reporters in the audience and the audience in front of the screen also held their breath and covered their mouths with their hands, fearing that a little noise would disturb Jiang Bai's movements.

They were all guessing what was in the gift box.

A diamond ring? A token of love? A love letter from Steve and Bucky?

Everyone held back the tension and expectation in their hearts, and waited together for Jiang Bai to reveal the answer.

Jiang Bai gently opened the packaging of the gift box.

All the reporters involuntarily leaned forward to see what was in the box.

Jiang Bai put his hand into the box and stopped suddenly, smiling more intensely.

"This is actually a gift from today's host to the two newlyweds. Are you really curious about what's inside?"

Everyone swallowed nervously, waiting for Jiang Bai to reveal the secret. .

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