Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 152 The Birth Of Stie Ji

Jiang Bai slowly opened the entire gift box, revealing a bracelet that radiated a slight blue fluorescence throughout.

All the reporters stared at the blue bracelet and guessed its purpose.

The audience in front of the screen watched Jiang Bai slowly take out the bracelet from the box with expectant faces.

Everyone is guessing the meaning of this bracelet.

What is the meaning of the gift given out on such a grand occasion?

What's more, in this era of advanced information, the whole world knows that Jiang Bai is accompanied by two goddesses every time he appears, and some people speculate that he is the so-called God.

Some people also speculate that Jiang Bai is also a high-ranking deity who just came to the world to play in the mountains and rivers.

What exactly would a gift from such a character represent?

Jiang Bai's smile is even brighter: "This love spanning seventy years will finally bring a perfect ending today.

"I was moved by their unwavering loyalty, so today, I am giving them a special gift of seventy years of love."

"This bracelet is my carefully chosen gift."

"There is nothing in this world that proves the continuation of love more than owning the crystallization of one's own love.

"Today, my gift will fulfill their wish and continue their love forever, life after life forever!!"

Jiang Bai gently grabbed one of Steve's hands, and gently put the bracelet on Steve.

In a burst of blue light, Steve's skin gradually became fair and delicate, his short brown hair gradually grew longer, his Adam's apple disappeared, his chest gradually swelled, his waist began to slim, and his buttocks began to show charming arcs.

The blue light dissipated.

In the eyes of people all over the world, there appeared a beautiful woman with long brown hair, delicate and shiny skin, protruding from the front and curling up from the back.

"Congratulations Steve, today you fulfilled your wish and can finally become a real wife and real mother!!"

Jiang Bai raised his hands and shouted loudly, as if he wanted to tell everyone in the world about it.




Everyone present covered their mouths in surprise, their eyes waiting to watch Steve's change.

"Turned into a woman!!!!"

"What an amazing gift!!!!"

The reporters couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even Stark and Pepper, the two people who organized the wedding, were surprised.

Shi Stark only knew that Jiang Bai told him that this blue bracelet called Kempfa could change a person's gender, but only temporarily, so he asked Shi Stark to find him and give Bucky the big memory recovery technique by the way. The Pufa bracelet is transformed into a permanent shape.

Seeing the changes in Steve, even Stark, a seasoned veteran, couldn't help swallowing.

The effect of the Kempfa bracelet is really amazing. If Steve hadn't transformed in front of everyone, no one would be able to connect the current Steve with the previous one.

This is simply an artifact for anyone who wants to switch genders.

People all over the world were stunned at this moment.

Looking at Steve's seductive appearance, no one could believe that he was a strong and strong man just a second ago.

Natasha Romanoff, who was still choking up, was so shocked that she no longer knew how to wipe her tears, and the tears and snot began to trickle down her face and onto her clothes.

Even Hulk opened his mouth wide in surprise, his face blank.

Everyone witnessed a miracle at this moment.

Since then, there will be no more Steve Luo Jies in the world.

Only Stiej.

Their captain of the country turned into a goddess of the country right in front of their eyes.

Even Bucky, who was sweating nervously, suddenly started to swallow when he saw Steve.

When everyone in the world reacted, the clothes on everyone's chest were all stained with saliva.

The reporters present hurriedly wiped the saliva from their mouths with their hands, took pictures and added you to remember this moment forever.

Nick Fury, who sat at the end, stood up and watched in shock.

He really didn't expect that today's protagonists are actually Steve and Bucky, let alone that Shi Stark and Jiang Bai can do such a mouth-watering thing

Nick Fury thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how to describe what happened today, so he could only swallow the saliva in his mouth involuntarily.

Jiang Bai was already happy in his heart, looking at Steve who suddenly transformed into a girl in front of him, hoped that she would like his current image, definitely hoped that she would not change her face when the aunt came.

The transformation of the Kempfa bracelet was originally time-sensitive, but Jiang Bai specially asked Shi Stark and Yan to transform it. Now this transformation will become permanent, and unless Steve cuts off his arm, he will never think about it. Take the bracelet off.

Steve watched the changes in himself in shock, and even the nervousness and fear were suppressed by the shock for a moment.

Looking at Jiang Bai with pleading eyes.

Jiang Bai put Steve's hand back on Bucky's with a smile on his face and said:

"I declare!!! From today, Steve Luo Jies, Bucky Barnes, under the witness of the gods, and under the witness of the people of the world, will stay together forever and ever! "!"

"Steve, Bucky, the gods are always watching you!!"

"Give birth to a precious son early, both sons and daughters, full of children and grandchildren!!!!"

Jiang Bai's voice slowly spread to everyone's ears, whether it was a reporter or photographer on the scene, or an audience watching on mobile phones or computer TVs.

At this moment, Jiang Bai sent his blessings and blessed the couple with the blessings of the gods.

Time flowed slowly and came to an end.

However, the shock never left everyone's heart.

They are sure that they will never forget today's wedding in this life, and it will always be kept in their memory. The two goddesses are the concierge, and the big angel with seven wings is the witness.

As a gift from Jiang Bai, Steve transformed into a beautiful woman in public.

One pile after another, all things fermented a little bit.

In this dark night, people began to yearn for it.

The women began to look forward to the return of the gods to participate in their future weddings. The elder Angel will bring the most sincere blessings, and the sky will be full of white and blood-red petals.

The men also began to yearn for, yearning for a beautiful woman like Stikie as a wife. When they thought that the symbol of the bald eagle could share the same bed with them, every man's heart began to surge with enthusiasm.

Every reporter lamented in his heart that this may be the most glorious moment in his life. No matter how big the event will be in the future, it is impossible to be more sensational and shocking than Captain America marrying a god as a concierge and host.

As the wedding came to an end, every reporter couldn't help feeling sad.

Since then, there has been no news comparable to today.

Jiang Bai suddenly became depressed when he saw the humble reporter, and he didn't understand it, but he still had the consciousness of being a host.

"..Thank you for coming, thank you for your testimony, let us remember this moment forever!!"

"Thank you for participating in today's wedding. Now I announce that the ceremony is over. Please take care of yourself. We have prepared banquets and dinners for you. Please don't be restrained!!!

Jiang Bai's voice drew everyone's attention back from reverie (Zhao's).

All the people immersed in reverie were pulled back to reality.

Everyone looked at Jiang Bai who walked off the stage with deep regret, and supported each other to see Steve and Bucky who disappeared before their eyes.


Everyone couldn't believe it, why was this wedding so short?

Why can't they continue to immerse themselves in beauty?

Shi Stark hurriedly walked to Jiang Bai's side and asked secretly: "What should I do next?"

Jiang Bai rubbed his stiff cheeks with a smile and said: "As Steve's friends, we are half-family members. You go to toast the reporters, and then arrange for Steve and Bucky to enter the bridal chamber. As the host, I definitely go to rub Eat and drink!"

Turning around, Jiang Bai pushed Shi Stark away, pulled Yan and Hela to find a place specially reserved for them, and began to eat and drink.

Today Jiang Bai felt very refreshed, inexplicably happy in his heart, very happy, as if he had accomplished a great event and fulfilled a wish.

As soon as they heard that it was time to eat, the minions and werewolves all over the floor immediately had fun and ran around the banquet hall.

Added a little joy to the quiet atmosphere. .

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