Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 173: Congratulations To Stiki For Giving Birth To The Demon King! ! !

Just when Jiang Bai was making excuses for himself, Trask made the next move.

Trask lightly traced blood-red magic runes on Steve's belly with his nails.

Steve's eyes widened, sweat dripping down his face.

Connect all the tiny runes into a huge amounts of magic circle.

Trask lifted Steve up and gently lowered him into the dirty pool behind him.

Floating on the surface of the water are soaked whitish bats, soaked toads, strange branches, and even human skeletons.

Steve was lowered into the water, bubbling and sinking to the bottom.

When the bubbles stopped churning, Steve slowly floated up from the bottom again.

The runes on the belly glowed dark red, and the belly swelled rapidly like a balloon filled with excess gas, as if it would burst at any moment.

Steve's expression was ferocious and painful, and the tears flowed like a burst bank, washing the sewage on his face into traces.

Huge amounts of belly, as if another monster was about to come out, and big bags started to bulge out non-stop.

The big bag appears and disappears for a while, and the belly is like a balloon that is inflated for a while and then suffocated for a while, constantly changing between inflating and deflation.

The big bag is bulging, and you can even see that there seems to be a baby that has already formed in the stomach, and it is being rubbed out with your own hands and feet.



Steve kept screaming.

Jiang Bai and the others remained motionless in mid-air, continuing to watch what would happen next.

Even the Ancient One magician is not in a hurry to destroy this Trask, and is waiting for the master behind Trask to come.

Everyone tacitly decided to solve this Trask once and for all. Definitely Jiang Bai wants more. He thinks that Hela has two dimensions of hell, and maybe he can collect more hell dimensions.

Who can resist the fun of collecting cards? And collecting a dimension of hell that is more valuable than plastic cards.

The blue veins on Steve's neck were bulging, and the roots of the blood vessels were clearly visible, bearing unimaginable pain.

His eyes began to slacken, and even the sweat had dried up.

Trask looked at Steve's state, and took out a cloth bag from an old box beside him.

Slowly opened the cloth bag and took out a broken spear, or the spearhead.

The spear was stained with traces of bright red blood. The blood was fresh and gorgeous as if it had just been stained. The blood looked so fresh that it could drip down at any time.

Trask flapped his wings and flew right over Steve's stomach.

He stabbed the spear in his hand fiercely.

"Pfft!! Stabbing!!!"

No blood, no wailing, not even Steve struggling.

The spear squeaked as if it had been pierced into an old piece of leather, and Steve's belly was cut wide and long.

Inside the belly was a hideous looking baby with sharp horns on its head and huge amounts of fangs on its mouth. The whole body was like a mummy that had just been drained of water, with dry muscles and slender (bbbb) bones.

If it wasn't for the baby moving, everyone would have thought Steve was really stuffed with a freshly made mummy.

Gently, Trask rewrapped the spear in a rag and held it in his mouth, gently lifted the baby out of Steve's stomach, and bathed it in the filthy water of the swimming pool.


Steve took a deep breath, as if he felt relieved, even the face that had been grim because of the huge amounts of pain began to relax.

The blue veins and blood vessels on the neck gradually calmed down, and he looked at the Trask on his head with a little dull eyes [the lips pursed and finally he still didn't have the strength to say anything.

Steve's belly miraculously healed gradually until even the huge amounts of wounds were gone, and the flat stomach seemed natural.

Watching Jiang Bai amazed again and again, it seems that there is no need to think of a way to save Steve's life.

"Should we go congratulate Steve, no, Stikie had a successful caesarean section and gave birth to a mummy?" Jiang Bai's bad taste suddenly broke out and pulled Yan to go down to congratulate Steve.

Ancient One magician quickly blocked Jiang Bai with a folding fan and said: "It's not yet the time, the master behind this Trask has possessed this baby, and it hasn't fully descended yet."

Several people stayed in place again, waiting for Trask's master to arrive.

I was very excited. It turned out that the coming of the devil king of hell was born.

Even Jiang Bai is wondering if other demon kings or hell lords can lay eggs and hatch their own offspring like Piccolo.

You can also use eggs to satisfy your hunger when you are hungry.

Trask doused the mummy-like baby with filthy water.

Slowly fly to the ground next to the swimming pool and put the baby down gently.

Kneeling down on one knee, reopening the cloth bag hanging from his mouth, taking out the spear, pointing it at his chest


poked in.

Dark red blood gurgled out, and he picked up the baby and pressed it to the place where he kept bleeding.

The baby showed a ferocious appearance [opened its mouth wide and kept swallowing the dark red blood that flowed out.

Baby grows a serving with every sip swallowed.

"Gulu! Gulu!!"

The only sound left in the abandoned hotel is the sound of babies drinking Trask's blood.

The silence was eerie.

"Grunts!! Grunts!!!"

Trask's whole body dried quickly, and the baby's size had grown to the size of a four or five-year-old child.

Jiang Bai secretly blew on the air-dried Trask, and Trask turned into dust like quicksand blown by the wind.


The spear held by Trask fell to the ground.

Just when everyone thought it was time for the devil to come, after all, Trask's mission seemed to be completed, and everyone was even afraid of his failure [did not dare to interfere with this Trask.

However, what is surprising is that the baby, who was already as big as a four or five-year-old child, suddenly returned to the appearance of a normal child.

Chubby and chubby sat on the ground and began to cry loudly.

If he hadn't seen him sucking Trask dry and the blood all over his body now, he would have thought this was someone's lost brat.

Jiang Bai hurriedly turned around and asked Ancient One magician: "What? What's the situation? Could it be that the devil thinks it's not good to come now, and has returned to hell?"

The Ancient One magician is probably the most knowledgeable here, let alone the evil Mephista spirit [when she is bored, she uses astral projection and Time Gem to travel the multi-universe of various dimensions.

Even if you are in a hurry, you can summon countless Mephistas from other dimensions to fight together.

Only the Ancient One magician can explain clearly what happened now.

The Ancient One magician folded the folding fan and said: "He is calling for his mother now, and the last procedure of coming has not yet been completed. He needs to infect his whole body with the mother's blood in this body to cut off the dimension of hell, so that he will not If you belong to the dimension of hell, you will belong to this world.”

"In this way, he can not only ensure the integrity of his own strength, but also no longer be bound by the power of hell."

As soon as he talked about the bondage of hell power, Jiang Bai thought of Sephiroth's blazing Angel form.

But even if Sephiroth upgrades to the blazing angel form, he can even summon meteorites to summon supernova explosions, but as long as Hela is still the lord of hell, the authority of hell still rests with Hela, and Sephiroth has no choice but to be impotent and furious.

It doesn't matter how many times he challenges Hela.

The power of the dimension always favors the destiny's children and the lucky ones.

Didn't Dormammu somehow discover a dark dimensional space without a master and then abandon the body that became the dimension Mephista?

Even if the Ancient One magician is holding the Time Gem in his hand, and the great Mephista of the Trinity of Vishan Emperor is standing behind him, he can only steal Dormammu's power and use it, but there is no way to really destroy Dormammu.

Steve heard the sound of the child crying, and the dull eyes regained their brilliance.

The body can move again.

She climbed out of the swimming pool and walked towards the crying baby step by step, untiing her filthy clothes little by little, one by one still on the ground.

Yan quickly pressed Jiang Bai's eyes, and Pepper also quickly pressed Shi Stark's eyes.

The current Steve is a big beauty with a protruding front and back, and a big beauty who is still undressing.

Not the tight-fitting Captain America of old.

Jiang Bai was amused, if I really wanted to see it, I could cover my eyes with you?

However, Jiang Bai quickly grabbed the little sister's hand and said: "My little sister's hand is so warm, I can feel my heart beating faster!!".

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