Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 174 This Word Is Used Well, So Don't Use It In The Future

Seeing the movements of Yan and Pepper, Natasha Romanoff quickly covered the eyes of the thirteenth sister in her arms.

To prevent the thirteen sisters from being frightened.

But she is a little careless. Is Thirteenth Sister a real human child? She is a werewolf. Despite her cute appearance, she may be hundreds of years old, just like Dracula's daughter Mavis who is only 118 years old. Like the coming-of-age ceremony, the thirteenth sister who was born from Mavis has this kind of harmless appearance.

When Mavis held her coming-of-age ceremony, Thirteenth Sister still looked harmless to humans and animals.

Dracula probably couldn't remember exactly how old Thirteenth Sister was, not to mention that Thirteenth Sister was with vampires, werewolves, skeletons, and Frankensteins who could be torn apart all day long.

Not to mention that a demon can scare her, even if the demon lays an egg, she may invite her friends to rush up to see if the egg is good to eat or not.

Stark was obediently held by Pepper's eyes, but he suddenly asked a very constructive question.

"Ste...Ji, what kind of demon king is going to be bathed in blood, if she also becomes a mummy like that Trask, and is blown into dust flying everywhere by the wind, shall we still Want to help revive it?"

Stark didn't really want to come to save Steve, if Bucky didn't find Stark on his father's head and begged him, he wouldn't want to come, don't talk about demons, what can Hell Invasion do, it can stop me from killing me~ The power of the star cannon?

At that time, it will be a good time to test whether the Star Destroyer, which has been changed to a lower power by Tom, can really blow up Oceania in one shot.

The Ancient One magician kept fiddling with the folding fan in his hand and said: "It's okay, I just used the power of the Time Gem to set Steve's time to a cycle, and she can't die. "But I need to experience some pain before the devil really comes."

"In other words, keep bleeding dry to die and then resurrect and bleed again. You won't really die."

Ancient One magician is an understatement.

Everyone was horrified.

Jiang Bai hurriedly complained: "That's right, this word is used really well, magician, I suggest you don't use this word next time or you will be beaten!!'

If it wasn't for the fear of applauding too loudly and disturbing the arrival of some demon king, Jiang Bai couldn't help but hasten to chirp to Ancient One magician's speech.

As expected of a boss who often wanders on the timeline, he is so calm, so calm, life and death are not in his eyes.

But it seems like Steve is the one feeling the pain.

Steve slowly took off all his clothes, revealing fair and delicate skin, and a plump and human body.

Slowly walked up to this child who looked like a baby but was actually a devil and squatted down slowly.

Gently pick up the spear that fell on the ground and put it on his thick and soft front armor, bit by bit.

The sharp point of the spear dug into Steve's body.

The bright red blood flowed down the spear, staining Steve's fair skin red, revealing a strange attraction.

The baby who was still howling loudly stopped his voice when he smelled the smell of blood, wobbled and struggled to stand up, with a weird smile on his face.

The blood flowed like a clear spring, staining the ground red, and the little baby hugged Steve stepping on the red blood.

Suddenly he opened his bloody mouth and bit down on Steve's chest.

"Grunt!! Grunt!! Grunt!!"

Steve's fair skin became fairer, and his originally bright red lips began to pale and crack due to excessive blood loss.

The whole person began to shrink little by little, the fair skin began to be gray and cracked, the muscles began to shrink, the water in the body began to decrease, and gradually turned into a mummy.

It was pitch black in front of Jiang Bai, Yan didn't give him a chance to take a peek, so he asked impatiently: "Is it all right, is it all right, what kind of devil is this, why is it so troublesome to descend to the earth, didn't the Trask just now be killed by him with a few mouthfuls?" Drained the blood? How come Steve is silent now and can hear the gurgling?"

"It's not even a minute yet! You can't help it?" Yan said with a smirk.

"How is it possible? I just feel that although your hand is warm and soft, Miss Sister, it's not good to hold it all the time. It's so tiring. Don't I feel distressed?"

"Oh, when you said you were tired, my arms cramped and I couldn't even move my hands!!"

Jiang Bai quickly grabbed Yan's hand and said while fucking, "Look at you, why are you so careless, quickly put your hand down and let me press it for you!!"

Shi Stark, who was standing on the side, couldn't help it: "You two forgot to spread the dog food in the morning, didn't you, and you ran to review your homework? We are now watching the arrival of the devil, can you two be a little more self-conscious and professional? "

"Why are you talking so much?"

"What? Are you envious, jealous or guilty? Did you do something shameful behind Pepper's back? Otherwise, why did you react so violently?" Jiang Bai was idle and bored, and Stark sent him to his door up.

How can you let him go at this time.

"If you are envious, you can learn from me. Pepper is right next to you. Tell her. If you don't tell me, how will you know what you are thinking? Don't hesitate, big man, take out yours and use it. ,face bravely......."

blah blah blah, Jiang Bai blah blah blah blah, blah blah.

Shi Stark only felt that he was in pain, so he quickly put his hands on his ears.

Yan also felt dizzy when he heard it, and quickly covered Jiang Bai's mouth with his other hand.

The voices of mortals stopped abruptly.

Steve, who had turned into a mummified corpse, was blown away by the wind leaking in from the hotel, turning into a cloud of dust and drifting away.

And this four- or five-year-old who had drunk enough blood suddenly let out a deep and hoarse laughter: "Hahahahahaha!!!"

The body size rapidly increased, and the blood contaminated on the body was quickly absorbed by the skin.

ask for flowers

In an instant, it turned into a man over three meters tall, with two horns on his head, bat-like wings on his back, and a long tail with sharp edges and corners like an arrow

Muscles all over his body, his whole body exudes a strong sulfur smell, and four long fangs leak out of his mouth.

"Hahahaha!!! Eh?"

Smiling and laughing, he suddenly stopped.

Because Steve, who had turned to dust, suddenly began to slowly reappear.

Without warning, Steve reappeared in front of the demon.

It is still in its original state without any damage, and its skin is as fair as snow and its face is pretty.

Squatting down slowly, he picked up the spear on the ground and stabbed it at his chest little by little.

Blood flowed again.

The ground was once again stained red.

The whole scene was so eerie and terrifying that even the devil was stunned.

The demon rubbed his eyes with his paws, watching what was going on in front of him.


Ancient One magician's spell was silent, even the demon king in hell didn't notice anything, he could only watch Steve in front of him repeating the act of stabbing himself with a spear

Then turn into a mummy and be blown away by the wind, and repeat the steps of reviving Steve and continuing to pick up the spear.

This demon king who just descended from hell to the world is now covered with sweat, no matter how slow his reaction is, he knows that he is definitely not the only one here.

Someone stronger than him is here to play with him, constantly provoking his nervous nerves.

The Ancient One magician stood in mid-air with a slight smile on his face.

I am preparing to deal with this devil who does not know which dimension of hell has escaped now.

Suddenly, snow-white feathers began to scatter in the sky, and a dazzling light rose, as if something sacred appeared.

Ancient One magician waved his hand to cast the mirror space, and found everyone in it.

"Mammon!! What are you still hesitation??"

Gabriel flapped his wings and landed slowly in front of Mammon, he didn't notice Steve who had turned into dust again and Jiang Bai and others who were shrouded in mirror space by Ancient One magician.

"I helped you out of hell, not for you to be in a daze!!"

"This world is already filthy and unsightly, you are my choice to clean it up!!"

Mammon finally came to his senses when Gabriel yelled at him. He thought that the person who kept resurrecting, disappearing and resurrecting in front of him was Gabriel's intentional warning to him.

"Gabriel! Didn't you think that God would intervene to stop it?" Mammon looked at Gabriel, trying to make her voice less nervous.

Although Mamen is a well-known demon king in hell, what he is facing now is.

In the hand is the horn of doomsday.

God's messenger.

The Great Angel of Heaven.

The legendary Asgardian of Eden.

No matter which title, Mammon can't match it. .

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