Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 181 Gabriel Will Have An Indefinite Future!

The Ancient One magician looked at Jiang Bai with a smile, and Jiang Bai thought that the Ancient One magician was going to say something nice about him.

Unexpectedly, Ancient One magician kicked Jiang Bai out of the mirror space.

Jiang Bai only felt the scene in front of him change.

Originally, in the mirror space, you could only see rolling yellow sand and low-flowing magma, and there were criss-crossing rifts everywhere. It was similar to watching TV, except for watching the picture and listening to the sound, there was nothing special.

The moment Jiang Bai was kicked out of the mirror space by the Ancient One magician, his face was covered with sand, and it was still full of sulfurous hot sand.


Jiang Bai stood up, posed a pose, twisted his neck and shouted: "Cloud Pai Zhang!!!"

As soon as the posture was set, the voice had already been shouted, but the cloud-dispelling palm hadn't been used yet. The rolling yellow sand in the sky suddenly stagnated, and was instantly swept away by huge amounts of sound waves, and the rumbling disappeared instantly with overwhelming momentum.

Even Gabriel, who was standing proudly in the sky, was directly blown away by the sound waves, and kept spinning in the air.

The shout of huge amounts of spread throughout Alaska in an instant, and it was not known whether it was thousands of miles or tens of thousands of kilometers, because all the people shrouded in darkness heard the thunder-like shout in their ears.

Everyone has just experienced the blinding white light, and now there are thunderous shouts in their ears.

Everyone began to feel that they might have reached the end of their lives.

The call of the kingdom of heaven has already begun to ring in my ears.

Everyone involuntarily began to pray silently, waiting for the arrival of the end of life.

As for why Jiang Bai put on a pose and shouted, isn’t it all about putting on a handsome pose when fighting on TV?

And Jiang Bai also has a passive, the louder the shout, the stronger the attack power.

Jiang Bai has never used this passive to attack, and definitely wants to try the effect.

The result is very satisfying, he hasn't attacked yet, the pure sound wave has swept away the yellow sand all over the sky, and it doesn't know where the sand will fly to any unlucky place.

Gabriel kept rolling in the air, and managed to stabilize his figure with difficulty.

Looking at Jiang Bai in front of him and the people behind him slowly coming out of the mirror space, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"You... you... how could you?"

"How could it be safe and sound under my attack?"

"Even if you have the space ability, you can't avoid my attack. My attack is obviously locked, how can you escape???"

It’s impossible for Jiang Bai to ask this question, and he doesn’t know. Since it is a mandatory locked ability, how can Ancient One magician still open the mirror space?

No matter how powerful Ancient One magician was, it was not several times stronger than Gabriel. At most, the two were evenly tied and no one could do anything to them.

The power of Ancient One magician lies in her various weird magic and space time ability, originally her attack power and defense power are not that powerful.

And Gabriel's attack power has definitely reached the level of the Lord of Hell, which means that Gabriel's strength has definitely reached the level of Mephista in those dimensions.

Even the Time Gem in Ancient One magician's hand can't solve Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, let alone Gabriel, who is at the same level as Dormammu.

"I changed the time in advance, and her attack came after I used the mirror space first." Ancient One magician was not surprised that Gabriel would ask this question, and gave the answer directly.

Jiang Bai spread his hands: "Look, now you know, how about you have the ability of the big sword falling from the sky?"

"Hmph!! You're going to die no matter what!!!!" Gabriel suddenly rushed to Jiang Bai, raised his giant sword and chopped it down.


Jiang Bai punched Gabriel on the nose and imitated SpongeBob SquarePants and said, "It's so scary!!"

"Heavenly Double Fist!!!"


Jiang Bai directly grabbed Gabriel's arm with one hand, and punched Gabriel's nose bone with the other hand.

This punch took two to three points of strength.

With a bang, Gabriel's face sank instantly, and with a click, the entire neck was bent at ninety degrees, and the entire head was bent directly to the back.

The frost condensed quickly, freezing Gabriel directly into an ice sculpture.

"Come on, Shi Stark gives you a chance to use your Star Destroyer Cannon!!!"

Although Jiang Bai broke Gabriel's neck and even sealed it with ice, he still didn't dare to let go of Gabriel.

Gabriel is different from Yan, Yan is actually equivalent to transforming people into a form that is constantly upgraded, and Gabriel is actually an envoy created by God with energy.

The state of Gabriel is more similar to that of the nine-tailed beasts. In fact, there is no real shape and appearance. Even the state of having six wings on its back is actually imagined by people.

When a kind-hearted person sees Gabriel, Gabriel's form is divine, hazy and approachable.

People with evil thoughts in their hearts see Gabriel, and Gabriel's form is majestic and frightening.

In the eyes of Jiang Bai, Yan, Hela and Ancient One magician, Gabriel is actually a big white ball that glows.

In Pepper's eyes, Gabriel is the real legendary six-winged figure.

In Stark's eyes, Stark didn't see with his eyes at all, he relied on J.A.R.V.I.S to image him, and J.A.R.V.I.S sent him processed images, so Stark saw Gabriel similarly to Pepper.

Otherwise, the transformation of Shi Stark's battle armor is either more than 80 meters or 156 meters. Shi Stark's overall height is more than one meter, and he is not as big as a toe after the transformation of the battle armor. How could he stretch his neck to observe? As for the enemy's situation, he only knows where the target is by relying on J.A.R.V.I.S to control the imaging of various optical instruments on the armor.

It is actually quite difficult to really destroy Gabriel. You can only disperse all her energy in an instant to make her disappear, or fire her boss.

But in fact, neither can be done, even if all the energy of Gabriel is scattered, she will be resurrected in the Angel transformation pool in heaven, but when to resurrect depends on how much her boss gives her. Energy up.

If his boss, God, is not at home, it is estimated that it will be difficult to run out and make trouble every tens of thousands of years relying on the energy of Angel's transformation pool.

Stark limped out little by little, squatted on the ground and began to transform.

The battle armor kept getting bigger and bigger while sparking and creaking.

Transformed into a giant of more than 100 meters, the star destroyer on the back slowly aimed at Gabriel's position.

"Stand still and don't move, I'm aiming, it's about to start!!"

"Are you aiming at me!!"

"Hela, give me the sword!"

Jiang Bai caught Hela's black sword flying over, thrust it into Gabriel's body that was frozen into an ice lump, and easily broke her hand to take away the giant sword that was better than the flame sword.

In this way, Gabriel looks like a frozen headless Angel from the front, with a black sword stuck in his body and suspended in the air.

450 "Go!!"

The Star Destroyer began to recharge continuously, and the Ark energy sources on Stark began to go out one by one, and some directly exploded due to battle damage.

Huge amounts of blue energy balls began to gather on the mouth of the star destroyer.


It sounded like the kid was blowing on the arm, not shocking at all.

huge amounts of blue energy column instantly submerged Gabriel's body.

The energy dissipated, leaving only dots of white fluorescence in the sky, and Gabriel had disappeared.

"Okay, let's invite the next guest!!" Jiang Bai turned around and picked up Mamen, the legendary demon king.

From the beginning to the present, Mamen has never shown that he looks like a demon king, and even feels that he is not as courageous as an ordinary demon.

"Now it's your turn. Do you summon the gate of hell now, or do you go to hell like Gabriel now?"

At this moment, the sky suddenly began to appear bright, not the white light from Gabriel, but the light of the sun.

"Huh? Natasha Romanoff took down that metal planet?"

Everyone looked up and saw that the huge metal planet that covered the sky and the sun had begun to slowly fall apart. It was wrong, because it was too far away, so it looked like it was slowly falling apart.

The sun's rays re-scatter the world through the cracks of the planet.

Those who feel the light seem to stand up and look around for the source of the light. The light is soft and warm, as if it brings hope to life.

Even those who were blinded by Gabriel gradually found that the crying and howling voices around them gradually disappeared, and they couldn't help asking loudly: "Could it be that the gate of the kingdom of heaven has opened?".

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