Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 182 Megatron Finally Hit The Street

"No, the doomsday is over, and we welcome a new life!!"

Those whose eyes were not blinded by Gabriel stood up one after another, looking at the huge metal planet that was torn apart in the sky.

A ray of warm and warm sunlight shines on the earth and the people like beams of hopeful light.

Like a lighthouse that breaks through the fog, it brings peace of mind.

More and more sunlight penetrated huge amounts of metal planets, presenting a spectacular sight in the sky like a waterfall of light.

More and more people stood up, holding each other to feel the warmth sprinkled on their faces.

"Yeah, the end is over, we welcome a new life!!!!"

"The end is over!!"

"The end is over!!!"

"I survived!!"

"We survived!!!"

The crowd cheered one after another, and everyone couldn't help crying, never feeling that the sun is so important.

That kind of warm, stable and peaceful light shines on everyone.

The wind gently blew the clouds and scattered them little by little. At this moment, the darkness in everyone's hearts was dispelled by the warm light.

Sure enough, it was Natasha Romanoff who flew to the location of the metal planet when Stark and Gabriel were fighting to settle the matter.

And it seems that the speed of action is much faster than the rookie Shi Stark. Now the planet has begun to fall apart, and it is estimated that it will be completely dismantled soon.

After Jiang Bai turned back and flew to Earth, Natasha Romanoff traveled in space by herself, feeling extremely happy.

Now she can clearly feel that she is full of strength, and the speed of sight and hearing has increased by an unknown number of times.

Even robots on metal planets that are so far away as tens of thousands of kilometers away can see clearly.

The current self can blow the past self into ashes as long as he blows lightly.

Thinking of this, Natasha Romanoff suddenly thought that Jiang Bai could exhale to freeze everything, Natasha Romanoff suddenly stopped, and found a small meteorite closest to him and exhaled lightly.

The small meteorite that was rapidly traveling through the universe stopped instantly and began to condense frost. It should not be said that it was frozen instantly, but just because there was a little saliva in the breath of Natasha Romanoff, a huge amounts of meteorite was frozen. Living.

The corners of Natasha Romanoff's mouth curled up slightly. Although Jiang Bai spoke in a nasty way, either because she walked like a duck or because she was a dish, and she had a bad and naughty personality like a child, but she was still very good to her friends.

The power Natasha Romanoff obtained is real, and it feels so good to have power, as if her destiny is in her own hands.

If Jiang Bai knew that Natasha Romanoff felt that she was in control of her own destiny, she would definitely laugh at her directly.

Obviously the power is given by me, and the fate should also be in my hands.

However, the Ability obtained by Natasha Romanoff is basically a copy of Jiang Bai Superman Ability, except that it cannot absorb sunlight and become stronger. Basically, Natasha Romanoff has all the Abilities that Jiang Bai has.

The current combat power is estimated to be almost the same as that big-faced girl Captain Marvel.

Maybe even better than Captain Marvel.

It should be able to resist the main gun of the space battleship with the body, and smash the space battleship directly with the iron head.

After Natasha Romanoff tested her Ability, she turned her head and flew towards the huge amounts of metal planet.

Although she is no longer a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, she has worked hard for world peace for so many years, and her dedication still drives her to be a hero

Jiang Bai is actually not interested in what Natasha Romanoff has done, but when watching the Avengers alliance, he was alone from the beginning to the end, and finally had to sacrifice himself in an unknown corner of the universe, for the sake of Exchange for Soul Gem.

Since there is Ability to help Natasha Romanoff change a little fate, let's help, there is no one in this world who has to owe anyone.

The entire Marvel story is actually a movie with a strong sense of heroism and personal color.

Completely ignoring the strength and will of ordinary people, ordinary people are not even considered background boards in front of these heroes.

However, the reality is that ordinary people always have the most powerful power, and all real heroes are ordinary people who sacrifice their lives with this indomitable will.

Natasha Romanoff Full Speed ​​Flight left only a flash in the universe for a split second before suddenly appearing on the surface of huge amounts of metal planets.

Megatron also taught Starscream a smug face that he should learn his mind instead of always thinking about running for his life.

"Fallen King Kong is so unbearable, it's a pity that he is still one of the supreme beings, and he was defeated by humans!!"

"Fortunately, I was prepared and didn't tell the Fallen King Kong that the natural enemies had already defected to the Decepticons!!"

"His Majesty Megatron is far-sighted!! The sun that destroyed the earth must gain enough energy to repair our planet!!" Starscream's stiff metal face actually showed a flattering expression.

And behind him stands a never-before-seen shapeshifting King Kong.

Tall and deep-eyed.

This is Yu Natural Enemy, once the teacher of Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots.

However, when he found that no matter how he fought, he could not defeat the Decepticons, he wavered.

Watching his mother star gradually fall into silence, the whole planet began to decay.

At this moment, he realized that both the Decepticons and the Autobots are shapeshifting king kong, and it doesn't matter which side wins, as long as it can save its own planet, Yu Natural Enemy is willing to work as a bull for any side.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Megatron fled quickly and found the sleeping Yu Natural Enemy.

wake him up.

Yu Tiandi is the only one in the entire shapeshifting King Kong who still has enough knowledge to pass on. Because of the war between the Decepticons and the Autobots, he chose to escape from his home planet, but before he escaped, he wore a mask on his spaceship that can transform the entire home planet. Summoned teleportation device.

It can only be said that some well-known cosmic races will use space technology, and the Kirita people still need Loki to open the door with the Space gem, which is really a shame.

Megatron looked at the tall figure in front of him and asked, "How long before we can reach Earth?"

"Master Megatron, at our speed, it will take about 20 minutes to enter the vicinity of the earth, but with the quality and file size of our planet, it can already affect the earth's tide here."

"A little closer, there will be floods, volcanic eruptions, violent movement of continental plates and other phenomena on the earth. When we really reach the outer periphery of the earth, the human beings on it will basically die."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Suddenly, a voice that had never appeared before appeared in the minds of all the Decepticons.

Natasha Romanoff originally wanted to hear what plans these robots could have, but when she heard that as long as the metal planet kept approaching, various natural disasters would occur on the earth, she couldn't wait any longer and started to interject.

"Meet the enemy!!!!"

"Meet the enemy!!!!"

Megatron stood up with a swipe, and instantly transformed into a battle form.

Starscream hurriedly turned around and ran away secretly. Those who can directly appear on the metal planet must be people he can't afford, and the most important thing is to save his life.

Yu Tiandi stood there in a daze without any reaction, because he didn't know how to respond, why did he meet the enemy just by asking a question?

All the Decepticons who received the order quickly changed their fighting forms and activated their defensive weapons to prepare for battle.

Natasha Romanoff was hanging in the air waiting for them to prepare, because Natasha Romanoff also wanted to try her other abilities.

Dozens of huge amounts of cannons rose from the metal planet and fired directly at Natasha Romanoff.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The muzzle was flickering with intense flames.

Huge amounts of cannonballs were flying all over the sky.

"You can travel between the stars and still use gunpowder weapons? Are you degenerate?"

Natasha Romanoff smiled slightly and clapped her hands together.


The crisp and huge amounts of sound instantly spread throughout the entire metal planet.

In an instant all the shells flying towards Natasha Romanoff froze in the air and were swept by the violent palm wind and would smash into the surface of the planet that was meant to be rotten.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Cannonballs smashed huge amounts of potholes on the surface of the planet, directly penetrating the overall structure of the planet and leaking out of the metal frame inside the planet.

"Energy Cannon!! Energy Cannon!!!" Megatron commanded the other Decepticons to fight back loudly.

Starscream no longer knew where to hide.

Only Yu Tiandi realized that someone was really attacking, and quickly conjured a huge amount of long knife from his arm and flew towards Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha Romanoff didn't even bat an eyelid, and slapped the huge amount of long knife on the natural enemy.

With a clang, the long knife snapped.

"Slap!!" Another slap slapped Yu Tiandi on the face.

In an instant, metal parts flew randomly, and Yu Tiandi opened his big eyes like light bulbs, and his body split into two parts with a whoosh.

The head shattered into pieces in an instant, and the body fell towards the metal planet.

"I have to say it's no wonder Jiang Bai likes to slap people's mouths, it's just cool!!"

Saying that, Natasha Romanoff disappeared into the air in an instant, and appeared directly in front of Megatron, who was constantly directing the counterattacks of other Darius Tigers.

Natasha Romanoff didn't recognize Megatron, but it didn't affect her to see that Megatron was the leader.

Grabbed Megatron by the neck.




Three consecutive blow fans hit Megatron's face, this time Natasha Romanoff didn't use much force, just to punch him.

It also seems to be venting the emotions suppressed by being an agent all these years.

"Clap clap!!!"

Parts of Megatron's face were flying around, and brown motor oil was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Struggling to conjure up the hand cannon, there was a bang at that.

Natasha Romanoff smiled as she watched the energy cannons hit her without dodging.

Like a gust of wind or someone came to massage|massage, there was no injury, only the golden hair was blown by Megatron and the energy cannon.


Natasha Romanoff crushed Megatron's right hand and said, "You know what? I've wanted to do this for ages!!"

"Being an agent has always focused on completing tasks (promises), and I have never been able to vent my emotions. I have suppressed them for a long time. Thank you for sending me to vent!!"


Megatron's left hand was pinched and shattered in an instant, his eyes shone with red light, as if he wanted to remember the blond-haired woman with such cruel means.




With a smile on her face, Natasha Romanoff pinched Megatron's neck with one hand, and kept crushing the parts of Megatron's body with the other hand.

At this moment, Natasha Romanoff laughed so deeply and did things so cruelly.

It looks as if Blacken is the same.

"This flashing thing is your life energy, right?"

Natasha Romanoff pointed to the shield on Megatron's chest that had been removed, revealing the true lifeblood of the shapeshifting King Kong.

However, Megatron did not answer, just staring at the person in front of him with scarlet eyes.

Electric sparks flickered all over his body, and brown engine oil flowed.

"Oh! Looks like it is!!"

Speaking of which, Natasha Romanoff laughed even more happily, and put his hand into Wei Tiantian's chest and said, "Goodbye, remember to cry if it hurts!!"

"Crack!" With a sound, Natasha Romanoff crushed Megatron's energy source. Megatron's body trembled a few times, and his red eyes gradually dimmed.

The leader of a generation of Decepticons was just like a doll, and was torn apart by Natasha Romanoff, a bad girl.

"Who will be the next lucky one?" Natasha Romanoff said slowly, shaking off the oil stained on her hand. .

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