Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 256 Wanda Scares Away Apocalypse's First Knight

Now Strange's heart was ups and downs. On the one hand, he was happy that his hands seemed to be able to move-on the other hand, he was also disappointed. It turned out that he had not fully healed and lost his strength, and then returned to the original state.

"Actually, I know that there is a place that can heal your hands, but not everyone can go there.

Jiang Bai paused at this point, waiting for Strange's response.

"Then, how can I go to the place you said?" Strange, who came back to his senses, finally started to ask questions according to the normal dialogue routine.

"In that place, only people with magical powers can find his location, and the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and there are few people and accidents are easy to happen.

"Then what should I do?"

Jiang Bai's face suddenly became serious: "In fact, wanting to go to the past is easy and difficult, as long as you use this transformation stick to transform and walk all the way, it is a magic item and will naturally lead you to encounter it." A place that can heal the wounds of your hand."

"Can't I take it?"

"Definitely no, no transformation means that his function has not been activated. Can you feel the difference from before? Didn't you notice that the transformation stick doesn't even emit light now?"

After Jiang Bai's careful explanation, Strange finally figured out one thing, if he didn't heal the injury on his hand, then he would be kicked out of the house due to various loans and become homeless in the next 11 days.

Jiang Bai probably told Strange about the location of Kamar-Taj, telling Strange that the entrance to Kamar-Taj can only be found after transforming.

Strange was fooled by Jiang Bai and quickly completed the discharge procedures. He started running outside the hospital with his transformation stick in his mouth, and immediately booked a plane to the village near Kamar-Taj.

Jiang Bai smiled and watched as Strange asked a friend to borrow the money for the plane ticket and went straight to the airport.

Turn around and fly to Kamar-Taj to see how Ancient One magician will train this upcoming apprentice.

On the other hand, Yan Hela and Wanda, who left Jiang Bai to travel as a team, came to the most famous and classic Golden Gate Bridge in California.

I was just about to take a photo as a souvenir, and found that there seemed to be something wrong with someone on the bridge.

As soon as he stretched out his hand towards the railing, the railing flew directly into his hand, and the cement on the bridge crumbled and fell into the river.


"Assault!! Attack!! Someone attacked the bridge! Run!!"


There was a panic on the bridge, the crowd scattered and fled, crowded and pushed, and in the blink of an eye, only Shang and a few people were left standing in place to watch the excitement.

Since he uses the experience that can control metal let's call him Magneto.

Magneto laughed: "Power!! This is what it's like to have power!!"

"Fear!! Struggle!!!"


The bridge began to shake violently, the steel cables on the bridge broke one by one, and the bridge deck began to crack with huge amounts of cracks, and the bridge was about to collapse.

A few broken steel cables swished across Wanda's head, and Wanda broke into a cold sweat instantly.

Such a thick steel cable jumping on the body can smash a person into pieces in an instant.


"That madman!!"

Wanda's shouts caught Magneto's attention.

The people on the entire bridge had already started to flee for their lives because the bridge was about to collapse, only these few people stood still.

"Are you here to stop me!"

"Whoosh!" A metal railing flew straight towards Wanda's face.

Wanda stared at the thick scarlet fog that appeared on her body, and the metal railing seemed to be erased by an eraser, and disappeared the moment it touched the scarlet fog.

Originally, Wanda just wanted to call this person to stop, telling him that doing so would be dangerous and could kill someone, but she almost hit her just now.

But Wanda still doesn't understand how eager those in this world who have just gained power are to show their strength.

After all, everyone around Wanda is very good except Pietro, who is a rookie. She simply can't understand why this person wants to tear down the bridge?

Magneto's heart trembled, he really came to stop me, huh!! You underestimated me too much, now I have strength, and I am no longer that worker who is bullied.

Yan and Hela looked at each other, both seriously smiling.

One is to laugh again. Wanda doesn’t understand the rules of the world at all. The rules of this world are that the strong respect the weak and the weak [the strong do things without a reason, everything is done according to their will.

The weak only need to surrender.

For example, Jiang Bai lost his nerve when nothing happened, and the people around him always complained, but no one was surprised.

Even if Jiang Bai suddenly wanted to tear down New York on a whim, no one dared to stand up against it, and no one even dared to ask the reason. At most, it was demolished and then rebuilt

Obviously, the man in front of him also regarded himself as a strong man, and was using his own way, that is, destruction to show his strength.

The second is laughing that someone doesn’t know me. This is really strange. Yan and Hela are much more famous than Jiang Bai, and Hela is still considered an existence that must not be provoked. This person doesn’t know them.

Could this person be someone from an alien planet who wanted to rule the world?

Wanda was so angry that she just yelled and was attacked.

Wanda's eyes were getting redder and redder, as red as a ruby ​​bulb turned on.


The entire bridge deck suddenly rose, and all the cement and asphalt collapsed immediately, and steel bars the size of a baby's wrist emerged from the inside, whizzing straight towards Wanda and Momo.


With a wave of Hela's hand, all the steel bars oncoming were instantly decayed into black residue and fell down.

Magneto saw a miss, and immediately activated the Ability to separate all the metal on the entire bridge.

A metal ball with huge amounts of hundreds of meters wide is formed in front of you.

The metal ball kept wriggling like a liquid to expel the impurities little by little, leaving only a ball of pure silver shiny metal ball.

The metal ball began to glow red, as if the entire huge amounts of the sphere were about to be melted.

Yan licked his lips and said, "Magnetism? Cutting? Friction? This guy seems to have studied physics!"


Carrying the power of wind and thunder, the red metal ball heated by magnetic cutting appeared in front of Wanda in an instant.

Wanda closed her eyes directly - the thick scarlet fog filled the entire bridge in an instant.

The almost demolished bridge began to disappear little by little in the scarlet mist.

Just like the breath on the window that was directly wiped off by hand, it disappeared without a sound, even without any residue falling,

The metal ball wrapped in the wind and thunder was also wiped away instantly, and nothing seemed to happen, except for the disappearance of a bridge across the canyon, there seemed to be no loss.

In an instant, a metal disc appeared under Magneto's feet and rose into the air to avoid the dense scarlet fog.

Yan and Hela formed an energy shield in front of 890.

Wanda closed her eyes and swayed her power recklessly, and the dense fog spread farther and farther away, just like the eraser tool on the computer software PS, erasing the river water under the surrounding bridges together.

A blank space suddenly appeared on the entire map, without sound.

Fortunately, the river under the Golden Gate Bridge cannot actually be said to be river water, but connected to sea water.

Wanda opened her eyes to stop the emission of her Ability, and the rumbling sea water rushed in and poured into the blank space erased by Wanda.

Magneto, who was stepping on a metal disc in the sky, saw everything disappearing in front of his eyes, and his back immediately broke out in cold sweat.

His Ability is massive and powerful, yet it looks so ridiculous in front of this little girl.

It directly annihilates everything silently, so that you don't even know that you are dead when death comes. This kind of ability is really amazing.

With a "whoosh", Magneto took advantage of Wanda's next attack and turned around and ran, stepping on the metal plate and flying directly to the sound of a sonic boom, using the magnetic field originally of the earth to continuously accelerate himself.

Magneto disappeared into the sky after a few soundbooms.

Yan covered his mouth and smiled lightly: "Hehehe, Wanda, look, you are the culprit who got into a fight for no reason and ran away?"

"Who knew he was so rampant just now, he would run away suddenly!" Pepper also chuckled: "Let's go, the bridge is gone, we can't watch the sunset, let's go to another place to play

After speaking, Pepper directly called Stark, and talked about everyone's travel experience. Definitely is the key point. If someone wants to lose money, let Stark tell him that the bridge is the one who can control the metal. We do not pay. .

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